What Saith the Scripture?
The Child-Like Spirit an Essential Condition of Entering Heaven
by Charles Grandison Finney
President of Oberlin College
from "The
Oberlin Evangelist" Publication of Oberlin College
Lecture I
May 26, 1852
Public Domain Text
Reformatted by Katie Stewart
Text.--Matt. 18:3:
"Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little
children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven."
Text.--Mark 10:15: "Verily I say unto you,
Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter
The passage from Matthew stands in the following connection: The disciples came
to Jesus, saying, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
"And Jesus called a little child unto Him, and set him in the midst of them,
and said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children,
ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven."
Look at the question which drew forth this decisive remark from our Lord:--"Who
is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." Strange question this, for holy men
to ask -- for men to ask, who had now been in the society of the Meek and Lowly One
long enough, it would seem, to understand and to have imbibed His spirit. Our Lord
wisely took advantage of the question, to propound one vastly important principle
in reference to the nature of His kingdom and the consequent fitness for entering
In discussing the subject here presented, it will be important,
I. To state some of the characteristics of little children.
II. To show why this state of mind is indispensable to salvation.
I. To state some of the characteristics of little children.
It is important in the outset to consider attentively the fact that the case taken
for illustration is a little child; not a young man or a young woman; -- not one
who had reached the period where little children, as they advance in age, are wont
to lose the simplicity of little ones. Let it also be carefully noted, that the characteristics
of the little child, to which the Savior refers, are not, as they appear in the very
young child, moral, but only natural. They serve to illustrate the moral qualities
of character which are indispensable conditions of salvation, yet they are not themselves
moral, for the reason that they are spontaneous, and are not developed under the
action of either the intelligence or the conscience. Until both these faculties are
so far matured as to act responsibly, it is a great mistake to suppose that there
can be either moral character or moral action.
The language used by our Lord plainly shows that He refers to analogous and not to
identical qualities. "Except ye be converted and become as little children."
He does not demand that we should become as ignorant as they--as void of enlightened
conscience as they. No. Like Paul, He would say: "In malice, be ye children;
but in understanding, be ye MEN."
Let us, then, trace the analogies between the characteristics of little children
and those of Christian converts.
Do not forget that I am now speaking, not of a child who has grown forward into guile and deceit-- who has begun to violate his conscience, and of course has a motive for trying to appear what he is not; not of such does the Savior speak.
It is often very striking and instructive to see how this spirit develops itself in quite young children. It often seems as if they should scarcely find time to sleep, so earnest are they to learn the meaning of the thousand new things which they daily hear and see. You see them asking their simple-hearted questions of everybody and everywhere. Even the little children of Queen Victoria will run into the kitchen and ask questions of the humblest servants in her household, and none are so low in station that they are ashamed to expose their ignorance before them. In fact, at this unambitious age of life, they seem to have no idea of aristocratic distinctions. They are free of heart to associate with any kind-hearted children, be their color or condition in life what it may.
How unlike all this is the condition of those who have advanced in years and in sin till they are ashamed to be known, and afraid even to know themselves! Then see how artful--how studious to keep their real character in the dark! How expert in framing disguises, and how intent on keeping up false appearances! If they are ignorant on any point, perhaps they will sooner remain so than run the risk of exposing their ignorance by asking a question. How strong the contrast between them and little children, in this respect of true humility!
How beautiful an illustration is this of the spirit of trustful dependence in which the young convert lives of his Savior! The Christian, as we all know, must have this spirit; he has no other way to live a real Christian life--no other way to enjoy peace of mind amid a world of wants and cares--no other way to go on from strength to strength, waxing more and more mighty through the might of Jehovah.
But it is time to break off from this enumeration of these beautiful and illustrative characteristics of the little child, and advance.
II. To show that a state of mind corresponding to these characteristics of
the little child is essential to salvation.
"Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into
the kingdom of heaven."
Let it be well considered, that the qualities of character which I have specified
as common to little children, are not real holiness. These little ones may not have
reached the development of any moral character at all. But their spirit so closely
resembles, in some respects, the spirit of the true Chrisian that it affords a pertinent
illustration, and it is only as such that our Savior uses it. And moreover, it stands
in so strong contrast with the spirit of the sinner, who gives up his soul to sinning,
who violates his conscience, and who of course becomes dishonest, proud and selfish,
that it seems the fittest illustration that can be found of the marked difference
between those who belong to the kingdom of hell, and those who enter the kingdom
of heaven.
But why, let us ask, must persons be converted and become as little children, before
they can enter heaven?
Look carefully into these qualities of the little child, and suppose a case in which they are not present. Here is a man whose character is not transparent, but who studiously conceals his real heart. Is not he dishonest-- essentially, radically dishonest? How unfit, then, for a place in the kingdom of heaven!
