Dwight Lyman Moody
Public Domain Texts
Voices From the
Church of Philadelphia
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As a voice from the past, God's mighty man raises His Standard high,
that God's Truth should not be lost in these
Last Days of deception.
"He being dead yet speaketh"
(Hebrews 11:4 ).
"THERE is no portion of Scripture I read so often as John 14.; and there is none that is more sweet to me. I never tire of reading it. Hear what our Lord says, as He pours out His heart to His disciples':
Think of the great God who created heaven and earth loving you and me...
Would to God that our puny minds could grasp this great truth, that the Father and the Son so love us that They desire to come and abide with us. Not to tarry for a night, but to come and abide in our hearts. We have another passage more wonderful still in John 17:23.
I think that is one of the most remarkable sayings that ever fell from the lips of Jesus Christ... He says that if we are trusting in Christ, the Father loves us as He loves the Son. Marvelous love! Wonderful love! That God can possibly love us as He loves His own Son seems too good to be true. Yet that is the teaching of Jesus Christ." -from "The
Way to God" ---New Window |
"After the battle of Pittsburgh Landing I was in a hospital at Murfreesboro.
In the middle of the night I was aroused and told that a man in one of the wards wanted to see me. I went to him and he called me 'chaplain'- I was not the chaplain- and said he wanted me to help him die.
And I said, 'I would take you right up in my arms and carry you into the kingdom of God if I could; but I cannot do it. I cannot help you die!'
And he said, 'Who can?'
I said, 'The Lord Jesus Christ can- He came for that purpose.'
He shook his head, and said, 'He cannot save me; I have sinned all my life.'
And I said, 'But He came to save sinners.'
I thought of his mother in the north, and I was sure that she was anxious that he should die in peace; so I resolved I would stay with him. I prayed two or three times, and repeated all the promises I could; for it was evident that in a few hours he would be gone.
I said I wanted to read him a conversation that Christ had with a man who was anxious about his soul. I turned to the third chapter of John. His eyes were riveted on me; and when I came to the 14th and 15th verses- the passage before us- he caught up the words,
He stopped me and said, 'Is that there?'
I said 'Yes.' He asked me to read it again; and I did so.
He leaned his elbows on the cot, and clasping his hands together, said, 'That's good; won't you read it again?'
I read it the third time; and then went on with the rest of the chapter. When I had finished, his eyes were closed, his hands were folded, and there was a smile on his face. Oh, how it was lit up! What a change had come over it! I saw his lips quivering, and leaning over him I heard in a faint whisper,
He opened his eyes and said, 'That's enough; don't read any more.' He lingered a few hours, pillowing his head on those two verses; and then went up in one of Christ's chariots to take his seat in the Kingdom of God." --D. L. Moody
D. L. Moody: Heaven ---New Window
Where It Is, Its Inhabitants, And How To Get
"And the city had no need of the sun,
neither of the moon to shine in it,
for the glory of the Lord did lighten it,
and the Lamb is the light thereof."
"If I understand things correctly, whenever you find men or women who are looking
to be rewarded here for doing right, they are unqualified to work for God; because
if they are looking for the applause of men, looking for reward in this life, it
will disqualify them for the service of God, because they are all the while compromising
They are afraid of hurting some one's feelings. They are afraid that some one is
going to say something against them, or there will be some newspaper articles written
against them. Now, we must trample the world under our feet if we are going to get
our reward hereafter. If we live for God we must suffer persecution. The kingdom
of darkness and the kingdom of light are at war, and have been, and will be as long
as Satan is permitted to reign in this world. As long as the kingdom of darkness
is permitted to exist, there will be a conflict, and if you want to be popular in
the kingdom of God, if you want to be popular in heaven, and get a reward that shall
last forever, you will have to be unpopular here.
If you seek the applause of men, you can't have the Lord say "Well done"
at the end of the journey. You can't have both. Why? Because this world is at war
with God." --D. L. Moody
Also, be sure to read:
God Used D. L. Moody ---New Window
Sermon by R. A. Torrey
Introduction by John R. Rice
Introduction: D. L. Moody died in the last days of the 19th century. Dr. R. A. Torrey
was probably his closest associate and friend. Dr. Torrey was the first superintendent
of the Moody Bible Institute and set up a curriculum for that Bible Institute which
has been a pattern for others like it. When Moody died, Torrey soon took worldwide
lead in great citywide campaigns in Australia, England and America. In 1923 Dr. Torrey
was asked to speak at a great memorial service on "Why God Used D. L. Moody,"
and this is that remarkable address about that amazing man, probably the greatest
man of his generation, as Dr. Torrey says.
"A great many people say
that if they keep the commandments
they do not need to be forgiven and saved through Christ.
But have you kept them?
I will admit
that if you perfectly keep the commandments,
you do not need to be saved by Christ;
but is there a man in the wide world
who can truly say that he has done this?
Young lady, can you say: '
I am ready to be weighed by the law.'?
Can you, young man?
Will you step into the scales and be weighed
one by one by the Ten Commandments?"
--D. L. Moody, from "The Ten Commandments" ---New Window
The following men each have their own sub-index:
Grandison Finney ---New Window
Haddon Spurgeon ---New Window
Edwards ---New Window (1703-1758)
Aitken Wylie ---New Window
Murray ---New Window (1828-1917)
M. Bounds ---New Window (1835-1913)
T. Pierson ---New Window (1837-1911)
D. L. Moody
(1837-1899) (this
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of Philadelphia
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