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ry > "The King Draws Near" poetry by A. J. Gordon (taken from "For Each New Day") |

King Draws Near"
(original title unknown)

by A. J. Gordon (1836-1895)

"And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a Witness
unto all nations;
and then shall The End come."
(Matthew 24:14).
church of Christ, behold at last
The promised Sign appear,--
The Gospel preached in all the world;
And lo! the King draws near.
He shall reign from sea to sea;
When He girds on His conquering Sword,
All the ends of the Earth shall see
The Salvation of our God.
With girded loins, make haste! Make haste!
Thy witness to complete,
That Christ may take His Throne and bring
All nations to His feet.
And thou, O Israel, long in dust,
Arise, and come away!
See how the Sun of Righteousness
Sheds forth the beams of day.
Thy scattered sons are gath'ring home,
The fig-tree buds again;
A little while and David's Son
On David's throne shall reign.
Then sing aloud, O Pilgrim Church,
Brief conflict yet remains,
And then Immanuel descends
To bind thy foe in chains.

A. J. Gordon
--from "For Each New Day"
"Saying, Blessed be the King that cometh in the Name of
the LORD:
peace in Heaven, and Glory in the Highest"
(Luke 19:38).

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