Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Public Domain Texts
Voices From the
Church of Philadelphia
Tips for Using
As a voice from the past, God's mighty man raises His Standard high,
that God's Truth should not be lost in these
Last Days of deception.
"He being dead yet speaketh"
(Hebrews 11:4 ).
"THIS volume contains a graphic account of the Life
and Labors of Rev. C. H. Spurgeon. It portrays the brilliant career of the most celebrated
preacher of modern times, his matchless eloquence, his tender pathos, his ready wit,
and his wonderful mastery over the human heart.
It is an interesting narrative of Mr. Spurgeon's life, and is enriched with the choicest
of his sermons and lectures, and with a large collection of extracts from his most
famous writings.
This comprehensive volume is divided into three parts.
Mr. Spurgeon was not merely a popular preacher; he was a sunny genial, witty, great-hearted man. He was bold as Luther or Knox, yet possessed deep sympathies, fiery zeal, loving charity, and carried on many enterprises for the welfare of the poor and unfortunate. This work describes his College, where hundreds of poor young men were educated, and his Orphanage, which. sheltered thousands of homeless children.
His last, lingering illness; the religious world watching at his bedside; the eagerness with which reports were awaited; his removal to the south of France in hope of recovery; and the final scene when he breathed his last, and both hemispheres were startled by the news, all are depicted in this volume.
CHAPTER II. ---New Window
Mr. Spurgeon's Account of his Conversion and Early Preaching.
A Desponding Penitent.-- Visit to a Primitive Methodist Chapel.-- "Look, Look!--
Preaching in the Old Place.-- Happy Days.-- Light in Darkness.-- Profession of Faith.--
Mission Work.-- Boy Preacher.-- The First Sermon.-- Cottage and Open-air Services.--
Escaping College.-- Poem.
CHAPTER III. ---New Window
The Young Preacher in London.
Speech at Cambridge.-- Invitation to London.-- Willing Hearers.-- Interesting Letters
to New Park Street Church.-- Visitation of Cholera.-- Labors among the Dying.-- Publication
of Sermons.-- Eagerness of the Public to Obtain the Printed Discourses.-- Description
of the Youthful Preacher.-- Thronging Crowds.-- Birthday Sermon.-- Preaching in Scotland.--
Good News from Printed Sermons.-- Reports of Many Conversions.
CHAPTER IV. ---New Window
A Wife and a New Tabernacle.
Mr. Spurgeon's Marriage.-- Twelve Sermons Weekly.-- Not an Ascetic.-- Surrey Gardens
Music Hall.-- The Great Metropolitan Tabernacle.-- Praying among Bricks and Mortar.--
Preaching to the Aristocracy.-- Note from Mr. Gladstone.-- Offer from an American
Lecture Bureau.-- How the Preacher Appeared in his Pulpit.-- Pastors' College.--
Poem Addressed to Mrs. Spurgeon.-- Revivals and Colportage.-- Talk of Founding a
New Sect.-- Visit to Paris.-- Preaching to Coster-mongers.
CHAPTER V. ---New Window
Successful Labors.
Orphan Houses.-- Impressive Spectacle.-- "On My Back."-- Liberal Gifts.--
Illness of Mrs. Spurgeon.-- Silly Tales.-- "A Black Business."-- Laid Aside
by Illness.-- New Year's Letter.-- The Pastor Prostrate.-- Discussion Concerning
Future Punishment.-- The Bible and Public Schools.-- A Victim to Gout.-- Visit to
the Continent.-- Pastors' College.-- lngatherings at the Tabernacle.-- Colored Jubilee
Singers.-- Pointed Preaching.-- Great Missionary Meeting.-- A New Corner-Stone.
CHAPTER VI. ---New Window
The Pastors' College.
The First Student.-- Call for Preachers to the Masses.-- A Faithful Instructor.--
Growth of the College.-- Efforts to Secure Funds.-- Generous Gifts.-- Unknown Benefactor.--
Provision for Students.-- Opinion of Earl Shaftesbury.-- New Churches Founded.--
Mr. Spurgeon's Annual Report.-- Milk and Water Theology.-- Rough Diamonds.-- Course
of Study.-- Earnest Workers.-- A Mission Band.-- Interesting Letters.-- Help for
Neglected Fields.
CHAPTER VII. ---New Window
Stockwell Orphanage.
A Large Gift.-- New Home for Children.-- Process of Building.-- Laying the Corner-Stone.--
The Little Ones Happy.-- Generous Givers.-- Daily Life in the Orphanage.-- What Becomes
of the Boys.-- Rules of Admission.-- Not a Sectarian Institution.-- Successful Anniversary.
CHAPTER VIII. ---New Window
Annual Report of Stockwell Orphanage.
