Lecture VII
The Self-Hardening Sinner's Doom
Text.--Pro. 29:1: "He that, being often reproved, hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy."
In discussing this subject I will consider:
I. When and how persons are reproved
II. God's design in reproving sinners
III. What it is to harden the neck
IV. What is intended by the sinner's being suddenly destroyed, and
V. What is implied in its being without remedy
I. When and how persons are reproved.
God's reproof of sinners may properly be considered as embracing three distinct departments;
namely, reproof by means of His word, by means of His providence, and through His
Spirit. My limits will allow me to make only a few suggestions under each of these
Sinners often form ambitious projects. The student seeks for himself a great name as a scholar; in other spheres, men seek the renown of the warrior, or the civilian--their aspiration being to enroll their names high above their fellows on the pillar of fame; but God in His providence blasts their hopes, frustrates their plans, and would fain make them see that they had better by far get their names written in the Lamb's book of Life. So He blots out their name on Ambition's scroll as fast as they can write it there; as if He would show them their folly, and allure them to write it where no power can ever erase it.
Again, it often happens that men by means of their selfishness become involved in difficulty; perhaps by a selfish use of their property, or by a selfish indulgence of their tongues; and God springs His net upon them, and suddenly they are taken, and find themselves suddenly brought up to think of their ways, and to experience the mischiefs of their selfish schemes. How often do we see this! Men make haste to be rich, and start some grasping scheme of selfishness for this purpose; but God suddenly springs His net upon them--blasts their schemes, and sets them to thinking whether there be not a "God in heaven who minds the affairs of men."
Another man finds himself entangled in lawsuits, and his property melts away like an April snow; and another pushes into some hazardous speculation--till the frown of the Almighty rebukes his folly.
As men have a thousand ways to develop their selfishness, so God has a thousand ways to head them back in their schemes and suggest forcibly to their minds that "this their way is their folly." In all such cases men ought to regard themselves as taken in the net of God's providence. God meets them in the narrow way of their selfishness, to talk with them about the vanity and folly of their course.
Everything which is adapted to arrest the attention of men in their sins may be regarded as a providential reproof. Thus, when God comes among sinners and cuts down some of their companions in iniquity, how solemn often are those dispensations! Often have I had opportunity to notice these effects. Often have I seen how solemn the minds of sinners become under these reproofs of the Almighty. Their feelings become tender; their sensibilities to truth are strongly excited. Who can fail to see that such events are designed to arrest the attention, and to rebuke and reprove them in their course of sin?
Every obstacle which God in His providence interposes in your way of selfishness, is His reproof. You can regard it in no other light.
God sometimes reproves sinners in a way which may be deemed more pungent than any other. I allude to that way which the Bible describes as heaping coals of fire on an enemy's head. A man abuses you; and in retaliation, you do him all the good in your power. Glorious retaliation! How it pours the scorching lava on his head! Now God often does this very thing with sinners. They sin against Him most abusively and most outrageously; and what does He do? How does He retaliate upon them? Only by pouring out upon them a yet richer flood of mercies! He pours new blessings into their lap till it runs over. He prospers their efforts for property; enlarges their families like a flock, and smiles on everything to which they put their hand. O how strangely do these mercies contrast with the sinner's abuse of his great Benefactor!
I can recollect some cases of this sort in my own experience, when the deep consciousness of guilt made me apprehend some great judgments from God. But just then, God seemed in a most remarkable manner to reveal His kindness and His love, and to show the great meekness of His heart. O what a rebuke of my sins was this! Could anything else so break my heart all to pieces? Who does not know the power of kindness to melt the heart?
So God rebukes the sinner for his sins, and seeks to subdue his hard heart by manifested love.
Often sickness is to be regarded as a rebuke from God. When persons for selfish purposes abuse their health and God snatches it away, He in a most forcible way rebukes them for their madness.
Sometimes He brings the lives of men into great peril, so that there shall be but a step between them and death; as if He would give this movement of His providence a voice of trumpet-power to forewarn them of their coming doom. So various and striking are the ways of God's providence in which He reproves men for their sins.
