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"SERMONS OF SPURGEON" in 6 html pages-
A Sermon
(No. 21)
Delivered on Sabbath Morning, April
29, 1855, by the
At Exeter Hall, Strand.
"Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus."—Acts 4:13.
EHOLD! what a change divine grace will work
in a man, and in how short a time. That same Peter, who so lately followed his master
afar off, and with oaths and curses denied that he knew his name, is now to
be found side by side with the loving John, boldly declaring that there is salvation
in none other name save that of Jesus Christ, and preaching the resurrection of the
dead, through the sacrifice of his dying Lord. The Scribes and Pharisees soon discover
the reason of his boldness. Rightly did they guess that it rested not in his learning
or his talents, for neither Peter nor John had been educated; they had been trained
as fishermen; their education was a knowledge of the sea—of the fisherman's craft;
none other had they; their boldness could not therefore spring from the self-sufficiency
of knowledge, but from the Spirit of the living God. Nor did they acquire their courage
from their station; for rank will confer a sort of dignity upon a man, and make him
speak with a feigned authority, even when he has no talent or genius; but these men
were, as it says in the original text, idiotai, private men, who stood in
no official capacity; men without rank or station. When they saw the boldness of
Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and private individuals, they
marveled, and they came to a right conclusion as to the source of their power—they
had been dwelling with Jesus. Their conversation with the Prince of light and glory,
backed up, as they might also have known, by the influence of the Holy Spirit, without
which even that eminently holy example would have been in vain, had made them bold
for their Master's cause. Oh! my brethren, it were well if this condemnation, so
forced from the lips of enemies, could also be compelled by our own example. If we
could live like Peter and John; if our lives were "living epistles of God, known
and read of all men;" if, whenever we were seen, men would take knowledge of
us, that we had been with Jesus, it would be a happy thing for this world, and a
blessed thing for us. It is concerning that I am to speak to you this morning; and
as God gives me grace, I will endeavor to stir up your minds by way of remembrance,
and urge you so to imitate Jesus Christ, our heavenly pattern, that men may perceive
that you are disciples of the Holy Son of God.
First, then, this morning, I will tell you what a Christian should be; secondly,
I will tell you when he should be so; thirdly, why he should be so;
and then fourthly how he can be so.
I. As God may
help us then, first of all, we will speak of WHAT A BELIEVER SHOULD BE. A Christian
should be a striking likeness of Jesus Christ. You have read lives of Christ, beautifully
and eloquently written, and you have admired the talent of the persons who could
write so well; but the best life of Christ is his living biography, written out in
the words and actions of his people. If we, my brethren, were what we profess to
be; if the Spirit of the Lord were in the heart of all his children, as we could
desire; and if, instead of having abundance of formal professors, we were all possessors
of that vital grace, I will tell you not only what we ought to be, but what we should
be: we should be pictures of Christ, yea, such striking likenesses of him that the
world would not have to hold us up by the hour together, and say, "Well, it
seems somewhat of a likeness;" but they would, when they once beheld us, exclaim,
"He has been with Jesus; he has been taught of him; he is like him; he has caught
the very idea of the holy Man of Nazareth, and he expands it out into his very life
and every day actions."
In enlarging upon this point, it will be necessary to premise, that when we here
affirm that men should be such and such a thing, we refer to the people of God. We
do not wish to speak to them in any legal way. We are not under the law, but under
grace. Christian men hold themselves bound to keep all God's precepts; but the reason
why they do so is not because the law is binding upon them, but because the
gospel constrains them; they believe, that having been redeemed by blood divine;
having been purchased by Jesus Christ, they are more bound to keep his commands,
than they would have been if they were under the law; they hold themselves to be
ten thousand fold more debtors to God, than they could have been under the Mosaic
dispensation. Not of force; not of compulsion; not through fear of the whip; not
through legal bondage; but through pure, disinterested love and gratitude to God,
they lay themselves out for his service, seeking to be Israelites indeed, in whom
there is no guile. This much I have declared lest any man should think that I am
preaching works as the way to salvation; I will yield to none in this, that I will
ever maintain—that by grace we are saved, and not by ourselves; but equally must
I testify, that where the grace of God is, it will produce fitting deeds. To these
I am ever bound to exhort you, while ye are ever expected to have good works for
necessary purposes. Again, I do not, when I say that a believer should be a striking
likeness of Jesus, suppose that any one Christian will perfectly exhibit all the
features of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; yet, my brethren, the fact that perfection
is beyond our reach, should not diminish the ardore of our desire after it. The artist,
when he paints, knows right well that he shall not be able to excel Apelles; but
that does not discourage him; he uses his brush with all the greater pains, that
he may, at least in some humble measure, resemble the great master. So the sculptor,
though persuaded that he will not rival Praxiteles, will hew out the marble still,
and seek to be as near the model as possible. Thus so the Christian man; though he
feels he never can mount to the heights of complete excellence, and perceives that
he never can on earth become the exact image of Christ, still holds it up before
him, and measures his own deficiencies by the distance between himself and Jesus.
This will he do; forgetting all he has attained, he will press forward, crying, Excelsior!
going upwards still, desiring to be conformed more and more to the image of Christ
First, then, a Christian should be like Christ in his boldness. This is a
virtue now-a-days called impudence, but the grace is equally valuable by whatever
name it may be called. I suppose if the Scribes had given a definition of Peter and
John, they would have called them impudent fellows.
