The Love of GOD for Sinners All
(Note: Please read this. If you have ever
sinned against GOD, and all have, you will find food for thought in these few lines.
It won't take much of your time. And no matter what your opinion of GOD is, pro or
con, there are some ideas here that you need to consider.)
"Come now, and let us reason together, saith
the LORD"
(Isaiah 1:18)
by Charles G. Finney--
(edited by Katie Stewart)
ou've probably heard this verse
"For God so loved the world that He gave
His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have
everlasting life." John 3:16
But have you ever considered that sin is the most expensive thing in all of creation.
Nothing has ever, or will ever, cost more. Whether repented of, or not, the cost
of sin is unremittingly consumptive.
For pardoned sin, the Heavenly Father gave His only begotten Son as a ransom in full;
and the Sacrificial Son obeyed in love, and laid down His life, a ransom for many.
Unpardoned sin must forever bear down on the heart and soul of
the sinner, himself. A stiff-necked, self-sustaining, self-righteous sinner has only
himself, or herself, to bear the price of their folly. Their blood will be required,
irrevocably. Their eternity will be required, irrevocably.
What costs more than sin?
The reality of sin is easily acknowledged everywhere we look. Sin is practiced extensively
and indulgently, in all corners of our planet. Sin is an aggravation which irritates
the conscience until
there is no conscience
No one likes to talk about sin. But sin is the violation of the most supreme law
-- the law of love to GOD Almighty and also man.
This Law was designed and intended to secure the purest good of
all creation. Obedience to this Law is absolute. Without absolute obedience to this
Divine Law, there will be no peace or hope to the individual first, then to man collectively,
and then ultimately, all of creation suffers. The proportion of value to all concerned,
in keeping the Law, is the necessity, in equal proportion, of enforcing the Law and
punishing disobedience. The Law must be honored, and disobedience punished. If not,
supreme benefit is lost forever. Sin despises the Law. Sin mocks the Law, and the
Lawgiver. To vindicate His Law, the LORD Jesus must judge the sinner. This He does
do, and will do even more in an especially severe way, very shortly.
Read the following except from a sermon by Charles G. Finney, a famous evangelist
from the 1800s:
Very easy, indeed, it would have been for the Father
to have handled this situation as He did when certain angels kept not their first
estate. Lawlessness broke out among these celestial beings, and the Father did not
tolerate it. He cast them out of Heaven, and down to hell, with swift and sure judgment.
In like manner, He might easily have treated us in the same way. We do deserve it.
But in man's case, the LORD, the Merciful God, designed a method of procedure, profoundly
painful to Himself, and to His dear Son, whereby He might gain mens hearts to Himself.
He then offered this plan to the whole of mans race -- without exception. Only in
that way would a man know that this offer really was made exactly to include himself.
Only then would a man know that this amazing love was to extend to him also. Had
there not been an offer to include all, then some would always doubt if God could
love them, and thereby confound faith. No, the gift was, and is, extended to whosoever.
"For God so loved the world that He gave
His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have
everlasting life."
Now, Why? we might ask, would the LORD of Glory desire to do
such an incredible thing as this? As the Supreme Law states, love is the motivation.
But what a love this is! This is a love that no man has ever given, or received,
in his own efforts. This is an unimaginably, generous love -- a love we cannot fathom.
And, all the while, with this amazing gift of mercy and love, God is defending the
Law, while fulfilling it. He is respecting the Law, upholding it, vindicating it,
by requiring payment to be made for its having been broken.
Sin mocks the Law of God. Man's sin insults the Law, as well as the One who wrote
It and gave It. The righteousness of God's Law is the righteousness of His own character.
Our sinning mocks Gods character. Our sinning mocks the very essence of who God is.
"God is love."
1 John 4:8 Our sinning scorns the most inner part of God's holy being. It scorns
the gift of His Son as our substitutional payment to the Law. Our continued sinning
counts His sacrifice as nothing. " ...
seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put Him to an open shame."
