Voices From the
Church of Philadelphia
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Beloved in the Lord:
My body is so far worn and especially my organs of speech so far exhausted that I
cannot visit and preach to you orally the word of life. I therefore address you through
the press, as the most direct and effectual medium through which I can communicate
my thoughts.
I propose, the Lord willing, to address to you through the columns of "The Oberlin
Evangelist" from time to time a series of short sermons.
I. On those practical subjects that I deem most important to you and to the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. When I shall have said what I desire on those more immediately and highly practical topics, if the Lord permit, I design
II. To give you a series of sermons on some doctrinal topics, especially the moral government of God, including the atonement, and the influences of the Holy Ghost in the administration of that government.
A great many of you I know personally, and many more of
you know me with whom I have not the honor of a personal acquaintance. You do me
the honor to call me your spiritual father, and I have the unspeakable happiness
of believing that God has made me instrumental in doing you good. Such of you as
know me personally know that it is my manner to deal with great plainness
of speech and directness of address to the souls and consciences of men. You remember
that this was my manner when I was with you. That this is still the only way to do
you good I have the greatest confidence.
Now the thing that I desire to do is, so far as in me lies, to lay open before you
the very secrets of your hearts, and also to lead you to an entire renunciation of
everything that grieves the Spirit of God, to a relinquishment of selfishness, under
every form and in every degree, and to hold out before you those "exceeding
great and precious promises" whereby you may be made "partakers of the
divine nature." The conductors of this paper are willing that I should make
it the medium of spreading before you my thoughts, as the providence and Spirit of
God shall enable me. I shall give you a sermon as often as my health and other duties
will permit; and whenever you receive this paper containing one of my lectures, I
wish you to consider yourself as personally addressed by me. I wish you to read for
yourself and feel that I mean you, as much as though it were a private
communication made to you from my own pen, or as if I had a personal interview and
addressed you "face to face." If I probe you to the quick, I beg of you
not to be offended and throw the paper aside and refuse to hear me. "I beseech
you by the mercies of God," nay, I conjure you by our Lord Jesus Christ to hear
me patiently and with candor. Nay, beloved, I expect candor from you; and
many of you, I doubt not, will not only hear me with candor but with joy.
I will try to write as if I had you all before me in one great congregation, as if
I beheld your countenances and were addressing you "face to face." Nay,
I will consider you, and I desire you to consider yourselves, as in such a sense
members of my congregation as to attend statedly on my preaching. I shall take it
for granted that you read every lecture, and of course address you from time to time
as if you had candidly read and attentively considered what I had already said.
Unless I can engage you to grant me one request, I have little hope of doing you
good. And that is, as soon as you receive this communication you will make me, yourselves
and the subject of the proposed lectures subjects of earnest and constant prayer;
and that whenever you receive a paper containing one of the proposed lectures, you
go upon your knees before you read it and lay open your heart in solemn prayer before
God and to the influence of truth, and implore the aid of the Holy Spirit to make
the word to you quick and powerful. We shall all soon meet at the bar of God. I earnestly
desire to do you all the good I can while I am in the flesh; and as I do not intend
to write for your amusement but solely for your spiritual edification, will you pledge
yourselves on your knees before God to examine the truth candidly-- make a personal,
faithful and full application of it to your own hearts and lives-- and to improve
it as you will answer to God in the solemn judgment? If these are your resolutions
and purposes, I am confident the Lord will bless you. I shall not cease to pray for
you and intend to make such of you as I can remember special and particular subjects
of prayer; and I entreat you to do the same by me.
A Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ
1839 Index ---New Window
Professor Finney's Letter of January 1, 1839
Lecture I. Eternal Life
Lecture II. Faith
Professor Finney's Letter of
January 30, 1839
Lecture III. Devotion
Professor Finney's Letter of
February 13, 1839
Lecture IV. True
and False Religion
Lecture V &
VI.The Law of God- No.'s 1 & 2
Lecture VII. Glorifying
Professor Finney's Letter of
April 10, 1839
Lecture VIII. True and
False Peace
Lecture IX. Dominion
Over Sin
Lecture X. Carefulness
A Sin
Lecture XI & XII. The
Promises- No.'s 1 - 9
Lecture XIII. Being In
Lecture XIV. The Holy
Spirit of Promise
Lecture XV. The Covenants
Lecture XVI &XVII. The
Rest of Faith- No.'s 1 & 2
Lecture XVIII. Affections
and Emotions of God
Lecture XIX. Legal and
Gospel Experience
Lecture XX. How to Prevent
Our Employments From Injuring Our Souls
Lecture XXI &XXII. Grieving
the Holy Spirit- No.'s 1 & 2
1840 Index ---New Window
Lecture I - IX. Sanctification
Professor Finney's Letter of
May 6, 1840
Lecture X & XI. Unbelief
Professor Finney's Letter of
June 3, 1840
Lecture XII. Blessedness
of Benevolence
Lecture XIII. A
Willing Mind Indispensable to a Right Understanding of Truth
Lecture XIV. Death
to Sin
Lecture XV. The
Gospel the Savor of Life or of Death
Lecture XVI. Christians
The Light of the World
Lecture XVII & XVIII.