A Devoted Woman.-- Faith Insures Success.-- Story of an Old Puritan.-- Need of a
Double Income.-- Health of the Orphanage.-- An Appeal Hard to Resist.-- Young Choristers.--
Spontaneous Charity.-- A Notable Year.-- Enlarging the Bounds.-- Girls' Orphanage.--
Liberal Response to Appeals for Help.-- The Miracle of Faith and Labor.
CHAPTER IX. ---New Window
That Great Preacher's Last Illness and Death.
Alarming Reports.-- Messages of Sympathy.-- Cheering Words from the Christian Endeavor
Convention of the United States.-- Message from International Congregational Council.--
Letters from the Prince of Wales and Mr. Gladstone.-- Rays of Hope.-- Anxiety and
Fervent Prayers.-- Glowing Eulogies.-- Removal to Mentone.-- Unfavorable Reports.--
The Closing Scene.-- Immense Literary Labors.
Hands Full of Honey. ---New Window
"IT was a singular circumstance that a man unarmed should
have slain a lion in the prime of its vigor; and yet more strange that a swarm of
bees should have taken possession of the dried carcase, and have filled it with their
honey. In that country, what with beasts, birds and insects, and the dry heat, a
dead body is soon cleansed from all corruption, and the bones are clean and white:
still the killing of the lion and the finding of the honey make up a remarkable story.
These singular circumstances became afterwards the subject of a riddle; but with
that riddle we have no concern at this time. Samson himself is a riddle. He was not
only a riddle-maker; but he was himself an enigma very difficult to explain: with
his personal character I have at this time little or nothing to do. We are not to-day
resting at the house of 'Gaius, mine host,' where the pilgrims amused themselves
with a dish of nuts after dinner; but we are on the march, and must attend to the
more important matter of refreshing and inspiriting those who are in our company.
Neither are we going to discuss difficulties; but as Samson took the honey without
being stung, so would we gain instruction without debate. We have in these days so
much to do, that we must make practical use of every incident that comes before us
in the word of God. My one design is to cheer the desponding and stir up all God's
people to greater diligence in his service. I conceive that the text may legitimately
be employed for this purpose. By the help of the Divine Spirit, even after this lapse
of time, we may find honey in the lion."
Glory! ---New Window
"A FORTNIGHT ago, when I was only able to creep to the
front of this platform, I spoke to you concerning the future of our mortal bodies.
'We know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building
of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.' On the next Sabbath
day we went a step further, and we did not preach so much about the resurrection
of the body as upon the hope of glory for our entire nature, our text being, 'Christ
in you, the hope of glory.' Thus we have passed through the outer court, and have
trodden the hallowed floor of the Holy Place, and now we are the more prepared to
enter within the veil, and to gaze a while upon the glory which awaits us. We shall
say a little-- and oh, how little it will be-- upon that glory of which we have so
sure a prospect, that glory which is prepared for us in Christ Jesus, and of which
he is the hope! I pray that our eyes may be strengthened that we may see the heavenly
light, and that our ears may be opened to hear sweet voices from the better land.
As for me, I cannot say that I will speak of the glory, but I will try to stammer
about it; for the best language to which a man can reach concerning glory must be
a mere stammering. Paul did but see a little of it for a short time, and he confessed
that he heard things that it was not able for a man to utter; and I doubt not that
he felt utterly nonplussed as to describing what he had seen. Though a great master
of language, yet for once he was overpowered; the grandeur of his theme made him
silent. As for us, what can we do, where even Paul breaks down? Pray, dear friends,
that the spirit of glory may rest upon you, that he may open your eyes to see as
much as can at present be seen of the heritage of the saints. We are told that 'eye
hath not seen, neither hath ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man,
the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.' Yet the eye has seen
wonderful things. There are sunrises and sunsets, Alpine glories and ocean marvels
which, once seen, cling to our memories throughout life; yet even when nature is
at her best she cannot give us an idea of the supernatural glory which God has prepared
for his people. The ear has heard sweet harmonies. Have we not enjoyed music which
has thrilled us? Have we not listened to speech which has seemed to make our hearts
dance within us? And yet no melody of harp nor charm of oratory can ever take us
to a conception of the glory which God hath laid up for them that love him."
The Luther Sermon at Exeter-Hall.
---New Window
"In Luther's day superstitious confidence in external
observances had overlaid faith in the gospel; ceremonies had multiplied excessively,
and the plain and simple way of salvation was obscured. There was need of some sturdy
soul who, seeing the truth himself, should show it to others. When God raised up
Martin Luther, who was born four centuries ago, he bore emphatic testimony against
salvation by outward forms and by the power of priestcraft, affirming, that salvation
is by faith, and that the church of God is a company of priests, every believer being
a priest unto God."
The Best War-Cry. ---New Window
"The worst thing that can be said of any Christian community
is this: 'Thou hast a name to live and art dead.' 'Thou art neither cold nor hot.'
