Lecture II
The One Thing Needful
Text.--Luke 10:41-42: "Jesus answered, and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful, and troubled about many things; but one thing is needful, and Mary hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her."
This text is introduced in the sacred narration, thus --
"Now it came to pass, as they went, that He entered into a certain village;
and a certain woman named Martha received Him into her house. And she had a sister
called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet and heard His word. But Martha was cumbered
about much serving, and came to Him, and said, 'Lord, dost Thou not care that my
sister hath left me to serve alone? Bid her therefore, that she help me.'"
Thus it appears that on this memorable visit made by Jesus to this family, Mary gave
herself up immediately to be instructed. She sat down at once at His feet to hear
His words. "But Martha was cumbered about much serving," and was almost
ready to complain of Christ that He would let Mary neglect the work and throw it
upon her. Martha was the housekeeper and made herself a good deal of trouble in the
matter of extra entertainment of guests. Jesus replied to her, "Martha, Martha,
thou art careful and troubled about many things." She was full of anxiety --
not about one thing only, but many; her mind was taken up and divided, anxious, in
a state of great perturbation. This thing and that thing must be attended to. But
Christ does not care for the "many things." In His view the many things
were of small value; and only the one thing had a value supreme and immeasurable.
This one thing He puts in opposition to the many things chosen by Martha. Mary had
discriminated and chosen wisely, and had therefore taken the right thing for her
portion. You, said He to Martha, have many things in your heart; Mary has seized
upon the one thing, the good part, which she shall never lose.
The very emphatic manner in which Christ speaks of this one thing, might imply that
but one thing is of any use; or it might mean that but one thing is indispensable
-- all the rest being naturally inferior and such as one may afford to forego.
I. What is this one thing needful?
II. Why is but one thing needful?
III. The thing the sinner needs is escape from their consequences. What are these consequences?
IV. By a saving knowledge of Jesus, one gets rid also of despair.
I. What is this one thing needful?
II. Why is but one thing needful?
Because if we have this one thing, we shall escape all that we need to fear as the
consequence of our sins. Let us consider what this is and must be from its own nature.
III. The thing the sinner needs is escape from their consequences. What are these
I saw One hanging on a tree,
In agony and blood;It is one thing to estimate God as a Father, and another to see Christ. Seeing Christ in this sense is the natural result of being deeply convicted and of feeling frequent remorse for sin. This remorse for sin seems to be the indispensable condition of seeing and appreciating Christ as a Savior. It is remarkable that remorse for sin always ceases with the exercise of true faith in Christ. It is worthy of enquiry -- Why is it that a saving knowledge of Christ not only gives the sense of pardon, but wipes out the dreadful remorse? So removes it that it is gone and cannot be found? Yet such is the fact. No one who has had this experience could ever afterwards doubt the reality of justification by faith -- so great is the power of believing on Christ on one's own state of mind. Remorse -- that most horrible condition of mind -- can never be expelled permanently, save by faith in the Lord Jesus. With this faith there comes into the soul a blessed sense of peace and pardon. This expels remorse; nothing else can.
IV. By a saving knowledge of Jesus, one gets rid also of despair.
Those of you who have felt this have said -- I cannot live so five minutes; I cannot endure this crushing weight of woe! Sometimes the sense of one sin is enough to cut down and crush out all our life. How dreadful then it must be when sin after sin comes rushing down upon us with unendurable self-reproach and condemnation! Naturally this remorseful sense of sin is an ever growing quantity. Suppose one to have it, going on from bad to worse. All the pain which the mind can inflict on itself it does with accumulating force, mountain on mountain; ocean on ocean.
Besides this, think of soul-agony, enduring forever. Let the pain be ever so trifling, yet if there be no limitation of time -- if it can never end, how dreadful! No matter whether it be a governmental infliction, or a natural consequence; in either case, the results are, beyond measure, awful. Now to suppose anything can be a good, compared with deliverance from such sin and from such consequences of sin, is utterly preposterous. All things in the comparison, are as nothing.
Suppose that little one, many years ago, had gone to heaven, and you were now to see him face to face and he could tell you what he has become; and how his mind has been expanding, and his heart become like Christ's; you see that he now knows more than you can conceive. But let that little child go on still in the same career of progress, and the day will come when he will know more than all the angels of heaven know now.
Suppose that you could see Mary -- that Mary who once sat at Jesus' feet -- as she is today -- not as she was then with her eye fixed on Christ and the tear quivering in it -- but as she is now. You would think her more than an angel, and almost divine. So glorious! so heavenly! What a part that must have been which she then chose! Well might she forget everything else. O yes, for the Savior had come, and now is the time to rush to His feet and catch the words of life from His lips. And has He really come to offer her the peerless blessing? How then can she be expected to care much for the little things that so encumber Martha.
1. Christ says -- "Mary hath chosen;" -- from which you may see that something
is to be chosen. To do this choosing must therefore be the great business of life.
