Spurgeon's preaching references to John Bunyan:
How has it come to pass, that in all times
God's ministers have been made fearless as lions, and their brows have been firmer
than brass; their hearts sterner than steel, and their words like the language of
God? Why, it was simply for this reason; that it was not the man who pleaded, but
it was God the Holy Ghost pleading through him. Have you never seen an earnest minister,
with hands uplifted and eyes dropping tears, pleading with the sons of men? Have
you never admired that portrait from the hand of old John Bunyan?–a grave person
with eyes lifted up to heaven, the best of books in his hand, the law of truth written
on his lips, the world behind his back, standing as if he pleaded with men, and a
crown of gold hanging over his head. Who gave that minister so blessed a manner,
and such goodly matter? Whence came his skill? Did he acquire it in the college?
Did he learn it in the seminary? Ah, no. He learned it of the God of Jacob; he learned
it of the Holy Ghost; for the Holy Ghost is the great counsellor who teaches us how
to advocate his cause aright.
-from The Comforter ---New Window
A Sermon (No. 5) Delivered on Sabbath Evening, January 21, 1855, by the REV. C.H.
SPURGEON At New Park Street Chapel, Southwark.
"But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my
name, he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever
I have said unto you."—John 14:26.
"Unto us who are called."
I received a note this week asking me to explain that word "called";
because in one passage it says, "Many are called but few are chosen," while
in another it appears that all who are called must be chosen. Now, let me observe
that there are two calls. As my old friend, John Bunyan, says, the hen has two calls,
the common cluck, which she gives daily and hourly, and the special one, which she
means for her little chickens. So there is a general call, a call made to every man;
every man hears it. Many are called by it; all you are called this morning in that
sense, but very few are chosen. The other is a special call, the children's call.
You know how the bell sounds over the workshop, to call the men to work–that is a
general call. A father goes to the door and calls out, "John, it is dinner time"–that
is the special call. Many are called with the general call, but they are not chosen;
the special call is for the children only, and that is what is meant in the text,
"Unto us who are called, both Jews and Greeks, the power of God and the wisdom
of God." That call is always a special one. While I stand here and call men,
nobody comes; while I preach to sinners universally, no good is done; it is like
the sheet lightning you sometimes see on the summer's evening, beautiful, grand;
but whoever heard of anything being struck by it? But the special call is the forked
flash from heaven; it strikes somewhere; it is the arrow sent in between the joints
of the harness. The call which saves is like that of Jesus, when he said "Mary,"
and she said unto him "Rabonni." Do you know anything about that special
call, my beloved? Did Jesus ever call you by name? Canst thou recollect the hour
when he whispered thy name in thine ear, when he said, "Come to me"? If
so, you will grant the truth of what I am going to say next about it–that it is an
effectual call; there is no resisting it. When God calls with his special call, there
is no standing out. Ah! I know I laughed at religion; I despised, I abhorred it;
but that call! Oh, I would not come. But God said, "Thou shalt come. All that
the Father giveth to me shall come." "Lord, I will not." "But
thou shalt," said God. And I have gone up to God's house sometimes almost with
a resolution that I would not listen, but listen I must. Oh, how the word came into
my soul! Was there a power of resistance? No; I was thrown down; each bone seemed
to be broken; I was saved by effectual grace.
-from Christ Crucified ---New Window
A Sermon (No. 7-8) Delivered on Sabbath Morning, February 11, 1855, by the REV. C.H.
SPURGEON At Exeter Hall, Strand. "But
we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;
but unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and
the wisdom of God." —1 Corinthians 1:23-24.
John Bunyan, in his "Siege of Mansoul,"
when the defeated townsmen were seeking pardon, names Mr. Wet-eyes as the intercessor
with the king. Mr. Wet-eyes—good Saxon word! I hope we know Mr. Wet-eyes, and have
had him many times in our house, for if he cannot intercede with God, yet Mr. Wet-eyes
is a great friend with the Lord Jesus Christ, and Christ will undertake his case,
and then we shall prevail.
-from Christ's First and Last Subject ---New Window
A Sermon (No. 329) Delivered on Sabbath Morning, August 19th, 1860, by the REV. C.H.
SPURGEON at Exeter Hall, Strand. "From
that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is
at hand"–Matthew 4:17. "And that repentance and remission of sins should
be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem"–Luke 24:47.
