A reading of the King
James Version Bible |
---New Window |
"Miracles Wrought Through Servants of God", An excerpt from:The New Topical Textbook ---New Window endorsed by R. A. Torrey There are many Miracles recorded in the WORD of God, and they are there to provide us with a witness of our LORD's willingness to help us in times of need. These Miracles prove that our LORD can, and will, "move Heaven and earth" for us, when we are in need of such action. "Prove Me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the Windows of Heaven" (Malachi 3:10)... We are reminded that the Miracles contained in God's WORD, seem especially abundant during difficult times of transition for God's people, i.e., founding of the nation of Israel, establishing the Church, the Tribulation Week. They are given for our edification and use in our own difficult days of transistion. Please share with Mr. Torrey The Wonderful Watchcare that is enjoyed by ALL of God's children. He loves us so much! |
A Commentary on the BOOK of REVELATION: Chapter 1 ---New Window 12-98 Tom Stewart Question: Why should you study this Book? Answer: "That the God of our LORD Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know
according to the working of His mighty power, Which
He wrought in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and set Him at His own right
hand in the Heavenly Places, Far above all principality, and power, and might, and
dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that
which is to come." (Eph. 1:17-21) This commentary is
a work in progress; future chapters
will be added to complete the entire Book. |
A Commentary on the BOOK of REVELATION: Chapter 10 ---New Window 12-98 Tom Stewart A Little Book and the Seven Thunders |
A Commentary on the BOOK of REVELATION: Chapter 11 ---New Window 12-98 Tom Stewart The Two Witnesses and the Seventh Trumpet |
A Commentary on the BOOK of REVELATION: Chapter 12 ---New Window 12-98 Tom Stewart The Woman in the Wilderness |
A Commentary on the BOOK of REVELATION: Chapter 13 ---New Window 12-98 Tom Stewart The Antichrist and the False Prophet |
A Commentary on the BOOK of REVELATION: Chapter 14 ---New Window 12-98 Tom Stewart The 144,000 and the Victorious Judgment of the Lamb |
A Commentary on the BOOK of REVELATION: Chapter 15 ---New Window 12-98 Tom Stewart A Glorious Heavenly Scene Preceding the Vial Judgments |
A Commentary on the BOOK of REVELATION: Chapter 16 ---New Window 12-98 Tom Stewart Pouring Out the Vial Judgments |
A Commentary on the BOOK of REVELATION: Chapter 17 ---New Window 12-98 Tom Stewart Revealing the Mystery of Babylon the Great and the Beast |
A Commentary on the BOOK of REVELATION: Chapter 18 ---New Window 12-98 Tom Stewart The Destruction of Babylon the Great |
A Commentary on the BOOK of REVELATION: Chapter 19 ---New Window 12-98 Tom Stewart The Second Coming of Jesus Christ |
A Commentary on the BOOK of REVELATION: Chapter 2 ---New Window 12-98 Tom Stewart Letters to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, and Thyatira |
A Commentary on the BOOK of REVELATION: Chapter 3 ---New Window 12-98 Tom Stewart Letters to Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea |
A Commentary on the BOOK of REVELATION: Chapter 4 ---New Window 12-98 Tom Stewart Angels and Saints Around the Throne |
A Commentary on the BOOK of REVELATION: Chapter 5 ---New Window 12-98 Tom Stewart The Worthy Lamb Prepares to Open the Seven Seals |
A Commentary on the BOOK of REVELATION: Chapter 6 ---New Window 12-98 Tom Stewart Opening the First Six Seal Judgments |
A Commentary on the BOOK of REVELATION: Chapter 7 ---New Window 12-98 Tom Stewart 144,000 Sealed on Earth and a Throne Scene of Delivered Saints |
A Commentary on the BOOK of REVELATION: Chapter 8 ---New Window 12-98 Tom Stewart Opening the Seventh Seal and Sounding the First Four Trumpets |
A Commentary on the BOOK of REVELATION: Chapter 9 ---New Window 12-98 Tom Stewart Sounding the Fifth and Sixth Trumpets-- Demonic Locusts and Demonic Horsemen |
An Interpreting Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names ---New Window 1874 Roswell Hitchcock Showing the meaning of nearly all the names of persons and places in the Bible. |
Bible Maps ---New Window (1904) J. L. Hurlbut Large Bible Maps, detailed and in
color, |
Bullets for Bible Memory ---New Window 2004 Formatted by Tom Stewart "Katie Stewart assembled this list of verses (KJV) for our homeschooled kids-- who have long ago graduated from their little school at home. 'From a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus' (2Timothy 3:15)." |