Again, I have no doubt that in the present as in former days God reproves men of their sins by means of dreams. If all the reliable cases of this sort which have occurred since the Bible was completed were recorded, I doubt not they would fill many volumes. I am aware that some suppose this mode of divine operation upon the human mind has long ago ceased; but I think otherwise. It may have ceased to be a medium of revealing new truth--doubtless it has; but it has not ceased to be employed as a means of impressing and enforcing truth already revealed. Sometimes the great realities of the coming judgment and of the world of doom are brought out and impressed upon the mind with overwhelming force by means of dreams. When this is the case, who shall say that the hand of the Lord is not in it?
A striking instance of a dream in which the hand of the Lord may be seen, is related by President Edwards. One of his neighbors, an intemperate man, dreamed that he died and went to hell. I will not attempt to relate here the circumstances that according to his dream occurred there. Suffice it to say that he obtained permission to return to earth on probation for one year, and was told distinctly that if he did not reform within one year, he must come back again. Upon this he awaked, under most solemn impressions of the dreadful realities of the sinner's hell. That very morning he went to see his pastor, Pres. Edwards, who said to him--"This is a solemn warning from God to your soul. You must give heed to it and forsake your sins, or you are a ruined man for eternity." The man made very solemn promises. When he had retired, Edwards opened his journal and made an entry of the principal facts; the dream, the conversation, and of course the date of these events. The inebriate reformed and ran well for a time; attended church and seemed serious; but long before the year came around, he relapsed, returned to his cups, and ultimately, in a fit of intoxication opened a chamber door in a shop which led down an outside stairway--pitched headlong and broke his neck. Pres. Edwards turned to his journal and found that the one year from the date of his dream came round that very night, and the man's appointed time was up!
Now it is no doubt true that in general, dreams are under the control of physical law, and follow, though with much irregularity, the strain of our waking revelries; and for this reason many persons will not believe the hand of the Lord ever works in them; yet their inference is by no means legitimate; for God certainly can put His hand upon the mind dreaming as well as upon the mind waking, and multitudes of instances in point show that He sometimes does.
Again, God reproves the sinner whenever His Spirit awakens in the mind a sense of the great danger of living in sin. I have often known sinners greatly affected with the thought of this danger--the terrible danger of passing along through life in sin, exposed every hour to an eternal and remediless hell.
Now these solemn impressions are God's kind warnings, impressed on the soul because He loves the sinner's well-being, and would fain save him if He wisely can.
Again, God often makes the impression that the present is the sinner's last opportunity to secure salvation. I know not how many such cases have fallen under my own observation, cases in which sinners have been made to feel deeply that this is to be the very last offer of mercy, and these the very last strivings of the Spirit. My observation has taught me in such cases, to expect that the result will verify the warning--that this is none other than God's voice, and that God does not lie to man, but teaches most solemn and impressive truth. O how does it become every sinner to listen and heed such timely warnings!
Again, God's Spirit reproves sinners through their particular friends, or through gospel ministers. The affectionate admonitions of a brother or a sister, a parent or a child--a husband, or a wife, how often have these been the vehicle through which God has spoken to the soul! His minister also, God often employs for this purpose, so directing their minds that they in fact present to the sinner the very truth which fits his case, and he says, "It must be that somebody has told the minister all about my thoughts and feelings. Who can it be? I have never told anybody half so much of my heart as he has preached today." Now in such cases you may be safe in ascribing the fitting truth to the guiding hand of the divine Spirit. God is making use of His servant to reprove the sinner.
In all such cases as I have now been adducing, the reproofs administered should
be ascribed to the Spirit of the Lord. In the same manner as God often in various
ways administers consolation to penitent souls; so does He administer reproof to
the impenitent. He has a thousand modes of making His voice audible to the sinner's
conscience, and in His wisdom He always selects such as He deems best adapted to
produce the desired result.
II. The design of God in reproving sinners.
Thus will God in these providential warnings glorify Himself by exhibiting His true character and conduct. Nothing more is ever needful in order to glorify God than that His true character and conduct should be known as it is. The developments brought out at the judgment-day will thus reveal God, and of course will enhance His glory.