Or suppose him proud, in the sense opposed to that humility which I have named as one characteristic of the little child. He does not consent, by any means, to be known as he truly is. His whole endeavor is to put on, and keep on, a false appearance. Is not this radically dishonest? And who does not know that God can have no sympathy or fellowship with a dishonest mind?
Or again, suppose a man aspiring and ambitious. How rarely can you discover in him anything that even seems like real honesty!
Or suppose him wanting in that confiding trustful spirit which is so prominent in the little child. If you search his character to the bottom you will find that he lacks the element of substantial honesty of mind, and has learned to be distrustful of others by observing that there is nothing trustworthy in himself.
In this way, you may take up successively each element of the spirit peculiar to the little child, and you will see that the absence of these qualities and the presence of their opposities evince a dishonest state of mind, and therefore a state utterly unfit for the kingdom of heaven.
Now we all know that the little child has a teachable spirit. He loves to be taught, and therefore his mind is all open to truth, and you can teach him anything you please. But if he advances onward to a state of mind all of pride and vanity, and withal, to a state in which his selfish and wicked heart opposes the truth, then how he changed! O, he knows so much now that you cannot teach him anything! He is wiser than any seven men, however skillful they may be in giving the reasons of things. There are some students who can never learn theology. They will forever stumble and flounder along; and the reason is, they are already too wise in their own conceits to become any wiser. Who has not had occasion to observe how surely fatal to the acquisition of knowledge is this spirit of self-conceit? How then can God teach men of such a spirit? I know God sometimes comes down to teach His people "by terrible things in righteousness," and that sometimes He does effect by hard discipline what perhaps could be done by no milder means; yet it is true as a general law of God's spiritual administration, that the "meek," and those only, "will He teach in judgement--the meek will He lead in His way." God makes His creatures bear the responsiblity of maintaining a teachable spirit; and according as they do or do not maintain it may they expect to be taught or not taught of God. Hence the necessity of being converted and of becoming as a little child in order to enter the kingdom of heaven.
I must therefore proceed to close with some
1. This state of mind is always characteristic of young converts. If you see professed
converts who have not this spirit, you may be very sure that are not converted. And
even great men form no exception to this remark. The greatest men, when converted,
are the most childlike. Scores of times have I heard the remark made as if with astonishment
-- "Such a great man appears just like a little child." The reason was
simply this: he had become truly converted, that is all. That had occured in his
case of which the text speaks: He had been converted and had become as a little child.
I once heard a Doctor of Divinity spoken of as a great man--an eminently great man.
I happened to know the man, and was therefore able to reply: "if you were to
see him, you would find him just like a little child, as simple-hearted and as far
removed from anything like vanity or pride. You might feel yourself perfectly at
ease in his presence, for he does not put on airs as if he were above his fellow
Professed converts sometimes come out as they call it, in a state of great excitement,
full of shouting and triumph, but are not humble and childlike. You may be almost
sure there is some mistake in such cases. They have not entered by the way described
by our Lord: have not been so converted as to become like little children. I once
knew of a very proud man, who came into possession of this genuine gospel spirit.
A friend of his who had known him in his life of sin saw him afterwards in a prayer
meeting: "What! said he, would you believe it possible? I saw that man, once
so proud, on his very knees, down in the midst of some of the lowest class of society,
just as if he were no better than they! He prayed and they prayed and nobody seemed
to think of any difference in rank between them. That man, once so full of aristocratic
pride is now among the lowest of men." Mark such cases! Christianity develops
itself very rapidly too in such cases.
2. Selfishness in its moral and proper sense does not appear in very young children.
They love their own happiness to be sure: What sentient being does not? But this
is not the same thing as selfishness. If you would carefully observe the difference
between the self-seeking of very young children, and the self-seeking of those whose
moral agency is developed, you would discover it to be very great. The little one
loves to be happy, but loves to have others happy also. He is altogether simple-hearted
and guileless. But as soon as he gets away from his infantile simplicity, the fruits
of sin and of guilty selfishness become apparent. Now he is all guileful. Like Adam
and Eve, he hastens to sow up some fig-leaf covering and to hide himself among the
trees of the garden from the searching scrutiny of both God and man. He has done
something wrong; all wrong things are mean; he knows and feels it keenly; and therefore
seeks to hide and cover up. Until this time he had never done anything which he wished
to cover up. Now, therefore, his spirit of concealment and guile reveal his sin and
selfishness. All full of fraud and treachery, he waxes worse and worse; conscious
of wrong doing, and anxious to save appearances, his temptations to deceit and hypocrisy
are too great for him to resist.