CLAVIS BIBLICA, Or, A Compendium of Scriptural Knowledge ---New Window (1762-1832) Dr. Adam Clarke "All these books collectively, whether given to the Jewish or Christian church, are sometimes termed THE SCRIPTURES OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT; and generally through all Christian countries, and in almost all languages, The Bible from a Greek word Biblos, a BOOK, as being the only book that teaches the knowledge of the true God; the origin of the universe; the creation and fall of man; the commencement of the different nations of the earth; the confusion of languages; the foundation of the church of God; the abominable and destructive nature of idolatry and false worship; the divine scheme of redemption; the immortality of the soul; the doctrine of the invisible and spiritual world; a future judgment; and the final retribution of the wicked in the pains of eternal perdition, and of the good in the blessedness of an endless glory... a condensed synopsis, or general view of those principles, on which every Christian must found his faith, if he wish it not to stand in the wisdom of man, but in the power of God." |
Christ Is All ---New Window Katie Stewart Whatever problem or question you have in this physical life, Jesus is The Answer. |
God IS ---New Window Katie Stewart Scripture revealing the character and person of Jehovah. |
God Is Good ---New Window Katie Stewart "For Thou, LORD, art Good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon Thee."Psalm 86:5 |
How to Study the Bible ---New Window 1896 R. A. Torrey "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing theWord of Truth" (2Timothy 2:15). Compiled and reformatted by Tom Stewart. |
In Awe of Thy Word ---New Window 8-3-2000 Katie Stewart The Book of Psalms, Chapter 119
Benefits are conditional to obedience, however,
obedience given without love-- solely for the purpose of receiving benefits-- is
NOT obedience at all (i.e., "My soul hath kept Thy TESTIMONIES; and I
love them exceedingly" [167], "yea, I shall observe
it with my whole heart" [34]). |
Interesting and Unusual Facts About The Bible ---New Window Robert Gunn Knowing more about The Book of books. With audio by Stephen Johnston. |
JOHNSTON'S AUDIO BIBLE with GUNN'S GUIDE to the Bible ---New Window Stephen Johnston & Robert Gunn Rob's overview of the Scripture accompanies a verbal narration of the King James Version Bible. |
Listen to the Bible ---New Window April 22, 2005 Tom Stewart Find encouragement for how you can use your computer and the Internet to mine the blessings in store for those, who listen to the Bible. |
Names of the Holy Spirit ---New Window Katie Stewart His identity and person. |
Searching the Scriptures ---New Window (1828-1917) Andrew Murray An excerpt from "The New Life Words of God for Young Disciples of Christ" (Chapter 51) |
Seven Reasons Why I Believe THE BIBLE IS THE WORD OF GOD ---New Window Ian R. K. Paisley "The more I study the calamity which follows the rejection of the Bible the more I am convinced that the Bible is the inbreathed Word of God. In view of this impregnable fact, surely we need to get back to the Bible, back to Bible preaching, back to Bible praying and back to Bible practicing. A revival of Bible Christianity alone can save the situation. A rediscovery of the Word of God brought about the glorious Reformation of four-hundred years ago and thank God the Bible dynamite is just as potent today. Let us then let the Bible rule our hearts and homes and refuse to support those who dare to trifle with it in the pulpit. Above all things, let us seize the unfailing promises of the Book and never rest night nor day from prayer until the God of the Bible visits us with a gracious revival." |
Seven Reasons Why I Believe in THE ATONING BLOOD OF CHRIST ---New Window Ian R. K. Paisley "This vital consideration brings us to the fulcrum of the great operation of the Divine Revelation, to the centre of the vast circumference of Divine Redemption and to the very heart of the throbbing purpose of Divine Reconciliation. We come from the shallows of human speculation to the depths of divine revelation when we come to the Blood. We step at this juncture from the shadows of Old Testament typology to the blazing sunshine of New Testament theology. It is here we launch our souls from the shores of man's estimate into the boundless, tideless, endless sea of God's ultimate." |
Seven Reasons Why I Believe in THE BODILY RESURRECTION OF CHRIST ---New Window Ian R. K. Paisley "The Resurrection is essential to Christianity, for by it alone can Christianity be confirmed. The Resurrection is the great corroborator of the Christian gospel. Remove this keystone and the goodly temple crashes into ruin. As life is essential to living so the Resurrection is essential to a living Christianity. Take away the Resurrection and Christianity becomes a dead letter, but another contribution to the world's Pantheon." "And if Christ be not raised, your Faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins" (1Corinthians 15:17). |
