"Whereby are given unto us Exceeding Great And Precious Promises:
that by These ye might be partakers of the Divine Nature,
having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;
And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience Godliness;
And to Godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.
For if these things be in you, and abound,
They make you that ye shall neither be barren nor
in the Knowledge of our LORD Jesus Christ."
2 Peter 1:4-8
Healing ---New Window
A Series of Addresses and a Personal Testimony
by Andrew Murray
Scripture Annotated Version
"Oh, that we could learn to believe in the promises
of God! God has not gone back from His promises; Jesus is still He who heals
both soul and body; salvation offers us even now healing and holiness, and the Holy
Spirit is always ready to give us some manifestations of His power. Even when we
ask why this divine power is not more often seen, He answers us: 'Because of your
unbelief.' The more we give ourselves to experience personally sanctification
by faith, the more we shall also experience healing by faith. These two doctrines
walk abreast. The more the Spirit of God lives and acts in the soul of believers,
the more will the miracles multiply by which He works in the body... On the morrow
Peter repeated these words before the Sanhedrin, 'By
the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth... doth this man stand here before you whole;' and then he added, 'There is none other
name under heaven... whereby we must be saved.' This
statement of Peter's declares to us that the name of Jesus both heals and saves.
We have here a teaching of the highest import for divine healing... I know there
are a great many difficulties about this question of holiness; I know that all do
not think exactly the same with regard to it. But that would be to me a matter of
comparative indifference if I could see that all are honestly longing to be free
from every sin. But I am afraid that unconsciously there are in hearts often compromises
with the idea: 'We cannot be without sin; we must sin a little every day; we cannot
help it.' Oh, that people would actually cry to God: 'Lord, do keep me from sin!'
Give yourself utterly to Jesus, and ask Him to do His very utmost for you in keeping
you from sin." --by Andrew Murray
Section Index for Promises
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