The Vain Self-Flatteries
of the Sinner
Psalm 36:2
For he flattereth himself in his own eyes, until his iniquity be found to be hateful.
In the foregoing verse, David says, that the transgression of the wicked said within
his heart, "that there is no fear of God before his eyes;" that is, when
he saw that the wicked went on in sin, in an allowed way of wickedness, it convinced
him, that he was not afraid of those terrible judgments, and of that wrath with which
God hath threatened sinners If he were afraid of these he could never go on so securely
in sin, as he doth.
In our text he gives the reason why the wicked did not fear. It was a strange thing
that men, who enjoyed such light as they did in the land of Israel, who read and
heard those many awful threatenings which were written in the book of the law, should
not be afraid to go on in sin. But saith the Psalmist, They flatter themseIves in
their own eyes: They have something or other which they make a foundation of encouragement,
whereby they persuade themselves that they shall escape those judgments; and that
makes them put far away the evil day.
In this manner he proceeds, until his iniquity be found to be hateful; that is, until
he finds by experience that it is a more dreadful thing to sin against God, and break
his holy commands, than he imagined. He thinks sin to be sweet, and hides it as a
sweet morsel under his tongue: He loves it, and flatters himself in it, till at length
he finds, by experience, that it is bitter as gall and wormwood. Though he thinks
the commission of sin to be lovely, yet he will find the fruit of it to be hateful,
and what he cannot endure. Proverbs xxiii. 32. "At last it will bite like a
serpent, and sting like an adder."
Here observe,
1. The subject spoken of is the WICKED MAN, of whom the Psalmist had been speaking
in the foregoing verse.
2. His action in flattering himself in his own eyes; i.e. he makes himself and his
case to appear to himself, or in his own eyes, better than it is. 3. How long he
continues so to do, until his iniquity be found to be hateful. 'Which may be taken
for his sin itself, the wicked will see how odious sin is to God', when he shall
feel the effects of his hatred, and how hateful to angels and saints; or rather the
cause is here put for the effect, the tree for its fruit, and he will find his iniquity
to be hateful, as he will find the hatefulness and feel the terribleness of the FRUIT
of his iniquity.
Wicked men generally flatter themselves with hopes of escaping punishment, till it
actually comes upon them.
There are but few sinners who despair, who give up the cause and conclude with themselves,
that they shall go to hell; yet there are but few who do not go to hell. It is to
be feared that men go to hell every day out of this country; yet very few of them
suffer themselves to believe, that they are in any great danger of that punishment.
They go on sinning and travelling in the direct road to the pit; yet by one mean
or other they persuade themselves that they shall never fall into it, In my present
discourse, I shall,
1. Mention some things in confirmation of the doctrine, that sinners flatter themselves
with the hope of impunity.
2. Mention some of the various ways wherein sinners flatter themselves in that hope.
3. Show that sinners generally go on flattering themselves, till punishment actually
overtakes them.
I. I am to mention some things in confirmation of the doctrine, that sinners flatter
themselves with the hope of future impunity.
1. We are so taught in the word of God. Beside our text, you may see, Deuteronomy
xxix. 18, 19. "Lest there should be among you man, or woman, or family, or tribe,
whose heart turneth away this day from the Lord our God. Lest there should he among
you a root that beareth gall and wormwood, "and it come to pass when he heareth
the words of this curse, that he bless himself in his heart, saying, I shall have
peace, though I walk in the imagination of mine heart, to add drunkenness to thirst."
Where it is supposed that they whose hearts turn away from God, and are roots that
bear gall and wormwood, generally bless themselves in their hearts, saying, WE SHALL
See also Psalm xlix. 17,18. "When he dieth, he shall carry nothing away: His
glory shall not descend after him, though while he lived, he BLESSED HIS SOUL."
And Psalm 1:21. "These things thou hast done. and I kept silence: Thou thoughtest
that I was altogether such a one as thyself: But I will reprove thee, and set them
in order before thee."