Seven Reasons Why I Believe in THE FULL DIVINITY OF CHRIST ---New Window Ian R. K. Paisley "Our Lord Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh. God tabernacling in human form. When I say I believe in the full deity of Christ, that is what I affirm. At His birth our Lord Jesu Christ did not begin to exist. He was before all worlds Very God of Very God. Neither did He cease to be God, He was, is and always shall be the Mighty God, the Father of Eternity. At the incarnation God the Son took on another mode of existence by taking into union with Himself an impeccable human nature." |
Seven Reasons Why I Believe in THE VIRGIN BIRTH OF CHRIST ---New Window Ian R. K. Paisley "When human impotence bows to that answer of divine omnipotence the Miracle of the Virgin Birth can be whole-heartedly accepted. He who questions the Virgin Birth challenges the almightiness of God. To discredit the Virgin Birth is not only to strike at the nature of Christ but at the very power of God." |
The Bible- God's Holy Book ---New Window Anonymous This Book contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. |
The Getting of Wisdom ---New Window Robert Gunn God's perfect plan of providing us a measure of His Wisdom for each day of our lives. |
The Name of Jesus ---New Window Katie Stewart That We Might Know Him and Be Like Him. Scripture that displays the power and comfort of His matchless Name. |
The Secrets of the LORD Belong to the Righteous ---New Window 7-18-2002 Katie Stewart "The Secret Things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the Words of this Law" (Deuteronomy 29:29). "Every time the Word of God gives up a Secret to a child of God, it is a transaction that is purposed by God to last 'for ever'. And the great reason God wants to give away His Secrets to His children is so that they 'may do all the Words of this Law' (Deuteronomy 29:29). If God's 'little children' (1John 3:7) were like the 'more noble' people of the Book of Acts, they would have 'received the Word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily' (Acts 17:11), 'lay[ing] up for [themselves] Treasures in Heaven' (Matthew 6:20). In so doing, the foundation for Holy Living which 'no man [can] lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ' (1Corinthians 3:11), would be established for them and for their 'children for ever' (Deuteronomy 29:29), because they 'search[ed] the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have Eternal Life: and they are they which testify of [Jesus Christ]' (John 5:39)." |
The Story of Ruth ---New Window (1628-1688) by John Bunyan As told by the Holy Bible and "Scriptural
Poems; "This lovely story of a lovely
The WORD of GOD ---New Window 12-11-97 Katie Stewart A study of Who the WORD is and how the influence of the WORD should be recognized in all that are His. 54 |
Twenty Minutes A Day: How to Survey the Bible in One Year ---New Window Robert Gunn This schedule is planned as a guide to help you read through the whole Bible with greater understanding in the space of one year. Audio by Stephen Johnston. |
It is related of a clever infidel that he sought an acquaintance with the truths of the Bible, and began to read at the books of Moses. He had been in the habit of sneering at the Bible, and in order to be able to refute arguments brought by Christian men, he made up his mind, as he knew nothing about it, to read the Bible and get some idea of its contents. After he had reached the Ten Commandments, he said to a friend:
The former infidel remained to his death a firm believer
in the truth of Christianity.
We call it the "Mosaic" law, but it has been well said that the commandments
did not originate with Moses, nor were they done away with when the Mosaic law was
fulfilled in Christ, and many of its ceremonies and regulations abolished. We can
find no trace of the existence of any lawmaking body in those early times, no parliament,
or congress that built up a system of laws. It has come down to us complete and finished,
and the only satisfactory account is that which tells us that God Himself wrote the
commandments on tables of stone.
Read this classic: Dwight L. Moody on "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" ---New Window
(located in the "Voices From Philadelphia"
---New Window section")
Excerpt from:
Charles Chiniquy
Our Great and Merciful God, who, many times, has made the very
sins and errors of His people to work for good, caused that public iniquity of the
priest to remove the scales from many eyes, and prepare them to receive the light,
which was already dawning at the horizon. A voice from heaven was as if heard by
many of us. "Do you not see that in your Church of Rome, you do not follow the
Word of God, but the lying traditions of men? Is it not evident that your priests'
celibacy is a snare and an institution of Satan?"
Many asked me to show them in the Gospel where Christ had established the law of
celibacy. "I will do better," I added, "I will put the Gospel in your
hands, and you will look for yourselves in that holy book, what is said on that matter."
