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delphia > Life and Works of Charles H. Spurgeon |
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![Life and Works of Charles H. Spurgeon](../../Graphics.Voice/Life.and.Works/Spurgeon.Life.Works.logo.jpg)
Rev. C. H. Spurgeon:
The Story of His Life and Labors.
This page:
Sermons and Lectures
by Rev. C. H. Spurgeon.
"Short Sermons
on Practical Subjects."
Charles H. Spurgeon
A Voice from the Philadelphian Church Age
by Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Author of "Earth, Sea and Sky," "Beautiful
Gems," etc., etc.
This book is in the public domain.
OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and reformatting by Katie Stewart
Rev. C. H. Spurgeon: The Story of
His Life and Labors.
Birth and Ancestry.
World-wide Fame.-- Unprecedented Success.-- The Great Preacher's
Ancestors.-- Good Old Grandfather.-- Pen-picture of a Country Minister.-- Buckled
Shoes and Silk Stockings.-- John, Father of Charles.-- A Good Mother.-- Reply of
"Charley" to his Mother.-- Country Boys.-- Household Influence.-- Thirst
for Knowledge.-- An Industrious Youth.-- A Remarkable Prophecy.-- "Old Bonner."
Mr. Spurgeon's Account of his Conversion and Early Preaching.
A Desponding Penitent.-- Visit to a Primitive Methodist Chapel.--
"Look, Look!-- Preaching in the Old Place.-- Happy Days.-- Light in Darkness.--
Profession of Faith.-- Mission Work.-- Boy Preacher.-- The First Sermon.-- Cottage
and Open-air Services.-- Escaping College.-- Poem.
CHAPTER III. --New Window
The Young Preacher in London.
Speech at Cambridge.-- Invitation to London.--
Willing Hearers.-- Interesting Letters to New Park Street Church.-- Visitation of
Cholera.-- Labors among the Dying.-- Publication of Sermons.-- Eagerness of the Public
to Obtain the Printed Discourses.-- Description of the Youthful Preacher.-- Thronging
Crowds.-- Birthday Sermon.-- Preaching in Scotland.-- Good News from Printed Sermons.--
Reports of Many Conversions.
CHAPTER IV. --New Window
A Wife and a New Tabernacle.
Mr. Spurgeon's Marriage.-- Twelve Sermons Weekly.--
Not an Ascetic.-- Surrey Gardens Music Hall.-- The Great Metropolitan Tabernacle.--
Praying among Bricks and Mortar.-- Preaching to the Aristocracy.-- Note from Mr.
Gladstone.-- Offer from an American Lecture Bureau.-- How the Preacher Appeared in
his Pulpit.-- Pastors' College.-- Poem Addressed to Mrs. Spurgeon.-- Revivals and
Colportage.-- Talk of Founding a New Sect.-- Visit to Paris.-- Preaching to Coster-mongers.
CHAPTER V. --New Window
Successful Labors.
Orphan Houses.-- Impressive Spectacle.-- "On
My Back."-- Liberal Gifts.-- Illness of Mrs. Spurgeon.-- Silly Tales.-- "A
Black Business."-- Laid Aside by Illness.-- New Year's Letter.-- The Pastor
Prostrate.-- Discussion Concerning Future Punishment.-- The Bible and Public Schools.--
A Victim to Gout.-- Visit to the Continent.-- Pastors' College.-- lngatherings at
the Tabernacle.-- Colored Jubilee Singers.-- Pointed Preaching.-- Great Missionary
Meeting.-- A New Corner-Stone.
CHAPTER VI. --New Window
The Pastors' College.
The First Student.-- Call for Preachers to
the Masses.-- A Faithful Instructor.-- Growth of the College.-- Efforts to Secure
Funds.-- Generous Gifts.-- Unknown Benefactor.-- Provision for Students.-- Opinion
of Earl Shaftesbury.-- New Churches Founded.-- Mr. Spurgeon's Annual Report.-- Milk
and Water Theology.-- Rough Diamonds.-- Course of Study.-- Earnest Workers.-- A Mission
Band.-- Interesting Letters.-- Help for Neglected Fields.
CHAPTER VII. --New Window
Stockwell Orphanage.
A Large Gift.-- New Home for Children.-- Process
of Building.-- Laying the Corner-Stone.-- The Little Ones Happy.-- Generous Givers.--
Daily Life in the Orphanage.-- What Becomes of the Boys.-- Rules of Admission.--
Not a Sectarian Institution.-- Successful Anniversary.
CHAPTER VIII. --New Window
Annual Report of Stockwell Orphanage.
A Devoted Woman.-- Faith Insures Success.--
Story of an Old Puritan.-- Need of a Double Income.-- Health of the Orphanage.--
An Appeal Hard to Resist.-- Young Choristers.-- Spontaneous Charity.-- A Notable
Year.-- Enlarging the Bounds.-- Girls' Orphanage.-- Liberal Response to Appeals for
Help.-- The Miracle of Faith and Labor.
CHAPTER IX. --New Window
That Great Preacher's Last Illness and Death.
Alarming Reports.-- Messages of Sympathy.--
Cheering Words from the Christian Endeavor Convention of the United States.-- Message
from International Congregational Council.-- Letters from the Prince of Wales and
Mr. Gladstone.-- Rays of Hope.-- Anxiety and Fervent Prayers.-- Glowing Eulogies.--
Removal to Mentone.-- Unfavorable Reports.-- The Closing Scene.-- Immense Literary
Sermons and Lectures by Rev. C. H. Spurgeon.
Hands Full of Honey. --New Window
Glory! --New Window
The Luther Sermon at Exeter-Hall. --New Window
The Best War-Cry. --New Window
Lecture on Candles. --New Window
Short Sermons on Practical Subjects. (this page)
The following chapters and BOOK
III. will be added periodically with a notice posted on the "What's New"--New Window page.
Choice Selections from the Writings of Rev. C. H. Spurgeon.
John Ploughman's Talk and Pictures.
Feathers for Arrows, or Life Thoughts of Rev. C. H. Spurgeon.
Tributes to Rev. C. H. Spurgeon.
Sermons and Lectures by Rev. C. H. Spurgeon.
![Spurgeon in his study.](../../Graphics.Voice/Life.and.Works/Spurgeon.study.95.jpg)
Short Sermons on Practical Subjects.
HAVING often said in ths room that a minister ought to
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Section Sub-Index for Spurgeon: Voices
of Philadelphia