3. Selfishness is too false to be confiding. The selfish youth knows himself to be
unworthy of confidence, and hence, judging others by himself, he does not naturally
trust them. With no self-respect, it cannot be natural for him to trust his fellows.
Unteachable also, he ought to expect to remain in ignorance. How often it happens
that sinners get above becoming religious, simply because they become too self-sufficient
and proud of their attainments or talents to understand a thing so simple as the
gospel. They get into a state of mind in which they cannot learn the plain and humbling
doctrines of the cross, and hence they are prepared for yet deeper self-deception.
It would be easy to show that selfishness is the greatest self-deception. The selfish
man seems to use his intellect only to deceive himself and to deceive others, his
main business being to cover up his own true character and real motives. "A
deceived heart hath turned them aside," saith the heart-searching word of the
Lord; and nothing can be more true. It does most truly turn men aside from integrity
and truth. "Deceiving and being deceived," is another daguerrotype sketch
of the selfish man's history. It is but a righteous judgment that he who gives himself
up to deceive others should be caught in his own snares, deceiving himself just because
there is no simplicity nor honesty in him.
4. If children die in real infancy and before moral agency commences, it is easy
to see how naturally they pass into the kingdom of heaven. I am aware that some will
be stumbled at such a sentiment, for there are some who maintain that even the very
marrow, blood, and bones of the infant are altogether sin. But this is not Jesus
Christ's teaching. He most fully recognizes the fact that the earliest developments
of the infant mind closely resemble true religion. Hence He says all men must be
so changed as to become as little children; else they cannot enter the kingdom of
heaven. Little chilren live in love and walk by faith; so must all who enter the
kingdom of heaven. These are the two great elements of piety. Hence the natural adaptedness
of little children, (taken at a period anterior to moral agency, sin and self-righteousness,)
to be removed to another state where the discipline needful in order to evolve real
piety may be brought into action. If they die before they have violated conscience,
how naturally will they go right on in progress towards holiness and perhaps we might
say progress in holiness. God takes away their body; no temptation therefore assails
them from that quarter. They have the loving-kindness of the Lamb to lead them along
and secure them from all spiritual dangers; what then shall hinder their being truly
the children of God in their new abode?
Ye who have lost little children think of this. Dwell on what Christ Himself says--"Of
such is the kingdom of heaven." Before they have developed the dishonesty and
fiendishness of the selfish spirit, they go in all the simplicity and guilelessness
of little children into the presence of their Savior. They will not, like Adam and
Eve, fly from God; there is no reason why they should. If they were selfish; if they
had trampled down their conscience; if they were intent upon covering up their real
character, then they would have abundant reason for flying away from Jehovah's presence.
Precious little ones: How will Jesus gather them in His arms! How intently will He
pluck the little flowers and transplant them, yet tender and lovely, into His better
garden. A sense of guilt they never have had: happy for them that they are never
to have it. All suddenly, from the sleep of death they awake into the society and
the scenes of heaven. What an atmosphere is this to wake in, from such a state as
that of the infant mind on earth!
But let that child become a sinner before its transition from earth to the eternal
state-- how changed the scene! Then the qualities of his character become unutterably
revolting and shocking. All lustful, proud, impatient, distrustful; not one element
of character fit for heaven. O, how dreadful to rush into sin and refuse to obey
God! How dreadful to plunge into that gulf of depravity where nothing pure remains,
but all is "earthly, sensual, devilish!"
5. Selfish beings are continually progressing into a state more and more offensive
to God. As they come to know more of God, they become more intensely and more meanly
selfish--more committed to evil, and more fatally opposed to good. Let a young man
come here for education, as many have, young in years and not greatly hardened in
heart;-- he enters the lower classes, comparatively humble in spirit; for a season
he passes along quietly and pleasantly to himself; but by and by he becomes ambitious;--then
you may see some of the most detestable features of selfishness developing themselves;
and perhaps when the time arrives which is to test his standing and his ambition,
you may see him angry, and almost mad, because he is not the first and foremost;
almost a devil in spirit, he inwardly frets and rages, and outwardly he will often
pour out the venom of his selfish and mortified spirit upon the whole surface of
the society in which he moves. I have sometimes had occasion to say that I dreaded
the influence of the Senior College Class. Do you ask me why? Because they are so
testy, so sensitive and so ambitious. What's the matter? They have been in college
till they have grown wiser in science but wickeder in heart!