Christ presents Himself before us to be chosen. The thing to be done is to choose
Him and to receive Him thus as our own portion. Mary made this wise discrimination,
and seized on the one good part. Perhaps she did not understand that the thing to
be gained as her life's great labor was to be chosen and then seized upon.
2. Nothing should divert us from this choice. The mind needs to seize upon it with
all its strength. If Mary had run about the house, and set her heart upon getting
a good supper for her guest, she would have missed this good part and lost it, perhaps
forever. Her mind needed to be fastened, and her attention held until her heart's
great choice was fully made. Christ encouraged her to sit there and attend to His
life-giving words. When Martha came along, fretting and complaining, Mary may have
been deeply grieved. But Jesus took her part, and replied for her, so that she had
nothing to do but to bend her ear and her whole heart again to the words of her Lord.
Thus to this one thing to be chosen, everything else should yield. Christ said --
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things
shall be added unto you."
3. Many never fulfill the conditions of this choosing -- never give their fixed attention
to this subject. There are multitudes who have seasons of serious thought; but Satan
says to them -- "You must not neglect any of your duties;" -- and in this
temptation, Christians are sometimes his most effectual allies. Christ says, "Sit
down and give your attention earnestly to this one thing." This attention must
be a necessity -- a thing indispensable to the wise and blessed choice. You never
get the good thing save as you fulfill this condition. Undoubtedly it was Mary's
duty to sit down and to give her whole mind up to thought and feeling, so that His
truth might find its way to her soul. Christ wanted to save her soul; He saw the
way opening -- saw the need of continuous attention, and therefore directed His efforts
to this end.
4. If this one thing is secured, all that is really important is gained; if this
is lost, all is lost. To secure this one thing needful, there must first be fixed
attention, diligent hearing and earnest thought.
5. This leads me to say that some people seem to have forgotten the conditions of
having a general revival, or else have made up their minds never to have one. How
difficult it is here for the people to agree to make a general effort. When some
are ready and urgent, others are not. But if you mean to have a general revival,
you must have a general attention; if your heart be for an extensive revival, you
must have an extensive attention. If as soon as the church begins to feel the importance
of a concerted movement, one goes off to this thing and another to that, all comes
to nought. I do not suppose that true Christians intend to frustrate a revival, but
they really do so without purposed intention.
Think of the men among us who have been here for years but are not converted. Shall
they be saved? Thus far they are only more hardened. Will they ever choose that good
part? When shall it once be? I will tell you. It will be when Christian people shall
unite in treating this matter as the one thing needful. Then, when unconverted people
see that Christians are absorbed in efforts to save them, and treat everything else
as of no value, compared with their souls, then you may expect them to believe you
are sincere, and then your example and efforts will have weight. But suppose a general
effort to promote a revival is made; they are invited to come in; but they hear that
a party is being gotten up at this place and another at another place and that many
professed Christians attend these parties, what will they think of it? Must it not
tend to banish all serious thought from their minds?
On the other hand, if you all come to the prayer meeting, you cannot keep these men
away. They will get ahead of you all.
6. Now if this saving knowledge of Christ be the one thing needful, will you not
treat it as if it were?
What will you do now? Some of you may say -- If I should do as Mary did and get no
supper for my guest, and prepare him no lodgings, then what would he do? Jesus Christ
would say to you -- You don't know your duty!
Christ demands your heart, young man, and yours too, young woman. Do you say -- I
must study while I am here, for I am here to study? But what of your soul? Is it
nothing to you that you lose your soul?
Will you, Christian, fulfill your part of the conditions of a general revival? Do
you answer -- I will give my whole heart to it? I will bend to it my utmost efforts?
Then it will not be long before each one will have chosen the one thing needful.
Christ would say -- You have all chosen that good part which shall not be taken from
7. Each one must take up this matter for himself. It is in its very nature a personal
Conversion will be more or less sudden -- other things being equal -- according as
you give up your mind more or less singly and exclusively to the effort. Until you
give up your heart fully, you do nothing to purpose.
I once attempted to labor as an evangelist with a church which seemed determined
not to make any change in their usual habits. Their custom was to have a sewing society
once a month. The minister would go and close with prayer. I had been engaged for
some time preaching every evening and minds were becoming solemn; when all at once
I heard that the preaching was suspended because of the sewing circle. Preaching
went over. By and by, when the interest had become yet greater, another sewing circle,
and no preaching. Everything was fixed and nothing could be changed. When I found
out all this I said to them -- I cannot stay here, good bye. If any people want a
revival, they must consent to give their attention to it.
Many of you are crying out -- Who will show us any good? Our text answers -- Jesus
Christ. He will show you the good part which shall never be taken away from you.
Will you have it?
"Say, will you have this Christ or no?"
But one thing is needful; do not distract your attention among other things that
are comparatively worthless.
of easily misunderstood terms as defined by Mr. Finney himself.
Compiled by Katie Stewart
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