The very same day I ordered a merchant, from Montreal, to send me a large box filled
with New Testaments, printed by the order of the Archbishop of Quebec; and on the
25th as many from New York. Very soon it was known by every one of my immigrants
that not only had Jesus never forbidden His apostles and priests to marry, but he
had left them free to have their wives, and live with them, according to the very
testimony of Paul. "Have we not power to lead about a sister, a wife, as well
as other apostles, and as the brethren of the Lord, and Cephas? (1 Cor. ix. 5); they
saw, by their Gospel, that the doctrine of celibacy of the priests was not brought
from heaven by Christ, but had been forged in darkness, to add to the miseries of
man. They read and read over again these words of Christ: "If ye continue in
My word, then are ye My disciples indeed. And ye shall know the truth, and the truth
shall make you free.... If the Son, therefore, shall make you free, ye shall be free
indeed." (John viii. 31, 32, 36).
And those promises of liberty, which Christ gave to those who read and followed His
Word, made their hearts leap with joy. They fell upon their minds as music from heaven.
They also soon found, by themselves, that every time the disciples of Christ had
asked Him who would be the first ruler, or the Pope, in His church, He had always
solemnly and positively said that, in His church, no body would ever become the first,
the ruler or the Pope. And they began, seriously, to suspect that the great powers
of the Pope and his bishops were nothing but a sacrilegious usurpation. I was not
long without seeing that the reading of the Holy Scriptures by my dear countrymen
was changing them into other men. Their minds were evidently enlarged and raised
to higher spheres of thought. They were beginning to suspect that the heavy chains
which were wounding their shoulders were preventing them from making progress in
wealth, intelligence, and liberty, as their more fortunate fellow-men, called Protestants.
This was not yet the bright light of the day, but it was the blessed dawn.
--from "Fifty Years in the Church of Rome" ---New Window, Chapter 51
(located in the "Voices From Philadelphia"
---New Window section")
Excerpt from:
J. A. Wylie
A desire had now
been awakened
in the nation at large for the Word of God, and that desire could be gratified not
otherwise than by having the Scriptures in its own tongue... The fullness of the
time for the Bible being given to England in her own tongue, and through England
to the world in all the tongues of earth, had now come. He who brings forth the sun
from the chambers Of the sky at his appointed hour, now gave commandment that this
greater light should come forth from the darkness in which it had been so long hidden.
William Tyndale, the man chosen of God for this labor, had, as we have seen, finished
his task... The Word of God in the mother tongue of the people was at last in England... The English New Testament soon found its way to Cambridge;
and from the two universities it was in no long time diffused over the whole kingdom.
This was in the end of 1525, and the beginning of 1526. The day had broken in England
with the Greek and Latin New Testament of Erasmus; now it was approaching noontide
splendor with Tyndale's English New Testament.
We in this age find it impossible to realize the transition that was now accomplished
by the people of England. To them the publication of the Word of God in their own
tongue was the lifting up of a veil from a world of which before they had heard tell,
but which now they saw. The wonder and ravishment with which they gazed for the first
time on objects so pure, so beautiful, and so transcendently majestic, and the delight
with which they were filled, we cannot at all conceive. There were narratives and
doctrines; there were sermons and epistles; there were incidents and prayers; there
were miracles and apocalyptic visions; and in the center of all these glories, a
majestic Personage, so human and yet so Divine; not the terrible Judge which Rome
had painted him; but the Brother: very accessible to men, "receiving sinners
and eating with them." And what a burden was taken from the conscience by the
announcement that the forgiveness of the Cross was altogether free! How different
was the Gospel of the New Testament from the Gospel of Rome! In the latter all was
mystery, in the former all was plain; the one addressed men only in the language
of the schools, the other spoke to them in the terms of every day. In the one there
was a work to be done, painful, laborious; and he that came short, though but in
one iota, exposed himself to all the curses of the law; in the other there was simply
a gift to be received, for the work had been done for the poor sinner by Another,
and he found himself at the open gates of Paradise. It needed no one but his own
heart, now unburdened of a mighty load, and filled with a joy never tasted before,
to tell the man that this was not the Gospel of the priest, but the Gospel of God;
and that it had come, not from Rome, but from Heaven.
Since "The History of Protestantism" is out of print,
it is now-- to our knowledge-- available only in digital format. We have converted
it to HTML. Each of the 24 books are available separately, which makes them easy
to browse online, with footnotes completely accessible.
A composite Table of Contents is also provided to give you an overview of the subjects
covered in the 24 books; thus, enabling you to access individual chapters.
(located in the "Voices From Philadelphia"
---New Window section")
A feature of our version of "The History of Protestantism" is an
index to the entire 24 books of J. A. Wylie's prodigious account of Christianity's
remonstrance against the errors of the Church of Rome. The index will assist you
in finding the location of KEY words in the text, so that you may research Wylie's
library without the time and difficulty of reading every single book. "These
were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the Word with all
readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so"
(Acts 17:11).