Heb. 6:6
This offer of God's is not an empty one. His only, dear Son did come, and in human
form, with bodily human feelings, and bodily human pains. Jesus, the Christ, the
Son of God, in Whom "neither is there
salvation in any other: for there is none other name under Heaven given among men,
whereby we must be saved." Acts 4:12 This obedient and
loving Son, Jesus, did fulfill His Father's donation to the Law for our sins. It
is a finished, completed fact.
This offer is freely given to anyone with a tender heart to receive it. Jesus suffered
and bled for you, to pay the price of atonement, or "at-one-ment", with
the demands of the Law and God. This price is paid fully, and in love. "Love worketh
no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law." Rom. 13:10
But it must be received by faith. Make no mistakes concerning this point. Acceptance
of historical fact is not the same thing as receiving the sweet person of Jesus Christ
as your own personal Savior. Intellectual assent is only the beginning. If Jesus
doesn't mean enough to you to live by His Word, in pleasing Him -- not yourself --
then you don't love Him. He's proved His love to you. He gave His life for yours.
If you can't give Him your life for His, then you don't love Him. Your faith must
work by love, or its just dead works.
Make no mistake! Just believing historical facts about what Jesus did is not enough.
"For with the heart man believeth unto
righteousness." Rom. 10:10 Understand, that the atonement
Jesus provided to man, allowed the Father God Almighty in Heaven to open His arms
and embrace a repentant sinner like you, all the while knowing the Law wasn't being
disgraced by such a relationship.
And this isn't just a matter of missing the punishment of hell, that you so richly
deserve. This decision must be founded on love -- His love for you, and your love
for Him. Only then will you be willing to give up your own ways, in exchange for
His most excellent ways. Then Love can work His highest good in you. Love can work
His highest good through you, for others. Only in love can you truly obey God, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,
and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these
two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." Matt.
Real repentance is a life-changing action that lasts for eternity. Your heart
will be impressed with the deep sense of His holiness and purity. True repentance
will bring about the renouncing of all known sin, and a sincere zeal to live all
your life to please Him. Always remember that is was your own sin that nailed
Jesus to His cross, and you promise to never add more sin to it.
If you fail, and again sin, you may again ask for forgiveness.
But if your common habit
is to knowingly disobey, and therefore sin ("to
him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." James 4:17), and if your heart does not truly desire the things of GOD,
then He will know it, and He will not be mocked. "Be
not deceived; GOD is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also
reap." Gal.6:7 You must forsake sin. If you don't, then
simply put, you don't love Him. It is absolutely
impossible to love God and sin at the same time.
Consider these verses.
From this point on, with the knowledge you now have, you are under
the greatest responsibility to obey the Light He has shown you. "Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him
shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he
seemeth to have." Luke 8:18 To go against this Light is
to trample beneath your feet, the very Son of God, whose blood was freely offered
for you. "Of how much sorer punishment,
suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God,
and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy
thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?"
Heb. 10:29 You will add, to all of your other sins, the greatest insult to a most
loving and holy LORD. Love works to the highest good of all. Since love is what God
is, then He wishes to work to your highest good. And He has already paid all that
He could for you. The One and Only True God
has paid the most expensive and excessive price that He could possibly pay. He couldnt
have paid more! He died for you! What will you do with this beautiful gift? He offers you an eternity in
Heaven, with joy unspeakable, and a close relationship of His love, forever. All
He asks of you is everything -- your all -- your total heart, life, possessions
-- all that makes you who you are. Is that too much? He has given, and will continue
to give for eternity, His all for you! Is it too much for you to forsake your own
evil ways, for His infinitely good ways? Does He deserve anything less than your
all? If it's too much for you to give, then you shall have to pay for your own sin.
It is your burden, and you shall bear it alone.
But if you can't bear to live without His precious love and care, then you
may be asking, "How can I have this faith?" You can receive faith to believe
by praying for it. This wondrous sacrificial gift, given by the LORD Jesus Christ,
has already been offered. Just receive it.
Hear Rev. Finney:
As we said at the start, sin is the most expensive thing in this universe.
You are now aware what a price has been paid for you, and that you may be redeemed
and made an heir of God and of Heaven. Oh, what an expensive business for you to
indulge in sin! Turn to the One who has destroyed the works of the devil, and He
will make you free.
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