What Saith the Scripture?
The Treasure And The Pearl
by Charles Grandison Finney
President of Oberlin College
from "The
Oberlin Evangelist" Publication of Oberlin College
Lecture II
March 31, 1858
Public Domain Text
Reformatted by Katie Stewart
Text.--Matt. 13:44-46: "The kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which, when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof, goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant-man, seeking goodly pearls; who, when he hath found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it."
Here we have two parables to illustrate manifestly one idea. It first compares
the kingdom of heaven to treasure hid in a field, which a man, having found, sells
all he has and buys it. The second gives us the case of a merchant-man seeking choice
pearls, who, having found one of very great value, sells all he has and buys it.
What do this treasure and this pearl represent?
Jesus Christ, beyond a doubt. The parables are intended to show how it is in the
kingdom of God. When Christ is really found, He charms the soul away from every thing
I. What is implied in finding Christ, this great treasure?
II. What are the conditions under which Christ may be thus seen and found?
III. To notice, in greater detail, the results of thus finding Christ.
I. Here we must enquire first -- What is implied in finding Christ, this great
Again, I remark -- In these parables, Christ teaches not only how things ought to be, but how they are -- the actual results of this finding. The repetition in a second parable, reveals His earnestness in inculcating these ideas.
II. Hence, it is essential that we enquire next -- What are the conditions under which Christ may be thus seen and found?
Nobody is much interested in knowing a remedy for a disease which he neither feels nor fears. Suppose some great remedy were proclaimed among us, and we were all fully assured that it had performed many cures. The testimony seems fair; but, if nobody is suffering from the disease, and if none of the people fear it, there will be very little interest taken in it. Perhaps you could not sell an ounce of it, or get the attention of the people to it for five minutes. There is no sense of want, in relation to that remedy.
So, unless people come to have a deep sense of their own spiritual disease, they will not seek after Christ, and, of course, will not find Him.
But, in order to understand ourselves, we must search ourselves most honestly, and be quite willing to weigh ourselves "in the balances of the sanctuary." If a man will not admit these convictions of personal guilt -- will not let the light of God's word shine in upon his heart, and even shine through his heart, there is no hope for him. Self-blinded to his sin and consequent danger, he must go down to eternal darkness. For God does not deal with us as with stocks, but as with thinking minds. He gives us His law as our rule, and asks us to study it and judge ourselves by its demands. Hence, unless one has made up his mind to know himself, and is willing both to take the trouble and to admit to his heart the whole truth -- there is no hope for him. It is amazing to see how much self-delusion there is, and how much lack of self-scrutiny.
"Why did not you tell me of these things before?" said a young man who had heard the gospel, and who had the finest possible opportunity to know all about it, but who had ruled it out of his mind -- "Why did you not tell me there was such a hell?"
I did tell you; I have often told you and urged it upon your attention.
"No; but you did not get it before my mind."
The reason was, you would not attend to it.
Sometimes one will read a book in time of sermon, as if determined not to hear. Of course, he hears nothing to any purpose. Sometimes, one will sit down to read a chapter in the Bible. A great many precious things are in it, but his eye slips over everything, for his heart is not there. He is not searching for truth and wisdom as worldly men dig for hid treasure. Is it strange that men fail to find the things of the gospel?
Take care, also, not to make uninspired men your standard, above the Bible. Don't get anybody's biography and read it as your standard; and especially not, the biography of one who has not known Christ. But read your Bible; and be assured there is no teaching so plain as that. If you will go right to the Bible, and get Christ to teach you, all will be well. Raise the enquiry on every passage. What does this mean? Go upon your knees and ask that divine light may shine upon your soul. I know a young man, who, if he found any difficult passage in reading the Bible, would go at once to no other fountain of wisdom save to Christ Himself. And you need not doubt that Christ will teach you if you really go to Him.
Then I added -- Young man, I advise you to pray. You are not so great a man as you may suppose. It could not be amiss for you to humble yourself before God, beg His forgiveness, and implore His teaching. He did pray; and his friends also prayed -- till he came into the light of the gospel and found Christ.
