Promises for: Unity in the LORD

John 14:14 "If
ye shall ask any thing in My name, I will do it."

compiled by Katie Stewart

"Faith... reveals itself in... committing itself to the testimony and will of
in resting in the promises and declarations of God, and in the word and work
of Christ."
-from "SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY" --New Window by Charles G. Finney
"Can ye find any fault with your Saviour?...
Hath his truthfulness departed?
Have his words been broken? Have his promises failed?...
Ah, no!... in him there is no sin."
-from "SERMONS"
--New Window by
C. H. Spurgeon
"God is represented as clothed with zeal as with a cloak; and after making
some of his
exceeding great and precious promises, he concludes by saying,
'the zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.'"
-from "SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY" --New Window by Charles G. Finney