2. It is very evident, that sinners flatter themselves that they shall escape punishment,
by this, that otherwise they would be in dreadful and continual distress. Otherwise,
as long as they are in sin, they could never live and go about so cheerfully as they
now do: Their lives would be filled with sorrow and mourning, and they would be in
continual uneasiness and distress; as much as those that are exercised with some
violent pain of body. But it is evident that it is not in fact so; it is apparent
that men are careless and secure; that they are not much concerned about future punishment,
and that they cheerfully pursue their business and recreations. Therefore they undoubtedly
flatter themselves, that they shall not be eternally miserable in hell, as they are
threatened in the word of God
3. It is evident that they flatter themselves with hopes that they shall escape punishment,
as otherwise they would certainly be restrained at least from many of those sins
in which they now live: They would not proceed in wilful courses of sin. The transgression
of the wicked convinced the Psalmist, and is enough to convince every one, that there
is no fear of God before his eyes, and that he flatters himself in his own eyes.
It would be impossible for men allowedly from day to day to do those very things,
which they know are threatened with everlasting destruction, if they did not some
way encourage themselves, they should nevertheless escape that destruction.
II. I shall mention some of the various ways wherein sinners flatter themselves in
their own eyes.
1. Some flatter themselves with a secret hope, that there is no such thing as another
world. They hear a great deal of preaching, and a great deal of talk about hell,
and about the eternal judgment; but those things do not seem to them to be real.
They never saw any thing of them; they never saw hell, never saw the devils and damned
spirits; and therefore are ready to say with themselves, How do I know that there
is any such thing as another world? When the beasts die, there is an end of them,
and how do I know but that it will be so with me? Perhaps all these things are nothing
but the inventions of men, nothing but cunningly devised fables.
Such thoughts are apt to rise in the minds of sinners, and the devil sets in to enforce
them. Such thoughts are an ease to them; therefore they wish they were true, and
that makes them the more ready to think that they are indeed true. So that they are
hardened in the way of sin, by infidelity and atheistical thoughts. Psalm xiv. 1.
" The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God." Psalm xciv. 6, 7.
"They slay the widow and the stranger, and murder the fatherless. Yet they say,
the Lord shall not see; neither shall the God of Jacob regard it,"
2. Some flatter themselves that death is a great way off, and that they shall hereafter
have much opportunity to seek salvation; and they think if they earnestly seek it,
though it be a great while hence, they shall obtain. Although they see no reason
to conclude that they shall live long, and perhaps they do not positively conclude
that they shall; yet it doth not come into their minds that their lives are really
uncertain, and that it is doubtful whether they will live another year. Such a thought
as this doth not take any hold of them. And although they do not absolutely determine
that they shall live to old age or to middle age, yet they secretly flatter themselves
with such an imagination. They are disposed to believe so, and do so far believe
it, that they act upon it and run the venture of it.
Men will believe that things will be as they choose to have them, without reason,
and sometimes without the appearance of reason, as is most apparent in this case,
Psalm xlix. 11. "Their inward thought is, that their houses shall continue for
ever, and their dwelling places to all generations; they call their lands after their
own names."
The prepossession and desire of men to have it so, is the principal thing that makes
them believe so. However, there are several other things which they use as arguments
to flatter themselves. Perhaps they think with themselves, that since they are at
present in health, or in youth, or that since they are useful men, do a great deal
of good, and both them selves and others pray for the continuance of their lives;
they are not likely to be removed by death very soon.
If they shall live many years in the world, they think that it is very probable they
shall be converted before they die; as they expect hereafter to have much more convenient
opportunities to become converted, than they have now. And by some means or other,
they think they shall get through their work before they arrive at old age.
3. Some flatter themselves that they lead moral and orderly lives, and therefore
think that they shall not be damned. They think with themselves that they live not
in any vice, that they take care to wrong no man, are just and honest dealers, that
they are not addicted to hard drinking, or to uncleanness, or to bad language; that
they keep the Sabbath strictly, are constant attendants on the public worship, and
maintain the worship of God in their families. Therefore they hope that God will
not cast them into hell. They see not why God should be so angry with them as that
would imply, seeing they are so orderly and regular in their walk; they see not that
they have done enough to anger him to that degree. And if they have angered him,
they imagine they have also done a great deal to pacify him.
