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Testament Quick Jump Index:
The Old
2 Samuel
1 Kings
1 Chronicles
Song of Sol.
The New
The Acts
1 Corinthians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
1 Peter
1 John
2 John
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The next twelve Books of The Bible are the Historical Books
of the Old Testament, from Joshua to Esther; covering the time from the conquest
of Canaan, through the reigns of the Kings, to the people being taken into exile
in Babylon and their final return. They span roughly 800 years of Israel's history
from about the thirteenth to the fifth century BC.
These two Books describe how the Israelites
conquered and settled in the Promised Land. As a nation the Israelites were beginning
a major new phase of expansion. The famous march around, and subsequent destruction
of the Walls of Jericho set the scene for the taking over of the towns and villages
of the Canaanites. In the Book of Judges the story of Samson and Delilah is told,
occurring during a lawless time of Israel's history.
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These are the only two Books in The Bible
named after women, and they tell fascinating stories of two truly remarkable women.
The Book of Ruth is a touching story of deep devotion and loyalty, while the Book
of Esther is a story of intrigue and irony which displays Esther's great courage
and devotion to her people.
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Israel's ancient history, like that of many
nations, is a story of kings and wars. In 1 Samuel is the story of David slaying
the giant Goliath while 2 Samuel tells of his subsequent reign as King. These 8 Books
record the transition in Israel from the period of the judges to the monarchy, the
later division of the nation and its fall into captivity, and the final return from
1 Samuel
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2 Samuel
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1 Kings
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2 Kings
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1 Chronicles
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2 Chronicles
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The next five Books of The Bible are the Books containing
Poetry, Songs and Wisdom. Recorded here are the Songs of Praise of David and the
wise Proverbs of his son Solomon.
The Books of Job, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes
belong to a type of literature which was common in the ancient Near East. It is known
simply as "Wisdom".
One kind of wisdom is the short pithy saying which gives advice about one's behaviour
and everyday living. Sayings of this kind have been collected in the Book of Proverbs
and parts of Ecclesiastes.
A second kind of wisdom is a reflection on life and its problems - a dialogue as
in the Book of Job, or a monologue as in Ecclesiastes, where the "Philosopher"
reflects on his experience of life.
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The Book of Psalms is the hymn book and
prayer book of The Bible. Composed by different authors over a long period of time,
these hymns and prayers were collected and used by the Israelites in their praise
and worship, until finally this collection was included in their scriptures. They
became the treasured book of worship of the Christian Church from its very beginning.
The Song of Solomon is a collection of love poems, mostly in the form of songs addressed
by a man to a woman, and by the woman to the man. These songs have often been interpreted
as a picture of the relationship between God and His people, between Christ and His
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Song of Solomon
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The last 17 Books of the Old Testament are named after particular Jewish prophets
some of whom came at crisis points in the history of Israel and Judah: when the Assyrians
were laying siege to Jerusalem (Isaiah); at the time of the Babylonian invasion,
when Jerusalem was destroyed and the nation carried into exile (Jeremiah and Ezekiel);
when the exiles returned to rebuild the city and the whole of their national life
(Haggai and Zechariah).
In The Bible the four longer Books of the four
"major" prophets - Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel (as well as Lamentations)
- come before the shorter Books named after the twelve "minor" prophets.
The Book of Isaiah is named after a great prophet who lived in Jerusalem in the latter
half of the eighth century BC. He is generally regarded as the greatest of the Old
Testament prophets with many of the passages in this Book being considered to be
amongst the finest in literature.
The Book of Daniel gives a fascinating account of the dreams of King Nebuchadnezzar,
Daniel's survival in the lions' den and also the stories of the fiery furnace and
the mysterious writing on the wall.
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Although shorter, these twelve Books contain
some very interesting material. Here is told the story of Jonah and the 3 days he
spent inside the whale. The final Book of Malachi (which is also the final Book of
the Old Testament) points the way to the coming of Christ and the dawning of a new
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The first five Books of The New Testament contain the four
Gospels and The Book of Acts. The four Gospels each give a different perspective
on the life of Jesus Christ, while The Book of Acts records the founding and early
history of the Church.
Matthew concentrates on Jesus as the long-awaited
Messiah - the Christ foretold by the Old Testament prophets. He has collected much
of Jesus' teaching and seems to have arranged it in five main sections. He provides
the link between the Old Testament and the New.
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Mark's Gospel is much more action-packed
than Matthew. He tells less about what Jesus taught - more about what Jesus did,
who He was and where He went. Mark best shows Jesus in action, going about proving
the truth of His teaching by showing people first hand the power of God.
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Luke gives the most complete life history
of Jesus. Chapter 2 is the perfect Christmas story to read to young children and
the whole gospel gives a carefully recorded and thorough account of His life. Luke
is actually part one of a two part story which continues in The Book of Acts.
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John's Gospel is perhaps the greatest of
all. Strikingly different from the other three, John's concern above all is to bring
out the meaning of what took place. He tells much more than the others do, concerning
what Jesus said about Himself. John realised it would be impossible to write down
all the things which Jesus did, so he has chosen certain incidents and written them
"that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing
ye might have life through his name" (John 20:31).
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The Acts of The Apostles continues the story
on from the founding of the Church in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost to the imprisonment
of Paul in Rome. In that period of roughly thirty years Jesus' followers began to
spread the Good News across the whole of the eastern Mediterranean world - "both
in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the
earth" (Acts 1:8).
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The twenty one letters in the New Testament are grouped by author in The Bible.
Fourteen are under Paul's name, one is by James, two by Peter, three by John and
one by Jude. Although these are real letters addressed sometimes to churches, and
at other times to individuals, they carry the very essence of the power and freedom
that has been made available to the Believer through Christ.
These nine Books are nine letters from Paul
to the churches in Rome, Corinth, Galatia, Ephesus, Philippi, Colossae and Thessalonica.
The central fifth Book (to the Ephesians) contains some of the most inspiring passages
in The Bible and gives God's vision for a powerful and victorious Church.
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1 Corinthians
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2 Corinthians
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2 Thessalonians
1 2 3
These next twelve books include "the
book of better things"- the great Epistle to the Hebrews, the two Greek words
for "better" and "superior" occurring fifteen times in this letter.
Many great thoughts are contained in these twelve Books, perhaps none more touching
than God's expressed greatest desire for His children: "Beloved, I wish above
all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth"
(3 John 2).
1 Timothy
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2 John
3 John
This final Book of the 66 Books of The Bible
was written by the Apostle John in exile on the island of Patmos off the west coast
of present-day Turkey. The time was the end of the first century AD when Christians
who refused to worship the Roman emperor suffered great persecution.
The Revelation, as its name suggests, is the most unique book in the Bible. Here
are revealed great events in Heaven as well as on the earth and the reader is allowed
a glimpse into the holy city of God.
The Book is apocalyptic in nature and although there are differences of opinion regarding
its interpretation, the central theme is clear: through Christ the Lord, God will
finally and totally defeat all His enemies, including Satan, and will then reward
his faithful people with the blessings of a new heaven and a new earth.
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Additional reference material for Biblical study:
by Adam Clarke
"Having given a general view of the Bible, as a collection of sacred writings,
it may be necessary for the benefit of the young and inexperienced to give a more
particular account of the contents or subject of each book, included in this collection...
The Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, said an eminent scholar, have God for
their Author, the Salvation of mankind for their end, and Truth without any mixture
of error for their matter. As a revelation from God, they have stood the test of
many ages; and as such maintained their ground against every species of enemy, and
every mode of attack. Truth is mighty, and must prevail."
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