For The Salvation of Children"
There was a party of young men together, going up the country;
and on their journey they made up their minds not to believe anything they could
not reason out. An old man heard them and presently he said, 'I heard you say you
would not believe anything you could not reason out.' |
From our "Voices From the Church of Philadelphis" section
Sermons and Lectures by Charles G. Finney, president of Oberlin College I. Show what we are to understand by eternal life. II. That Jesus Christ is the eternal life of the soul. III. That God has given eternal life to all mankind, entirely irrespective of their knowledge or consent. IV. That this gift may be rejected by unbelief, or received by faith. V. Whosoever believes on the Son of God, or receives this gift, has the witness in himself, or knows that he has eternal life by his own consciousness." |
by Charles G. Finney |
Forty-two Sermons in All! EXCERPT:Let not men deceive themselves, and suppose that because they are moral, they have done all that is required of them! Suppose a man is exempted from punishment, is he fitted for heaven? Has he come into sympathy with God? Is he prepared to enjoy God? could he dwell happily with the righteous in heaven? What sort of place could heaven be if you could enjoy it? You have not come into sympathy with Christ; you reject Christ; you reject the Sabbath; you reject the Holy Ghost; and can you think that a supposed morality will answer your turn? Let me warn you to flee away from such a refuge of lies as that! Let me say before I sit down to those who profess to be religious, who profess to be born of God. Is your religion a thing which can be known? Do your neighbours know it? Does your family know it? or are you hiding somewhere? behind some refuge of lies? Have you got behind that deacon? for you may make a refuge of lies of him! Have you got behind your minister? for you may make a refuge of lies of him! Don't hide yourselves anywhere! Be satisfied with nothing but Christ. Don't get behind that woman! Put no false standard before you. Set no standard but Christ before you! Be satisfied with no opinions that don't mould your life. Be satisfied with no religion that is not the life of your souls. Flee away from every source of error, every refuge of lies, and trust only in that which will mold your character, sanctify your life, and make you blessed forever. I beg of you to think upon these things. |
"Their foot shall slide in due time." -Deuteronomy 32:35 Ezekiel 15:2-4 "Son of man, What is the vine tree more than any tree? Or than a branch which is among the trees of the forest? Shall wood be taken thereof to do any work? Or will men take a pin of it to hang any vessel thereon? Behold, it is cast into the fire for fuel; The fire devoureth both the ends of it, and the midst of it is burnt: Is it meet for any work?" The visible church of God is here compared to the vine tree, as is evident by God's own explanation of the allegory, in verses 6, 7, and 8. Psalm 36:2 "For he flattereth himself in his own eyes, until his iniquity be found to be hateful." In the foregoing verse, David says, that the transgression of the wicked said within his heart, "that there is no fear of God before his eyes;" that is, when he saw that the wicked went on in sin, in an allowed way of wickedness, it convinced him, that he was not afraid of those terrible judgments, and of that wrath with which God hath threatened sinners If he were afraid of these he could never go on so securely in sin, as he doth. PSALM 25:11 "For thy name's sake, O Lord, pardon my iniquity; for it is great." IT is evident by some passages in this psalm, that when it was penned, it was a time of affliction and danger with David. EZEKIEL 22:14 "Can thine heart endure, or can thine hands be strong in the days that I shall deal with thee? I the Lord save spoken it, and will do it." IN the former part of this chapter, we have a dreadful catalogue of the sins of Jerusalem; as you may see from the first to the thirteenth verse. GENESIS 6:22 "Thus did Noah; according to all that God commanded him, so did he." CONCERNING these words, I would observe three things: 1. What it was that God commanded Noah, to which these words refer. It was the building of an ark according to the particular direction of God, against the time when the flood of waters should come; and the laying up of food for himself, his family, and the other animals, which were to be preserved in the ark. |
"Let Him kiss me with the kisses
of His mouth: for Thy love is better than wine. Because of the savour of Thy good
ointments Thy Name is as ointment poured forth, therefore do the Virgins love Thee.
Draw me, we will run after Thee: the King hath brought me into His chambers: we will
be glad and rejoice in Thee, we will remember Thy love more than wine: the upright
love Thee" |
How I wish that I could bring all young Christians to receive simply that word of their Father, `Lay up My words in your heart,' and to give their whole heart to become full of God's word. Resolve then to do this. Take pains to understand what you read. When you understand it, take then always one or another word to keep in remembrance and ponder. Learn words of God by heart; repeat them to yourself in the course of the day. The word is seed; the seed must have time, must be kept in the ground: so must the word be carried in the heart. Give the best powers of your heart, your love, your desire, the willing and joyful activity of your will, to God's word. `Blessed is the man whose delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His law doth he meditate day and night.' Let the heart be a temple, not for the world and its thoughts, but for God and His thoughts. (Ps. 119:69; John 15:3,7)
He that, every day, faithfully opens his heart to God's voice to hear what God says, and keeps and carries about that word, shall see how faithfully God also shall open His heart to our voice, to hear what we say to Him in prayer.
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