Communion with God- No.'s 1 & 2
Lecture XIX. Temptations
Must Be Put Away
Lecture XX. Design
or Intention Constitutes Character
Lecture XXI. Confession
of Faults
Lecture XXII. Weakness
of Heart
Lecture XXIII. A
Single and an Evil Eye
Lecture XXIV. Salvation
Always Conditional
1841 Index ---New Window
Continuing the 1840 sermons on the general topic of Sanctification (from above)
Lectures XXV. & XXVI. Submission to God- No.'s
1 & 2
Lecture XXVII. Love
Worketh No Ill
Lecture XXVIII. Self
Lecture XXIX. The
True Service of God
Lecture XXX. Entire
Consecration a Condition of Discipleship
Lectures XXXI. &
XXXII. A Seared Conscience- No.'s 1 & 2
Lecture XXXIII. Conditions
of Being Kept
Lecture XXXIV. National
Fast Day
Lecture XXXV. Mediatorship
of Christ
1842 Index ---New Window
Lecture I. Thy
Will Be Done
Lecture II. Danger
of Delusion
Lecture III. Ability
and Inability
Lecture IV. God
Under Obligation to Do Right
Lecture V. Ordination
Lecture VI. Wisdom
Justified of Her Children
1843 Index ---New Window
Lecture I. Prove
All Things
Lecture II. Nature
of True Virtue
Lecture III. Selfishness
Lecture IV. Christian
Lecture V. Christian
Lecture VI. Putting
on Christ
Lecture VII. Way
to Be Holy
Lecture VIII. What
Attainments Christians May Reasonably Expect to Make in This Life
Lecture IX. Necessity
and Nature of Divine Teaching
Lecture X. Fulness
There is in Christ
Lecture XI. Justification
Lecture XII. Unbelief
Lecture XIII. Gospel
Lecture XIV. Joy
in God
Lecture XV. The
Benevolence of God
Lecture XVI. Revelation
of God's Glory
1844 Index ---New Window
Lecture I. Hardness
of Heart
Lectures II. & III. The Eyes Opened to the Law
of God- No.'s 1 & 2
Lecture IV. Christian
Witnesses for God
Lecture V. Fearing the
Lord and Walking in Darkness
Lecture VI. Blessed are
the Poor in Spirit
1845 Index ---New Window
Lecture I. The
Sin of Fretfulness
Lecture II. Governing
the Tongue
Lecture III. Dependence
on Christ
Lecture IV. Weights and
Besetting Sins
Lecture V. Rejoicing
in Boastings
Lectures VI. & VII. The Church Bound to Convert
the World- No.'s 1 & 2
Lecture VIII. Trusting
in God's Mercy
Lecture IX. The Old Man
and The New
Lecture X. Coming Up
through Great Tribulation
Lecture XI. Delighting
in the Lord
Lecture XII. Having a
Good Conscience
Lecture XIII. Relations
of Christ to the Believer
Lecture XIV. The Folly
of Refusing to be Saved
Lecture XV. Seeking the
Kingdom of God First
Lecture XVI. Faith in
its Relations to the Love of God
Lecture XVII. Victory
over the World through Faith
1846 Index ---New Window
Lecture I. The
Nature of Impenitence and the Measure of Its Guilt
Lecture II. The
Rule by Which the Guilt of Sin is Estimated
Lecture III. On
Divine Manifestations
Lecture IV. On the Lord's Supper
Lecture V. Forfeiting
Birth-Right Blessings
Lecture VI. Afflictions
of the Righteous and the Wicked Contrasted
Lecture VII. On
Becoming Acquainted With God
Lecture VIII. God
Manifesting Himself to Moses
Lecture IX. Coming
to The Waters of Life
Lecture X. The
Blessedness of Enduring Temptation
Lecture XI. Quenching
the Spirit
Lecture XII. Responsibility
of Hearing the Gospel
1847 Index ---New Window
Lectures I. & II. All Things for Good to Those
that Love God-- and
All Events Ruinous to the Sinner- No.'s 1 & 2
Lectures III. & IV. Heart Condemnation, A Proof that God
Also Condemns-- and
An Approving Heart, Confidence in Prayer- No.'s 1 & 2