If they be not as yet converted, and it be necessary that they should experience
any other conversion in order to their salvation, they hope that their orderly and
strict lives will move God to give them converting grace. They hope that surely God
will not see those that live as they do go to hell. Thus they flatter themselves,
as those we read of. Luke xviii. 9. "That trusted in themselves that they were
4. Some make the advantages under which they live an occasion of self flattery. They
flatter themselves, because they live in a place where the gospel is powerfully preached
and among a religious people, where many have been converted; and they think it will
be much easier for them to be saved on that account. Thus they abuse the grace of
God to their destruction; they do that which the scriptures call despising the riches
of God's goodness: Romans ii. 4. "Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness,
and forbearance, and long suffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth
thee to repentance?"
Some flatter themselves, because they are born of godly parents, who are dear to
God, who have often and earnestly prayed for them, they hope that their prayers will
be heard; and that encourages them to go on in the way of neglecting their souls.
The Jews had great dependence upon this, that they were the children of Abraham:
John viii. 33. they make their boast. "We be Abraham's seed; and in verse 39.
"Abraham is our father."
5. Some flatter themselves with their own intentions. They intend to neglect themselves,
and give themselves liberty for a while longer, and then to reform. Though now they
neglect their souls, and are going on in sin; yet they intend ere long to bestir
themselves, to leave off their sins, and to set themselves to seek God. They hear
that there is great encouragement for those who earnestly seek God, that they shall
find him. So they intend to do; they propose to seek with a great deal of earnestness.
They are told, that there are many who seek to enter the kingdom of heaven, who shall
not be able; but they intend, not only to seek, but To STRIVE However, for the present
they allow themselves in their ease, sloth, and pleasure, minding only earthly things.
Or if they should be seized with some mortal distemper, and should draw near to the
grave, before the time which they lay out in their minds for reformation, they think
how earnestly they would pray and cry to God for mercy; and as they hear God is a
merciful God, who taketh no delight in the death of sinners, they hence flatter themselves
that they shall move God to have pity on them.
There are but few who are sinners, and know themselves to be such, who do not encourage
themselves with intentions of future repentance and reformation; but few who do not
flatter themselves, that they shall in good earnest set themselves to seek God some
time or other. Hell is full of GOOD INTENDERS who never proved to be TRUE PERFORMERS:
Acts xxiv. 25. "Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I
will call for thee."
6. There are some who flatter themselves, that they do and have done, a great deal
for their salvation, and therefore hope they shall obtain, when indeed they neither
do what they ought to do, nor what they might do in their present state of unregeneracy;
nor are they in any likely way to be converted They think they are striving, when
they neglect many moral and some instituted duties; nor do they exert themselves
as if it were for their lives; they are not violent for the kingdom of leaven.
There are doubtless many such; many are concerned, and are seeking, and do many things,
and think that they are in a very fair way to obtain the kingdom of God; yet there
is great danger that thy will prove at last to be some of the foolish virgins, and
be found without oil in their vessels.
7. Some hope by their strivings to obtain salvation of themselves. They have a secret
imagination, that they shall, by degrees, work in themselves sorrow and repentance
of sin, and love towards God and Jesus Christ. Their striving is not so much an earnest
seeking to God, as a striving to do them selves that which is the work of God. Many
who are now seeking have this imagination, and labor, reach, pray, hear sermons and
go to private meetings, with the view of making themselves holy, and of working in
themselves holy affections.
Many, who only project and design to turn to God hereafter, are apt to think that
it is an easy thing to be converted, that it is a thing which will be in their own
power at any time, when they shall earnestly set themselves to it.
8. Some sinners flatter themselves that they are already converted. They sit down
and rest in a false hope, persuading themselves that all their sins are pardoned;
that God loves them; that they shall go to heaven when they die; and that they need
trouble themselves no more: Revelation iii. 17. "Because thou sayest, I am rich,
and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art
wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked."
III. Sinners very generally go on flattering themselves in some or other of these
ways, till their punishment actually overtakes them. These are the baits by which
Satan catches souls, and draws them into his snare. They are such self flatteries
as these that keep men from seeing what danger they are in, and that make them go
securely on in the way they are in, "as the bird hasteth to the snare, and knoweth
not that it is for his life."