(located in the "Voices
From Philadelphia" ---New Window
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Faith's Checkbook
"He that feareth the Commandment shall be rewarded"
(Proverbs 13:13).
Holy awe of God's Word is at a great discount.
Men think themselves wiser than the Word of the LORD and sit in judgment upon it.
"So did not I, because of the fear of God." We accept the inspired Book
as infallible and prove our esteem by our obedience. We have no terror of the Word,
but we have a filial awe of it. We are not in fear of its penalties because we have
a fear of its commands.
This holy fear of the commandment produces the restfulness of humility, which is
far sweeter than the recklessness of pride. It becomes a guide to us in our movements:
a drag when we are going downhill and a stimulus when we are climbing it. Preserved
from evil and led into righteousness by our reverence of the command, we gain a quiet
conscience, which is a well of wine; a sense of freedom from responsibility, which
is as life from the dead; and a confidence of pleasing God, which is heaven below.
The ungodly may ridicule our deep reverence for the Word of the LORD; but what of
that? The prize of our high calling is a sufficient consolation for us. The rewards
of obedience make us scorn the scorning of the scorner.
Bible's Supreme Place
"Great peace have they which love Thy Law: and
nothing shall offend them"
(Psalm 119:165).
Yes, a true love for the great Book will
bring us great peace from the great God and be a great protection to us. Let us live
constantly in the society of the law of the LORD, and it will breed in our hearts
a restfulness such as nothing else can. The Holy Spirit acts as a Comforter through
the Word and sheds abroad those benign influences which calm the tempests of the
Nothing is a stumbling block to the man who has the Word of God dwelling in him richly.
He takes up his daily cross, and it becomes a delight. For the fiery trial he is
prepared and counts it not strange, so as to be utterly cast down by it. He is neither
stumbled by prosperity -- as so many are -- nor crushed by adversity -- as others
have been -- for he lives beyond the changing circumstances of external life. When
his LORD puts before him some great mystery of the faith which makes others cry,
"This is an hard saying; who can hear it?" the believer accepts it without
question; for his intellectual difficulties are overcome by his reverent awe of the
law of the LORD, which is to him the supreme authority to which he joyfully bows.
LORD, work in us this love, this peace, this rest, this day.
Excerpts taken from "Faith's Checkbook" ---New Window
A Daily Devotional
See Today's Entry ---New Window
"FAITH, PRAYER, AND THE WORD OF GOD. Prayer and faith, the universal remedies against every want and every difficulty; and the nourishment of prayer and faith, God's holy word, helped me over all the difficulties.--
I never remember, in all my Christian course, a period now (in March 1895) of sixty-nine years and four months, that I ever SINCERELY and PATIENTLY sought to know the will of God by the teaching of the Holy Ghost, through the instrumentality of the word of God, but I have been ALWAYS directed rightly. But if honesty of heart and uprightness before God were lacking, or if I did not patiently wait upon God for instruction, or if I preferred the counsel of my fellow men to the declarations of the word of the living God, I made great mistakes."--from "George Mueller of Bristol" --- by A. T. Pierson, Appendix N: "The Wise Sayings of George Mueller"
"Faith is taking God at His
and those people who want some token are always getting into trouble.
We want to come to this: GOD SAYS IT- LET US BELIEVE IT."
Excerpts taken from "THE WAY TO GOD And How to Find It"
by D. L. Moody (1837-1899)
The Online Bible
Download your free King James Version Bible.
Macintosh Windows
Audio-Bible Add On For the Online Bible
Quoted from: CrossCountrySoftware.com ---New Window
"The fabled Scourby reading now comes in a brand new exciting format:
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This is the ENTIRE narration of the King James Version of the Bible by Alexander
You get all 72 hours of audio, indexed on a verse level, as well as continuous play.
Pop up the menu with a right mouse click and listen to the verse in the Scripture
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listen to the entire Bible without flipping a record or tape. It works in conjunction
with your Online Bible version 8.11 or greater. It only works in computers, it will
not work in your stereo equipment. You may ask yourself, why you need Audio Bible?
One of my friends made the point clear to me. He asked me, 'tell me of one thing
your father ever wrote to you?' My mind went blank. After a few seconds he said,
'now tell me things your father told you?' My mind began to fill with memories and
his point was made. We remember better if we hear it and best if we read along with
what we hear. This is what Audio Bible is all about. For centuries the Bible was
read aloud, even when in private. Remember the story of Philip and the Eunuch?"
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