Lectures V. & VI. & VII. Conditions of Prevailing Prayer-
No.'s 1 & 2 & 3
1848 Index ---New Window
Lecture I. Refuges of Lies
Lecture II. The Spirit Not Striving Always
Lecture III. The Excuses of Sinners Condemn God
Lecture IV. Conditions of Being Saved
Lecture V. Substitution
Lecture VI. Pride of Heart Deceives
1849 Index ---New Window
Lecture I. Mutual Confession of Faults, and Mutual
Lecture II. God's Anger Against the Wicked
Lecture III. Evil Thinking
Lecture IV. Prayer for A Pure Heart
Lecture V. The Joy of God's Salvation
Lecture VI. Jesus, A Savior from Sinning
Lecture VII. The Self-Hardening Sinner's Doom
Lecture VIII. The Death of Saints Precious
Lecture IX. God Not Pleased with the Death of the Wicked
Lecture X. The Spirit of Christ, and the Spirit of True Christianity
Lecture XI. Judicial Blindness
Lecture XII. The Peace of God Ruling in the Christian's Heart
Lecture XIII. Receiving Honor from Men and Not from God
Lecture XIV. Faith the Work of God
1850 Index ---New Window
(only one lecture)
Lecture I. The Foundation, Conditions, And Relations
Of Faith
1851 Index ---New Window
Lecture I. The Loss When a Soul is Lost
Lecture II. Awaking from The Sleep of Spiritual Death
Lecture III. Jesus Christ Doing Good
Lecture IV. The Wicked Heart Set to do Evil
Lecture V. Repentance Before Prayer for Forgiveness
1852 Index ---New Window
Lecture I. The Child-Like Spirit an Essential Condition
of Entering Heaven
Lecture II. The Fearful Results of a Spiritual Relapse
Lecture III. God's Love to Sinners as Seen in the Gospel
Lecture IV. & V. All Things for Good to Those That Love
God-- All Things Conspire for Evil to The Sinner- No.'s 1 - 2
Lecture VI. Guilt Modified by Ignorance
Lectures VII. & VIII. Salvation Difficult to The Christian--Impossible
to The Sinner-- The Salvation of Sinners Impossible- No.'s 1 - 2
Lecture IX. Paul and Felix, Or Preaching and Procrastination
Lecture X. Christ Tempted, Suffering, and Able to Succor The
Lecture XI. Election and Reprobation
1853 Index ---New Window
Lecture I. Prayer and Labor for the Gathering of
The Great Harvest
Lecture II. Men Invited to Reason Together With God
Lecture III. The Saviour Lifted Up, and the Look of Faith
Lecture IV. The Sinner's Excuses Answered
Lecture V. God's Love for A Sinning World
Lecture VI. Alive Without the Law, Slain Thereby
Lecture VII. The Essential Elements of Christian Experience
Lecture VIII. Death to Sin Through Christ
Lecture IX. The Rich Man and Lazarus
Lecture X. Losing One's First Love
Lecture XI. Jehovah's Appeal to Sinners and Backsliders
1854 Index ---New Window
Lecture I. Converting Sinners A Christian Duty
Lecture II. Christ Our Advocate with The Father
Lecture III. The Inner and The Outer Revelation
Lecture IV. On Quenching The Spirit
Lecture V. What Men Highly Esteem, God Abhors
Lecture VI. Variety in the Service Offered to God
Lecture VII. License, Bondage and Liberty
Lecture VIII. Living by Faith
Lecture IX. God's Commandments Not Grievous
Lecture X. The Wages of Sin
Lecture XI. The Wants of Man and Their Supply
Lecture XII. Where Sin Occurs God Cannot Wisely Prevent It
Lecture XIII. The Ways of Sin Hard; Of Holiness, Pleasant
Lecture XIV. The Indications and The Guilt of Backsliding
Lecture XV. The Christian's Genuine Hope
Lecture XVI. The Primitive Prayer-Meeting
1855 Index ---New Window
Lecture I. On Prayer
Lecture II. On Persevering Prayer for Others
Lecture III. On Being Almost Persuaded to be a Christian