Those that flatter themselves with hopes of living a great while longer in the world,
very commonly continue so to do till death comes. Death comes upon them when they
expect it not; they look upon it as a great way off, when there is but a step between
them and death. They thought not of dying at that time, nor at anytime near it. When
they were young, they proposed to live a good while longer; and if they happen to
live till middle age, they still maintain the same thought, that they are not yet
near death; and so that thought goes along with them as long as they live, or till
they are just about to die.
Men often have a dependence on their own righteousness, and as long as they live
are never brought off from it. Multitudes uphold themselves with their own intentions,
till all their prospects are dashed in pieces by death. They put off the work which
they have to do till such a time; and when that comes, they put it off to another
time, until death, which cannot be put off, overtakes them. There are many also that
hold a false hope, a persuasion that they belong to God; and as long as they live,
by all the marks and signs which are given of a true convert, they never will be
persuaded to let go their hope, till it is rent from them by death.
Thus men commonly uphold themselves, and make themselves easy, till hell fire makes
them uneasy. Everlasting ruin comes upon them as a snare, and all their hopes are
at once cut off, and turned into everlasting despair: I. Thessalonians v. 3. "When
they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail
upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape."
1. Hence we learn one reason why there are but few saved, and why so many perish
from under the gospel. All men know that they must die, and all that sit under the
light of the gospel have been told many a time, that after this there is an other
world; that there are but two states in that other world, a state of eternal happiness,
and a state of eternal misery; that there is but one way of escaping the misery and
obtaining the blessedness of eternity, which is by obtaining an interest in Christ,
through faith in him; and that this life is the only opportunity of obtaining an
interest in Christ. Yet men are so much given to flatter themselves in those ways
which we have mentioned, that there are but few that seasonably take care of their
salvation. Indeed they cannot but be in some measure concerned about their souls;
yet they flatter themselves with one thing or other, so that they are kept steadily
and uninterruptedly going on in the broad way to destruction.
2. Hence we learn the reason why awakening truths of scripture, and awakening sermons,
make no more impression upon men. It is in itself a wonderful and surprising thing,
that God's denunciations of eternal misery, and threatenings of casting sinners into
the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone for ever and ever, do not affect them,
do not startle them. But the truth is, they flatter themselves, by such means as
we have mentioned, that this dreadful misery is not for them; that they shall escape
it, though multitudes of others are involved in it. They take not these threatenings
to themselves; they seem to think that they do not belong to them.
How many are there in this congregation, who, for all the awakening sermons they
have heard, are yet secure in sin! And who, although they are sensible that they
are in a Christless condition, and are still going on in sin, yet intend to go to
heaven, and expect that by some means or other they shall arrive there. They are
often told, that God is very angry with them; yet they think God is a very merciful
God, and they shall be able to pacify him. If they be told how uncertain life is,
that doth not awaken them, because they flatter themselves with long life. If they
be told how dangerous it is to delay the business of religion, they promise themselves,
that they will hereafter engage in it with more earnestness than others, and so obtain
the end, the salvation of their souls. Others, when they are told that many shall
seek who shall not he able to obtain, think surely, that they, having done so much
for salvation, shall not be denied.
3. Let every sinner examine himself, whether he do not flatter himself in some of
those ways which have been mentioned. What is it in your own minds which makes you
think it is safe for you to delay turning to God? What is it that encourages you
to run such a venture as you do by delaying this necessary work? Is it that you hope
there is no such state as heaven or hell, and have a suspicion that there is no God
? Is It this that makes you secure ? Or is it that you are not much afraid but that
you shall have opportunity enough a great while hence to mind such things? Is it
an intention of a future seeking a more convenient season? And are you persuaded
that God will hearken to you then, after you shall have so long turned a deaf ear
to his commands and gracious? Are you encouraged to commit sin, because you hope
to repent of it? Are you encouraged by the mercy of God to be his enemies? And do
you resolve still to provoke him to anger, because you think he is easily pacified
Or do you think that your conversion is in your own power, and that you can turn
to God when you please? Is it because you have been born of godly parents that you
are so secure? Or do you imagine that you are in a fair way to be converted? Do you
think that what you have done in religion will engage God to pity you, and that he
never can have the heart to condemn one who has lived in so orderly a manner? Or
do you think that you are indeed converted already? And doth that encourage you to
take a liberty in sinning ? Or are you secure, because you are so stupid as to think
nothing about these things? Do you let these concerns wholly alone, and scarcely
ever think at all how it will be with you after you are dead?