This reveals one great reason why advanced students are so much less likely to be
converted than those who have only just entered. The latter have much more simplicity
of character, and are much less affected by that horrible ambition which is the bane
and curse of so many students. My dear young men, do you know this? Are you aware
that the earliest months of your residence in this school are altogether the most
hopeful for your conversion,--and that as you go on farther and farther in your course,
the difficulties increase, the temptations to sin multiply, and the probabilities
of your conversion are exceedingly diminished! O, how does it become you to understand
this, and be wise in time!
6. Just in proportion as persons have the spirit of little children are they hopeful
subjects of converting grace. Those periods of life in which this spirit is most
prominent are the hopeful seasons. Then is the time to press home the truth and bring
the mind to the full decision. If you can enlighten the minds of children quite early
all the better, - no matter how early, for then the obstacles you have to meet are
so much less. But if you leave them to go astray from the path of duty; if they begin
to violate their consciences and harden their hearts, you will find that each day
and each hour augments exceedingly the difficulties in the way of their submission
to God.
It is sometimes said by way of objection to the work of grace, that conversions occur
most frequently among children and youth, and in this Institution, among the preparatory
and not the more advanced students. What is the reason of this fact? Is it because
the more advanced in learning and wisdom have found that religion is all a humbug!
No, indeed; but because the mind that persists in a course of sin while it is advancing
in knowledge, must be dishonest with itself. I appeal to yourselves; what Sabbath
passes over you, in which you do not play a dishonest part with yourselves and with
divine truth! You hear the truth; you know it is truth; and you know it has claims
upon you for your instant obedience to it; and yet you wickedly resist these claims.
There is not one of you who, if he had but five minutes to live, would not cry aloud
in anguish: "Pray for me, for I am a guilty sinner, on the very verge of hell!"
Your cavils would vanish in a breath. I know the hearts of the young men who sometimes
cavil against God's truth, for I have talked scores of times with half-fledged infidels.
They know that God is holy, and that they are altogether sinful. They know these
solemn truths as well as they know that they exist. It is all in vain that they try
to deceive themselves or others in these matters. They cannot deceive God; and when
the searching hour shall come, they will find that they have not even deceived themselves
to any good purpose. They know too much, and the eternal truths of God are too well
established to allow them to be at ease in their sin. I have never yet seen the first
sinner, who, when about to die, needed any arguments presented to prove to him that
religion is a reality--that he had broken God's law, and must repent or be lost.
In that solemn hour, they all know these things too well to need any more light or
reasoning on the subject.
Remember, therefore, that the reason why young persons; as they grow older and more
learned, are more averse to the gospel is, not that they see more clearly the groundlessness
of the Christian religion, but the reason is, they are more self-deceptive, are more
dishonest, more ambitious and aspiring; that they lose the simplicity of their earlier
years, and do not deal honestly with the truth which they positively know. Go to
them with a personal appeal to their conscience. Say to any of them--"Are you
a sinner?" "Oh, yes, I suppose so." "Do you think it right and
reasonable for you to live in rebellion against your Infinite Father?" "By
no means." "Will you then repent and submit to God?" "No."
Now, such a mind is altogether dishonest with itself and with acknowledged truth.
In the light of their case, let me ask you all, if you do not see good and sufficient
reason why Christ should say, as in our text--"Except ye be converted and become
as little children, ye shall not enter the kingdom of heaven."
There is a forceful pertinence and a searching power in this passage, which often
develop themselves in a most striking manner in personal experience. I once knew
a very proud woman, who occupied a high position in society and who meant to maintain
it, but the power of truth began to reach her soul, and she began to tremble before
it. She called on me at my room. I began to reason with her, hoping to aid the work
which the Spirit had obviously begun. Gradually her pride began to come down. At
length she fell upon her knees for prayer and humiliation before God. In my prayer
for her, I was led without any particular forethought, to repeat the words of my
present text. She instantly caught these words--they seemed so fitting to her case--and
repeated them over after me in a whisper; then, she repeated them again and again
and again, each time waxing louder and louder, until her whole soul seemed to be
swallowed up in the sentiment--"Except ye be converted and become as little
children, ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven." I stopped speaking, looked
round upon her,--and oh, what a change had come over her countenance! Her loftiness
and pride had all come down; she was indeed a little child. Years afterwards, being
in her society, I adverted to this scene. "O," said she, "that sentiment
is the glory of religion. How beautiful and fitting! I could see myself the very
opposite of this, but I saw how reasonable that I should become like a little child,
and I there found how blessed it is to come down and honor God on His lofty throne."
And now, in the name of my Great Master, I say to you, "Come down and take your
fitting place as children before your Great Father. Who of you will now come right
down to the very spirit of a little child, saying, "I give up forever all my
pride and folly, and put my trust forevermore in the name of the Lord my God?
of easily misunderstood terms as defined by Mr. Finney himself.
Compiled by Katie Stewart
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