Professor Finney's Letter
of April 10, 1839
from "The Oberlin Evangelist"
The object of this letter is to state a little more definitely than
I have thitherto done some of the reasons why young converts have not grown in grace
more, and why I have feared, as I said in a former letter, that revivals would become
more and more superficial till they would finally cease.
I have from my earliest conversion been led to notice more and more particularly
the fact that there are four classes of professors in the church.
The first class seems to have had very little conviction of sin, and consequently
there is not light enough in their experience; that is, they have not experience
enough so to understand the Bible as to be able, under God, to convict others of
sin. They pass along, and nearly their whole lives seem to be worse than useless
so far as the interests of religion are concerned.
A second class seems to have had frequent and deep conviction of sin but appear never
to have been truly regenerated. They understand the Bible measurably on the subject
of depravity, so as to be able under God to bring others under conviction and distress
of mind; and here they stop. They rarely if ever are instrumental in the regeneration
of a sinner. Having no experience on the subject of conversion themselves, they are
all in the dark. And when the inquiry is made by an anxious sinner, "What shall
I do to be saved?"-- although they may give him directions in the language of
Scripture, yet as a matter of fact they cannot so answer his inquiries and shape
their directions and remove his difficulties as to bring him into the kingdom of
God. This class is very numerous. And I have been astonished to find how seldom it
is that professors of religion know what to say to anxious sinners. From long and
close observation, I am led to believe that the difficulty lies in their total want
of experience on the subject of regeneration.
The third class have been really converted and understand the way through the gate
of regeneration well enough to direct others. Knowing themselves what it is to be
converted, thus far they can go with sinners. They know measurably how to use the
law to produce conviction, and enough of the atonement and of Christ as a justifying
Savior instrumentally to bring sinners fairly into the kingdom; for in this they
have personal experience.
But they have gone no further than this. Their time and thoughts and lives have been
employed with these two classes of truths-- the law, and so much of the gospel as
to produce conversion. They have, though, advanced no further than "the first
principles of the oracles of God." They continue to lay again and again "the
foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of the doctrine
of baptism and the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment."
They go round and round in the circle of these first principles of the doctrine of
Christ and never "go on to perfection," either in doctrine or in practice.
Hence, having never given their attention to those higher and more spiritual truths
of the gospel which are the more appropriate food of the Christian soul and indispensable
to his growth in grace, they make little or no progress in holiness and often in
a few years become mechanical in their efforts to convert sinners. Their spirit,
not being sweetened by deep and constant and increasing intercourse with Christ,
becomes bitter and censorious. They know very little what to say to an anxious Christian
struggling against remaining sin. Let them be consulted by a Christian who has made
any considerable attainments in piety and who understands measurably the plague of
his own heart and is panting after the utter annihilation of sin in all its forms
and to be raised up "to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ,"
and they are in the dark. They will generally insist upon such persons going to work
for the conversion of sinners [and] reproach them with not being at work for God
and for thinking so much about themselves and their own sins. The fact is, they are
in the dark in regard to the real state and necessities of such persons. This state
of mind is entirely beyond their experience. They seem to be totally destitute of
that to which Paul refers in 2 Cor. 1:3-6: "Blessed be God, even the Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; who
comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are
in trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. For as the
sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ. And
whether we be afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effectual
in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer: or whether we be comforted,
it is for your consolation and salvation."
Here the Apostle found that God gave him deep Christian experience and comfort that
he might be able to understand the distresses and administer comfort to those in
like circumstances.
Now as a general thing I do not believe it is possible for a Christian to go much
beyond his own experience in administering the consolations of the gospel or in removing
the difficulties that obstruct the paths of others. Even Christ himself was, in this
respect, made perfect through sufferings; "for in that he hath suffered, being
tempted, he is able to succor those that are tempted." The New Testament, and
especially the Epistle to the Hebrews, seems plainly to recognize this truth that
Christ having been in the flesh "and tempted in all points like as we are"
is thereby qualified to sympathize with us, because he "can be touched with
the feelings of our infirmities." It seems plain from the very nature of mind
that in order to lead others, we ourselves must be acquainted with the way; and it
is alarming and affecting to see how few Christians there are in the church who have
experienced enough to direct those who are struggling after high attainments in piety.
Whenever a teacher attempts to go beyond his own experience, he becomes a blind leader
of the blind.
This class of converted Christians who are able, at least for a time, to labor successfully
for the conversion of others, without ever having grown much in grace themselves
and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, has been much increased during the
great revivals.
The fourth class, and I am constrained to say that they are comparatively few, have
learned so much of Christ as a sanctifying as well as a justifying
Savior, have drunk so deeply at the fountain-head of love and of the waters of the
sanctuary, as to be able not merely to direct an inquiring sinner but an anxious
Christian. I have always observed that this class of Christians feel peculiarly
solicitous for the weak lambs of the church. The weak and stumbling and God-dishonoring
state of the church is what most peculiarly afflicts them. Their compassions are
greatly moved when they behold the haltings, complainings, anxieties and follies
of the church.
Now it seems to me that there is something in the history of Paul that ought to be
instructive to the church on this subject. He seems to have spent a number of years
almost exclusively in the conversion of sinners and in the establishment of churches.
But during his confinement at Rome and in the latter part of his ministry, he appears
to have had his attention turned particularly to the subject of strengthening the
church. And it is very edifying to see in all his epistles this prominent feature
of his character: a great solicitude to promote growth in grace among Christians.
It is not to be supposed that he omitted to labor for the conversion of sinners.
But it is, I think, manifest beyond all dispute that his mind was mainly engrossed
with the sanctification of the church. And it is evident from his epistles that he
did not believe that the church would ever be sanctified merely by pressing them
to labor exclusively for the conversion of sinners or by dwelling upon that particular
class of subjects that were denominated by him "the beginning of the doctrine
of Christ." His letters were, I think, undeniably designed to lead Christians
into a fuller knowledge of Christ, in all his relations-- to the necessity, means
and practicability of entire sanctification. The same seems to have been true of
all the apostles whose epistles have come down to us.
But I have made so many preliminary remarks that I must omit my main design, that
is to notice some of the reasons why converts have not grown more in grace, till
my next.
C. G. FINNEY A Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ
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