Our Lord Jesus says, 'I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm,
and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.' A church without life
and zeal makes Christ sick; he cannot bear it. He can put up with downright godlessness
sooner than with a profession of religion out of which the life and the power are
gone, since it has cooled down into lukewarmness. This, then, we should pray for
continually-- the presence of God in the midst of his people."
Lecture on Candles. ---New Window
"CANDLES were far more familiar objects in my boyhood
than in these days of gas and electricity. Now, fathers show their boys and girls
how to make gas at the end of a tobacco pipe; but in my time the greatest of wonders
was a lucifer-match. Our lights were so few that they justified the wit who declared
that the word 'luxury' was derived from lux, the Latin for light. Assuredly, a good
light is a high form of luxury. I can never forget the rushlight, which dimly illuminated
the sitting-room of the old house; nor the dips, which were pretty fair when there
were not too many of them to the pound; nor the mould candles, which came out only
when there was a party, or some special personage was expected. Short sixes were
very respectable specimens of household lights. Composites have never seemed to me
to be so good as the old sort, made of pure tallow; but I dare say I may be wrong.
Nevertheless, I have no liking for composites in theology, but prefer the genuine
article without compromise."
NOTE: This book is a work in progress.
Chapters will be added periodically.
Charles H. Spurgeon: Spurgeon On Catholicism:
Geese in Their Hoods ---New Window
"Reader, do you believe that men like yourself
have priestly power? Do you think that they can regenerate infants by sprinkling
them, and turn bread and wine into the very body and blood of Jesus Christ? Do you
think that a bishop can bestow the Holy Ghost, and that a parish clergyman can forgive
sins ? If so, your head can be seen in the picture peeping out from the cowl of the
fox. You are the victim of crafty deceivers. Your soul will be their prey in life
and in death. They cajole you with soft words, fine vestments, loud pretensions,
and cunning smiles, but they will conduct you down to the chambers of death, and
lead you to the gates of hell. Silly goose, may grace make thee wise!"
Charles H. Spurgeon: TILL HE COME ---New Window
For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup,
ye do show the LORD's death till He come"
(1 Corinthians 11:26).
"For many years, whether at home or abroad, it was Mr. Spurgeon's constant custom
to observe the ordinance of the Lord's supper every Sabbath-day, unless illness prevented.
This he believed to be in accordance with apostolic precedent; and it was his oft-repeated
testimony that the more frequently he obeyed his Lord's command, "This do in
remembrance of Me," the more precious did his Saviour become to him, while the
memorial celebration itself proved increasingly helpful and instructive as the years
rolled by.
Several of the discourses here published were delivered to thousands of communicants
in the Metropolitan Tabernacle, while others were addressed to the little companies
of Christians, who gathered around the communion table in Mr. Spurgeon's sitting-room
at Mentone. The addresses cover a wide range of subjects; but all of them speak more
or less fully of the great atoning sacrifice of which the broken bread and the filled
cup are the simple yet significant symbols.
Mr. Spurgeon had intended to publish a selection of his Communion Addresses; so this
volume may be regarded as another of the precious literary legacies bequeathed by
him to his brethren and sisters in Christ who have yet to tarry a while here below.
It is hoped that these sermonettes will be the means of deepening the spiritual life
of many believers, and that they will suggest suitable themes for meditation and
discourse to those who have the privilege and responsibility of presiding at the
Charles H. Spurgeon: Themes for the Common
Pilgrim ---New Window
Themes were extraced from Mr. Spurgeon's "Sermons"
and from entries of "Faith's Checkbook".
(size reduced)
God Himself Shall Work
("Faith's Checkbook" ---New Window)
"Now will I rise, saith the LORD; now
will I be exalted; now will I lift up Myself"
(Isaiah 33:10).
God is exalted in the midst of an afflicted people, for they seek His face and trust
Him. He is still more exalted when in answer to their cries He lifts up Himself to
deliver them and overthrow their enemies.
Is it a day of sorrow with us? Let us expect to see the LORD glorified in our deliverance.
Are we drawn out in fervent prayer? Do we cry day and night unto Him? Then the set
time for His grace is near. God will lift up Himself at the right season. He will
arise when it will be most for the display of His glory. We wish for His glory
more than we long for our own deliverance. Let the LORD be exalted, and our chief
desire is obtained.
LORD, help us in such a way that we may see that Thou Thyself art working.
May we magnify Thee in our inmost souls. Make all around us to see how good and
great a God Thou art.
Charles H. Spurgeon: A Daily Devotional
This art print, "Alpha and Omega" by Greg Olsen
is provided courtesy of Christ-Centered Art ---New Window.
"God has given no pledge which He
will not redeem,
and encouraged no hope which He will not fulfill."
- Charles Haddon Spurgeon
The Entire Year's Text
of "Faith's Checkbook"
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