Oh, I have been praying that, while this morning
I am trying to set forth Christ as the end of the law, God may bless it to some hearts,
that they may see what Christ did, and may perceive it to be a great deal better
than anything they can do; may see what Christ finished, and may become weary of
what they themselves have laboured at so long, and have not even well commenced at
this day. Perhaps it may please the Lord to enchant them with the perfection of the
salvation that is in Christ Jesus. As Bunyan would say, "It may, perhaps, set
their mouths a watering after it," and when a sacred appetite begins it will
not be long before the feast is enjoyed. It may be that when they see the raiment
of wrought gold, which Jesus so freely bestows on naked souls, they will throw away
their own filthy rags which now they hug so closely.
-from Christ the End of the Law ---New Window
A Sermon (No. 1325) Delivered on Lord's-Day Morning, November 19th, 1876, by C. H.
SPURGEON, At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington "For
Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth." –Romans 10:4.
First, the Christian should speak of Christ's
upholding power. What a strange expression this is, "The Lord upholdeth
all that fall"! Yet remember John Bunyan's quaint old saying,– "He that
is down needs fear no fall; He that is low, no pride; He that is humble, ever shall
Have God to be his guide."
So David says, "The Lord upholdeth all that fall." What a singular expression!
How can he hold up those that fall? Yet those that fall, in this sense, are the only
persons that stand. It is a remarkable paradox; but it is true. The man who stands
on his feet, and says, "I am mighty,–I am strong enough to stand alone;"–down
he will go; but he who falls into Christ's arms, he who says,– "But, oh! for
this no power have I, My strength is at thy feet to lie;"– that man shall not
fall. We may well talk, then, of Christ's upholding power. Tell it to Christians;
tell how he kept you when your feet were going swift to hell; how, when fierce temptations
did beset you, your Master drove them all away; how, when the enemy was watching,
he compassed you with his mighty strength; how, when the arrows fell thickly around
you, his mighty arm did hold the shield before you, and so preserved you from them
all. Tell how he saved you from death, and delivered your feet from falling by making
you, first of all, fall down prostrate before him.
-from Christian Conversation ---New Window
A Sermon (No. 2695) Intended for Reading on Lord's-Day, October 7th, 1900, Delivered
by C. H. SPURGEON, At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington. On a Lord's-day
Evening in the autumn of 1858. "They
shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power."—Psalm 145:11.
"The way of salvation is coming to Christ
and I am afraid I do not come in the right way." Dear, dear, how unwise we are
in the matter of salvation! We are much more foolish than little children are in
common, everyday life. A mother says to her little child, "Come here, my dear,
and I will give you this apple." Now I will tell you what the first thought
of the child is about; it is about the apple; and the second thought off the child
is about its mother; and the very last thought he has is about the way of coming.
His mother told him to come, and he does not say, "Well, but I do not know whether
I shall come right." He totters along as best he can, and that does not seem
to occupy his thoughts at all. But when you say to a sinner, "Come to Christ,
and you shall have eternal life," he thinks about nothing but his coming. He
will not think about eternal life, nor yet about Jesus Christ, to whom he is bidden
to come, but only about coming, when he need not think of that at all, but just do
it–do what Jesus bids him–simply trust him." "What kind of coming is that,"
says John Bunyan, "which saves a soul?" and he answers, "Any coming
in all the world if it does but come to Jesus."
-from Coming to Christ ---New Window
A Sermon (No. 3509) Published on Thursday, April 27th, 1916. Delivered by C. H. SPURGEON,
At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington. On Lord's-day Evening, June 17th, 1868.
"To whom coming."–1 Peter 2:4.
Beware, my dear Christian friends, of living
by feeling. John Bunyan puts down Mr. Live-by-feeling as one of the worst enemies
of the town of Mansoul. I think he said he was hanged. I am afraid he, somehow or
other, escaped from the executioner, for I very commonly meet him; and there is no
villain that hates the souls of men and causes more sorrow to the people of God than
this Mr. Live-by-feeling. He that lives by feeling will be happy today, and unhappy
tomorrow; and if our salvation depended upon our feelings, we should be lost one
day and saved another, for they are as fickle as the weather, and go up and down
like a barometer. We live by faith, and if that faith be weak, bless God that weak
faith is faith, and that weak faith is true faith. If thou believest in Christ Jesus,
though thy faith be as a grain of mustard seed, it will save thee, and it will, by-and-bye,
grow into something stronger... and it is not great faith that is essential to salvation,
but faith that links the soul to Christ; and that soul is, therefore, saved. Instead
of mourning so much that thy faith is not strong, bless God that thou hast any faith
at all, for if he sees that thou despisest the faith he has given thee, it may be
long before he gives thee more. Prize that little, and when he sees that thou art
so glad and thankful for that little, then will he multiply it and increase it, and
thy faith shall mount even to the full assurance of faith.