Again, God would manifest the utter madness, recklessness and folly of sinners. How striking it will appear in the judgment to see such a multitude of cases of reproof brought out to light, and then in connection to see the folly and madness of sinners in resisting so many reproofs! What a gazing-stock will sinners then be to the gathered myriads of intelligent beings! I have sometimes thought this will be the greatest wonder of the universe, to see the men who have displayed such perfect and long-continued infatuation in resisting so much love and so many kind and most heart-affecting appeals and reproofs! There they will stand monuments of the voluntary infatuation of a self-willed sinner! The intelligent universe will gaze at them as if they were the embodiment of all that is wondrous in madness and folly!
III. What is it to harden the neck?
The figure is taken from the effect of the yoke on the bullock. Under constant pressure
and friction the skin becomes callous, and past feeling. So with the sinner's conscience.
His will has resisted truth until his constant opposition has hardened his moral
sensibility, and his will rests in the attitude of rebellion against God. His mind
is now fixed; reproofs which have heretofore chafed his sensibilities no longer reach
them; friction and resistance have hardened his heart till he is past feeling. No
dispensations of providence alarm him; no voice from God disturbs him; under all
appeals to his reason or conscience his will is doggedly fixed; his moral feelings
are insensible.
In this state, one might well say, the neck is hardened. The figure is pertinent.
Who has not seen cases of this sort? Cases of men who have become so hardened that
every reproof passes by them as if it touched them not--as if their moral sensibility
had ceased to be any sensibility at all. I was struck the other day in conversing
with a man of seventy-five, with his apparent insensibility to religious considerations.
Are you a Christian, said I? "No; I don't know anything about them things--what
you call Christians. I never murdered anybody, and I guess I have been as honest
as most folks in my way."
But are you prepared to enter heaven--to go into another state of existence, and
meet God face to face? "O, I don't believe anything about them things. If I
only live about right, that's enough for me." I could make no impression on
such a mind as his; but God will make such men know something about these things
by and by. They will change their tone ere long!
You sometimes see men in this condition who have given their intelligence up to embrace
error, and have of free choice put darkness for light, and light for darkness; have
stultified themselves in their own iniquities, and have said to evil, "Be thou
my good." These have a seared conscience and a hard heart; their neck is an
iron sinew, and they are fixed and fully set never to yield to God's most reasonable
What then shall God do with such men? The text tells us. They "shall be suddenly
destroyed, and that without remedy." This leads me to inquire.
IV. What is meant by being suddenly destroyed?
V. What is meant when this destruction is said to be "without remedy?"
Many other forms of disease, as well as the Cholera evince the terror of Jehovah's arm. The strong man is bowed low; his physician sits by his bed-side, powerless for help; disease mocks all efforts to withstand its progress; human skill can only sit by and chronicle its triumph. God is working, and none but a God could resist.
1. We see how to account for the sudden deaths of the wicked that occur often, and
what we are to think of them. Some such deaths have occurred here which were exceedingly
striking to me. Here we have seen young men, sons of pious parents, children of many
prayers and many warnings; but they waxed hard under reproof; and their days were
soon numbered. Away they go--and we see them no more. There was one young man who
came here to study. He had been warned and prayed for. Perhaps the Lord saw that
there was no hope in any farther effort. His sickness I can never forget; nor his
horror as death drew on apace. Away he passed from the world of hope and mercy. I
will not attempt to follow him, nor would presume to know his final doom; but one
thing I know--his companions in sin received in his death a most solemn and awful
2. The danger of wicked men is in proportion to the light they have. Men of great
light are much the more likely to be cut off in early life. Of this we have seen
some very striking instances in this place. Some young men have been raised here--were
here when I came to the place, and then, in the tender years of childhood and youth
they saw their companions converted, and were often affectionately warned themselves.
But they seemed to resist every warning and come quick to maturity in moral insensibility.
I need not give their names; you knew them once; where are they now? It is not for
me to tell where they are; but I can tell where they are not. They are not grown
up to bless the church and the world; they did not choose such a course and such
an end to their life. They are not here among us; No! the places that knew them once
shall know them no more forever. You may call for them in our College halls; in the
sad-hearted families where once they might be found; they respond to no call--till
the blast of the final trumpet. They knew their duty but too well, and but too soon
they apparently settled the question that they would not do it.