III. I must now pass to notice, in greater detail, the results of thus finding Christ.
1. The Bible is remarkably a dead letter to every man until the Spirit of God convicts
him of sin. Its first power on the heart is only to condemn. The sinner's first experience
of the power of the Bible is in its condemning sentence, and in its fearful revealings
of his own sin. Conviction fastens on him; his soul, full of want, sallies forth
after something better.
Have you ever had this experience -- a deep conviction that you must have something
better than your own righteousness? If so, you can appreciate the change that takes
place, under this conviction, in the soul's estimate of the value of Christ. If any
man can introduce an effectual remedy when a fearful disease is raging in every family,
it will be of some use to cry aloud in all the streets -- a remedy, a certain cure!
A cure for the cholera -- a cure for the plague! If the cholera were here in its
fearful terrors; if, casting your eye from the window at any hour, you could see
hearses moving on, slowly and solemnly with their dead; -- in such a state of things,
men would gather in troops round the placard, crying out -- Will it bring salvation?
Will it stay this fearful plague?
2. So, under conviction of sin, men cry out -- Tell us that again! Even as when the
apostles preached with convincing power, men begged of them to tell them more of
those glad tidings, on the next Sabbath. Father Oliphant once said -- "I have
been reading the Bible now two hours, and have read over yet but two verses."
Ah, he had been drinking in their spirit, and partaking of their power! Christ spake
to his soul! Said I not unto thee, "If thou canst believe, thou shalt see the
glory of God?" And have not some of you lingered long on your knees, while Christ
was saying to your inmost heart -- Said I not unto thee, "All things are possible
to him that believeth?" The fact is, that when the heart is laid open and prepared
to have His glory revealed, a single sentence, a word, has an ocean of meaning. Now,
the pearl of great price is found, and verily all else is worthless but Christ. When
you speak to them of Christ, they cry -- Tell us that story of the cross again! There
is no end to their desire to hear of Christ.
I have had occasion many times to say to my friends -- You can never settle these
questions about the person of Christ, by controversy. You must go to Christ for yourselves
and say to Him -- Reveal Thyself to me; Thou art divine; let me know it in my own
experience. Didst Thou not say -- "When He, the Spirit of truth shall come,
He shall guide you into all truth; He shall reprove the world of sin because they
believe not on me?" Let that Spirit guide, reprove and sanctify me.
3. Again, it often happens that persons are too self-righteous. You may say to them
-- Christ is precious -- the chief among ten thousands; but they don't understand
it. Ask them -- Have you ever found Jesus near? They don't know that they have. The
truth is, they need to see Him and to get such apprehensions of Him that they cannot
but know Him.
4. How few seem to have found Christ and renounced all things for His sake. The Psalmist
said -- "Whom have I in heaven but Thee? And there is none upon earth whom I
desire besides Thee;" but, alas, there are not many to sympathize in these utterances
of his heart.
Let me say to every unpardoned sinner -- You need to find Christ. You complain of
condemnation and bondage. If you can only find that goodly treasure in the field,
you will part with all things, as of little worth, that you may gain it.
If ministers do not preach the law, they cannot make men understand the gospel. So
long as the spirituality of the law is not understood, people will lose the true
idea of Christ.
Sometimes, after the law has deeply convicted men of sin, a single sermon on Christ
will bring in hundreds to accept Him as their Savior. But, if men have not this sense
of lostness, preaching Christ to them does them no good. You might as well proclaim
a remedy for an unknown disease.
Who of you have found Christ? Whoever has will say -- The treasure is far richer
than I expected. So it will always be. And with every fresh view of His glories,
deeper and deeper will sink your views of self; higher and higher will rise your
views of Christ.
If you have not really found Christ, so that you can truly count all things but loss
for His name, then you have much more yet to do. You have by no means reached the
place yet to rest. O, if theological students were to seek Christ more, and the love
of book-learning less, they would surely have far more power. Let them get a rich
experience of Christ in the soul, and then they will have one of the first requisites
for preaching Christ out of their very souls. It is entirely essential to persuasive
eloquence that men should absolutely know that of which they try to persuade others.
On the same principle, every church member needs to have the living gospel in his
own heart before he can hope to commend it with any effect to the hearts of his fellow-men.
You must yourself find Christ as the merchant-man found a precious pearl; then you
can direct your fellows how to search and where to find.
of easily misunderstood terms as defined by Mr. Finney himself.
Compiled by Katie Stewart
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