Lecture IV. On Neglecting Salvation
Lecture V. On Prayer for The Holy Spirit
Lecture VI. Conscience and The Bible in Harmony
Lecture VII. God Has No Pleasure In The Sinner's Death
Lecture VIII. On Being Searched of God
Lecture IX. On Injustice To Character
Lecture X. God's Goodness Toward Men Basely Requited
Lecture XI. Losing First Love
Lecture XII. Men, Ignorant of God's Righteousness, Would Fain
Establish Their Own
Lecture XIII. Adorning the Doctrine of God Our Savior
1856 Index ---New Window
Lecture I. Thanks for The Gospel Victory
Lecture II. Gospel Ministers Ambassadors for Christ
Lecture III. The Destruction of the Wicked
Lecture IV. The Wicked Stumbling in Their Darkness
Lecture V. On The Atonement
Lecture VI. The Sinner's Natural Power and Moral Weakness
Lecture VII. Moral Insanity
Lecture VIII. On Believing with The Heart
Lecture IX. On Offering Praise to God
1857 Index ---New Window
Lectures I. & II. Owing God- No.'s 1 & 2
Lectures III. & IV. On Sinning & On Being Holy- No.'s
1 & 2
Lecture V. The Lord's People His Portion
Lecture VI. The Wrath of God Against Those Who Withstand His
Lecture VII. On Confessing and Being Cleansed From Sin
1858 Index ---New Window
Lecture I. The Doom Of Those Who Neglect The Great
Lecture II. The Treasure And The Pearl
Lecture III. The Self-Righteous Sinner Doomed To Sorrow
Lecture IV. Sufficient Grace
Lecture V. On Following Christ
Lecture VI. Christian Consciousness, a Witness For God
Lecture VII. God's Love To Us
Lectures VIII. - X. The Blessedness Of The Merciful- No. 1
Blessedness Of The Pure In Heart- No. 2
Blessed Are The Persecuted- No. 3
Lecture XI. On Refuges Of Lies
Lecture XII. God's Wrath Against Those Who Withstand His Truth
Lecture XIII. Abiding In Christ And Not Sinning
1859 Index ---New Window
Lecture I. On
Tenderness of Heart
Lecture II. The One Thing Needful
Lecture III. On Self-Denial
Lecture IV. The Way That Seems Right, But Ends In Death
1860 Index ---New Window
Lectures I. & II. On Loving God- No. 1
On Love To Our Neighbor- No. 2
Lectures III. & IV. Spiritual Delusion- No. 1
On Leaving One's First Love- No. 2
1861 Index ---New Window
Lecture I. Christ's Yoke Is Easy
Lecture II. Christ Our Advocate
Lecture III. Living To Please God
Lecture IV. Wherefore Do The Wicked Live
Lectures V. - VII. Hardness
Of Heart- No. 1
Harden Not Your Heart- No. 2
Tender-Heartedness- No. 3
Lecture VIII. The Kingdom of God In Consciousness
Lecture IX. Looking To Jesus
Lectures X. & XI. Profit and Loss; Or The Worth of The
Soul- No.'s 1 & 2
Lectures XII. & XIII. Sinners Not Willing To Be Christians-
No.'s 1 & 2
Lectures XIV. & XV. Holding The Truth in Unrighteousness-
No.'s 1 & 2
Lecture XVI. Any One Form of Sin Persisted In Is Fatal To The
Lectures XVII. - XIX. Revival- No.'s 1 - 3
1862 Index ---New Window
Lectures I. & II. Great Peace- No.'s 1 &
Lectures III. & IV. Moral Depravity- No.'s 1 & 2
"With respect to this New Covenant,
I remark in a word--
that the promise of it has been due for more than
eighteen hundred years,
and I would solemnly ask,
shall it lie in your Bibles till they rot
and your souls sink down to hell
before you lay hold on
the salvation from sin
which it promises?"
-from "The Covenants" ---New
Lecture XV of "The Oberlin Evangelist" series by Charles G. Finney
Section Sub-Index for Finney: Voices
of Philadelphia
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