That old man of almost four score of whom I spoke was not brought up in any Oberlin.
His birth place was in the dark places of the earth--in Canada--where he learned
neither to read nor to write. There are children here not ten years old who have
forty times as much knowledge on all religious subjects as he. He has lived to become
hoary in sin; these children, brought up here need expect no such thing. Tell me
where you can find an old man who has been brought up on the midst of great light,
who yet lives long and waxes more and more hard in sin and guilt. Usually such men
as have great light in their youth will not live out half their days.
3. It is benevolent in God to make His providential judgments in cutting down hardened
sinners a means of warning others. Often this is the most impressive warning God
can give men. In some cases it is so terrible that sinners have not dared to attend
the funeral of their smitten associates. They have seemed afraid to go near the awful
scene--so manifest has it been that God's hand is there. In many instances within
my personal knowledge the hand of God has cut down in a most horrible manner, men
who were opposing revivals. I cannot now dwell upon these cases.
4. We may learn to expect the terrible destruction of those who under great light,
are hardening themselves in sin. I have learned when I see persons passing through
great trials to keep my eye on them and see if they reform. If they do not I expect
to see them ere long cut down as hopeless cumberers of the ground. Being often reproved
yet still hardening their neck, they speedily meet their doom according to the principle
of God's government announced in our text.
5. Reproof administered either soon subdues, or rapidly ripens for destruction. This
ripening process goes on rapidly in proportion to the pressure with which God follows
them with frequent and solemn reproofs. When you see God following the sinner close
with frequent reproofs, plying him with one dispensation after another, and all in
vain, you may expect the lifted bolt to smite him next and speedily.
6. The nearer destruction is to men, the less as a general thing they fear or expect
it. When you hear them cry, "Peace and safety, then sudden destruction"
is at hand and they shall not escape. Just at the time when you are saying--"I
never enjoyed better health"--just then when you are blessing yourself in the
prospect of securing your favorite objects, then sudden destruction comes down like
an Alpine avalanche, and there is neither time to escape nor strength to resist.
How often do you hear it said--Alas! it was so unexpected, so sudden--who would have
thought this blow was coming! Just when we least of all expect it, it fell with fatal
7. Sinners who live under great light are living very fast. Those who are rapidly
acquiring knowledge of duty, standing in a focal center of blazing light, with every
thing to arouse their attention--they, unless they yield to this light, must soon
live out the short months of their probation. They must soon be converted, or soon
pass the point of hope--the point within which it is morally possible that they shall
be renewed. Men may under some circumstances live to the age of seventy and never
get so much light as they can in a few days or weeks in some situations. Under one
set of circumstances a sinner might get more light--commit more sin and become more
hardened in a twelve month than he would under other circumstances in a life of four
score years. Under the former circumstances he lives fast. A sabbath school child
might in this point of view die an hundred years old. The accumulations of a hundred
years of sin and guilt and hardness might in his case be made in one short year.
Where light is blazing as it has blazed here; where children have line upon line
as they are wont to have here, how rapidly they live! How soon do they fill up the
allotted years of probation for the reason that the great business of probation is
driven through with prodigiously accelerated rapidity! O how suddenly will your destruction
come, unless you speedily repent! Of all places on earth, this should be the last
to be chosen to live in, unless you mean to repent. I would as soon go to the very
door of hell and pitch my tent to dwell there, as to come here to live unless I purposed
to serve God. Yet many parents bring or send their children here to be educated--in
hope often that they will be converted too; and this is well; so would I; but by
all means, ply them with truth and press them with appeals and entreaties, and give
them no rest, till they embrace the great salvation. Let these parents see to it
that their children are really converted. If they pass along without being converted,
do you not expect they will soon break away and plunge into some of the dark mazes
of error? Who does not know that this is the natural result of resisting great light?
"Because they receive not the love of the truth that they may be saved, God
shall send them strong delusion that they may believe a lie, and all be damned who
believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness." O how they go on
with rapid strides down to the depths of hell! You scarce can say they're here, before
they are gone. And the knell of their early graves proclaims, "He that being
often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy."
of easily misunderstood terms as defined by Mr. Finney himself.
Compiled by Katie Stewart
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