by Robert Gunn
The following extracts are from the Book of Romans:
"For all have sinned, and come short of the Glory of God."
-Romans 3:23
"For the wages of sin is death..."
-Romans 6:23
the Gift of God is Eternal Life through
Jesus Christ our LORD."
-Romans 6:23
if thou shalt confess with thy
mouth the LORD Jesus, and shalt
believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead,
thou shalt be saved."
-Romans 10:9
with the heart man believeth
unto Righteousness;
and with the mouth confession is made
unto Salvation."
-Romans 10:10
whosoever shall call upon the Name of the LORD
shall be saved."
-Romans 10:13
Have you ever asked Jesus to come into your
God has a deep and tender love for you, but He will
not force His will upon you... It's your choice!
The following prayer, should you choose to pray
it, will ensure you spend eternity in Heaven!
That's just how much you are loved!
(simply pray this from your heart)
Dear Jesus, please forgive me for all
the sins that
I have ever done. I repent, and I am truly sorry.
I believe that You died on the Cross to save me,
and that You rose from the dead and now sit at
the right hand of God.
Please come into my heart right now,
and TAKE CONTROL of my life.
Thank you for saving me Jesus.
Thank you.
It's that simple!!! If you have just
prayed the above prayer, your spirit has just been "born again" and you
have been translated out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light!!!
God wants to manifest His Presence in your life now that you have "recognised"
Get a Bible and read the
Gospel of John.
May God Bless You richly in your New
Life with Him,
and remember:
Expect Big things from a
Big God!
"I, even I,
am the LORD; and beside Me
there is no saviour."
-Isaiah 43:11
unto Me, and be ye saved,
all the ends of the earth:
for I am God, and there is none else."
-Isaiah 45:22
God so loved the world, that He gave
His Only Begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,
but have Everlasting Life."
-John 3:16
that believeth on the Son hath Everlasting Life..."
-John 3:36
whosoever drinketh of The Water
that I shall give him shall never thirst;
but The Water that I shall give him shall be in him a Well Of Water springing up
into Everlasting Life."
-John 4:14
Verily, I say unto you,
He that believeth on Me hath Everlasting Life."
-John 6:47
am that Bread Of Life."
-John 6:48
sheep hear My Voice, and I know them,
and they follow Me."
-John 10:27
I give unto them Eternal Life;
and they shall never perish,
neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand."
-John 10:28
saith unto him,
I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me."
-John 14:6
it shall come to pass,
that whosoever shall call on the Name of the LORD
shall be saved."
-Acts 2:21
hereby we do know that we know Him,
we keep His Commandments."
-1 John 2:3
ye love Me, keep My Commandments."
-John 14:15
that saith, I know Him,
and keepeth not His Commandments,
is a liar, and The Truth is not in him.
But whoso keepeth His Word, in him verily is
the Love of God perfected:
hereby know we that we are in Him."
-1 John 2:4-5
know we that we dwell in Him, and He in us,
because He hath given us of His Spirit."
-1 John 4:13
we are His witnesses of these things;
and so is also the Holy Ghost, Whom God hath given
to them that obey Him."
-Acts 5:32
-Presentation by Robert Gunn
Thank You, Rob!
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