Certainly it must be one or more of these things which keeps you in your security,
and encourages you to go on in sin. Examine, therefore, and see which of them it
4. By the text and doctrine be persuaded to leave off thus flattering yourselves
in your own eyes. You are therein informed, that those who do as you do commonly
continue so doing till their punishment actually comes upon them. Thereby you may
be convinced of the vanity of all such flatteries. Be afraid of that which you are
sure is the devil's bait: "Surely in vain is the net spread in the sight of
any bird," Proverbs i. 17.
You are not only told in the scriptures, that sinners are generally thus allured
to hell, but your own reason may convince you that it is so. For doubtless other
sinners have as much ground to hope to escape punishment as you; and it is evident,
that they generally do hope to escape. Men under the gospel almost universally think
they shall not go to hell: If it were otherwise, they could have no peace or comfort
in the world. Yet what multitudes have we reason to conclude go down from under the
preaching of the gospel to the pit of destruction! Now, this is surely enough to
convince any sober, prudent person of the folly of such flattery, and of the folly
of every one that doth not immediately set about his great work with his might. If
you could have access to the damned, you would hear many of them curse themselves,
for thus flattering themselves while they lived in this world; and you would have
the same doctrine preached to you by their wailings and yellings which is now preached
to you from the pulpit.
If your temptation to security be unbelief of the fundamental doctrines of religion,
such as the being of God, of another world, and an eternal judgment, you may consider,
that though that makes you secure at present, yet it will not do always, it will
not stand by when you come to die. The fool often in health saith, There is no God;
but when he comes to die, he cannot rest in any such supposition. Then he is generally
so much convinced in his own conscience, that there is a God, that he is in dreadful
amazement for fear of his eternal wrath. It is folly, therefore, to flatter yourselves
with any supposition now which you will not then be able to hold.
If you depend on long life, consider how many who have depended on the same thing,
and had as much reason to depend on it as you, have died within your remembrance.
Is it because you are outwardly of an orderly life and conversation, that you think
you shall be saved ? How unreasonable is it to suppose, that God should be so obliged
by those actions, which he knows are not done from the least respect or regard to
him, but wholly with a private view! Is it because you are under great advantages
that you are not much afraid but that you shall some time or other be converted,
and therefore neglect yourselves and your spiritual interests? And were not the people
of Bethsaida, Chorazin and Capernaum, under as great advantages as you, when Christ
himself preached the gospel to them, almost continually, and wrought such a multitude
of miracles among them? Yet he says, that it shall be more tolerable in the day of
judgment for Sodom and Gomorrah, than for those cities.
Do you expect you shall be saved, however you neglect yourselves, because you were
born of godly parents? hear what Christ saith, Matthew iii. 9. ''Think not to say
within yourselves, we have Abraham to our father." Do you flatter yourselves
that you shall obtain mercy, though others do not, because you intend hereafter to
seek it more earnestly than others? Yet you deceive yourselves, if you think that
you intend better than many of those others, or better than many who are now in hell
once intended.
If you think you are in a way of earnest seeking, consider, whether or no you do
not mind other things yet more? If you imagine that you have it in your own power
to work yourselves up to repentance, consider, that you must assuredly give up that
imagination before you can have repentance wrought in you. If you think yourselves
already converted, and that encourages you to give yourselves the greater liberty
in sinning, this is a certain sign that you are not converted.
Wherefore abandon all these ways of flattering yourselves; no longer follow the devil's
bait; and let nothing encourage you to go on in sin; but immediately and henceforth
seek God with all your heart, and soul, and strength.
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