-from Encouragement for the Depressed ---New Window
A Sermon (No. 3489) Published on Thursday, December 9th, 1915. Delivered by C. H.
SPURGEON, At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington On Lord's-day Evening, 27th,
August 1871. "For who hath despised
the day of small things?"–Zechariah 4:10.
In some old castle there is a deep cellar,
where there is a vast amount of fixed air and gas, which would kill anybody who went
down. What does the guide say? "If you go down you will never come up alive."
Who thinks of going down? The very fact of the guide telling us what the consequences
would be, keeps us from it. Our friend puts away from us a cup of arsenic; he does
not want us to drink it, but he says, "If you drink it, it will kill you."
Does he suppose for a moment that we should drink it. No; he tells us the consequences,
and he is sure we will not do it. So God says, "My child, if you fall over this
precipice you will be dashed to pieces." What does the child do? He says, "Father,
keep me; hold thou me up, and I shall be safe." It leads the believer to greater
dependence on God, to a holy fear and caution, because he knows that if he were to
fall away he could not be renewed, and he stands far away from that great gulf, because
he know that if he were to fall into it there would be no salvation for him. If I
thought as the Arminian thinks, that I might fall away, and then return again, I
should pretty often fall away, for sinful flesh and blood would think it very nice
to fall away, and be a sinner, and go and see the play at the theatre, or get drunk,
and then come back to the Church, and be received again as a dear brother who had
fallen away for a little while. No doubt the minister would say, "Our brother
Charles is a little unstable at times." A little unstable! He does not know
anything about grace; for grace engenders a holy caution, because we feel that if
we were not preserved by Divine power we should perish. We tell our friend to put
oil in his lamp, that it may continue to burn! Does that imply that it will be allowed
to go out? No, God will give him oil to pour into the lamp continually. Like John
Bunyan's figure; there was a fire, and he saw a man pouring water upon it. "Now,"
says the Preacher, "don't you see that fire would go out, that water is calculated
to put it out, and if it does, it will never be lighted again;" but God does
not permit that! for there is a man behind the wall who is pouring oil on the fire;
and we have cause for gratitude in the fact, that if the oil were not put in by a
heavenly hand, we should inevitably be driven to destruction. Take care, then Christian,
for this is a caution.
-from Final Perseverance ---New Window
A Sermon (No. 75) Delivered on Sabbath Morning, March 23, 1856, by the REV. C.H.
SPURGEON At New Park Street Chapel, Southwark. "For
it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly
gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of
God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them
again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and
put him to an open shame."–Hebrews 6:4-6.
Lest I weary you, I will be very brief upon
the next point: the Holy Spirit within us is for guidance. The Holy Spirit
is given to lead us into all truth. Truth is like a vast grotto, and the Holy Spirit
brings torches, and shows us all the splendour of the roof; and since the passage
seems intricate, He knows the way, and He lead us into the deep things of God. He
opens up to us one truth after another, by His light and by His guidance, and thus
we are "taught of the Lord." He is also our practical guide to heaven,
helping and directing us on the upward journey. I wish Christian people oftener inquired
of the Holy Ghost as to guidance in their daily life. Know ye not that the Spirit
of God dwelleth in you? You need not always be running to this friend and to that
to get direction: wait upon the Lord in silence, sit still in quiet before the oracle
of God. Use the judgment God has given you; but when that suffices not, resort to
Him whom Mr. Bunyan calls "the Lord High Secretary," who lives within,
who is infinitely wise, and who can guide you by making you to "hear a voice
behind you saying, This is the way, walk ye in it." The Holy Ghost will guide
you in life; He will guide you in death; and He will guide you to glory. He will
guard you from modern error, and from ancient error, too. He will guide you in a
way that you know not; and through the darkness He will lead you in a way you have
not seen: these things will He do unto you, and not forsake you.
-from The Covenant Promise of the Spirit ---New Window
A Sermon (No. 2200) Delivered on Lord's-Day Morning, April 12th, 1891, by C. H. SPURGEON,
At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington "And I will put my spirit within you."—Ezekiel 36:27.
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