Jesus Christ and his disciples were noted for their courage. "When they saw
the boldness of Peter and John, they took knowledge of them, that they had been with
Jesus." Jesus Christ never fawned upon the rich; he stooped not to the great
and noble; he stood erect, a man before men—the prophet of the people; speaking out
boldly and freely what he thought. Have you never admired that mighty deed of his,
when going to the city where he had lived and been brought up? Knowing that a prophet
had no honor in his own country, the book was put into his hands (he had but then
commenced his ministry), yet without tremor he unrolled the sacred volume, and what
did he take for his text? Most men, coming to their own neighborhood, would have
chosen a subject adapted to the taste, in order to earn fame. But what doctrine did
Jesus preach that morning? One which in our age is scorned and hated—the doctrine
of election. He opened the Scriptures, and began to read thus: "Many
widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up three years
and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land; but unto none of them
was Elias sent, save unto Sarepta, a city of Sodom, unto a woman that was a widow.
And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Eliseus, the prophet; and none of them
were cleansed, saving Naaman, the Syrian." Then he began to tell, how God saveth
whom he pleases, and rescues whom he chooses. Ah! how they gnashed their teeth upon
him, dragged him out, and would have cast him from the brow of the hill. Do you not
admire his intrepidity? He saw their teeth gnashing; he knew their hearts were hot
with enmity, while their mouths foamed withe revenge and malice; still he stood like
the angel who shut the lions' mouths; he feared them not; faithfully he proclaimed
what he knew to be the truth of God, and still read on, despite them all. So, in
his discourses. If he saw a Scribe or a Pharisee in the congregation, he did not
keep back part of the price, but pointing his finger, he said, "Woe unto you,
Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites;" and when a lawyer came, saying, "Master,
in speaking thus, thou condemnest us also;" he turned round and said "Woe
unto you, lawyers, for ye bind heavy burdens upon men, while ye yourselves will not
touch them with so much as one of your fingers." He dealt out honest truth;
he never knew the fear of man; he trembled at none; he stood out God's chosen, whom
he had anointed above his fellows, careless of man's esteem. My friends, be like
Christ in this. Have none of the time-serving religion of the present day, which
is merely exhibited in evangelical drawing-rooms,—a religion which only flourishes
in a hot-bed atmosphere, a religion which is only to be perceived in good company.
No; if ye are the servants of God, be like Jesus Christ, bold for your master; never
blush to own your religion; your profession will never disgrace you; take care you
never disgrace that. Your love to Christ will never dishonor you; it may bring
some temporary slight from your friends, or slanders from your enemies; but live
on, and you shall live down their calumnies; live on, and ye shall stand amongst
the glorified, honored even by those who hissed you, when he shall come to
be glorified by his angels, and admired by them that love him. Be like Jesus, very
valiant for your God, so that when they shall see your boldness, they may say, "He
has been with Jesus."
But no one feature will give a portrait of a man; so the one virtue of boldness will
never make you like Christ. There have been some who have been noble men, but have
carried their courage to excess; they have thus been caricatures of Christ, and not
portraits of him. We must amalgamate with our boldness the loveliness of Jesus'
disposition. Let courage be the brass, let love be the gold. Let us mix the two together;
so shall we produce a rich Corinthian metal, fit to be manufactured into the beautiful
gate of the temple. Let your love and courage be mingled together. The man who is
bold may indeed accomplish wonders. John Knox did much, but he might perhaps have
done more if he had had a little love. Luther was a conqueror—peace to his ashes,
and honor to his name!—still, we who look upon him at a distance, think that if he
had sometimes mixed a little mildness with it—if, while he had the fortitier in
re, he had been also suaviter in modo, and spoken somewhat more gently,
he might have done even more good than he did. So brethren, while we too are bold,
let us ever imitate the loving Jesus. The child comes to him; he takes it on his
knee, saying, "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not."
A widow has just lost her only son; he weeps at the bier, and with a word, restores
life to the dead man. He sees a paralytic, a leper, or a man long confined to his
bed; he speaks, they rise, and are healed. He lived for others, not for himself.
His constant labors were without any motive, except the good of those who lived in
the world. And to crown all, ye know the mighty sacrifice he made, when he condescended
to lay down his life for man—when on the tree, quivering with agony, and hanging
in the utmost extremity of suffering, he submitted to die for our sakes, that we
might be saved. Behold in Christ love consolidated! He was one mighty pillar of benevolence.
As God is love, so Christ is love. Oh, ye Christians, be ye loving also. Let you
love and your beneficence beam out on all men. Say not, "Be ye warmed, and be
ye filled," but "give a portion to seven, and also to eight." If ye
cannot imitate Howard, and unlock the prison doors—if ye cannot visit the sad house
of misery, yet each in your proper sphere, speak kind words, do kind actions; live
out Christ again in the kindness of your life. If there is one virtue which most
commends Christians, it is that of kindness; it is to love the people of God, to
love the church, to love the world, to love all. But how many have we in our churches
of Crab-tree Christians, who have mixed such a vast amount of vinegar, and such a
tremendous quantity of gall in their constitutions, that they can scarcely speak
one good word to you: they imagine it impossible to defend religion except by passionate
ebullitions; they cannot speak for their dishonored Master without being angry with
their opponent; and if anything is awry, whether it be in the house, the church,
or anywhere else, they conceive it to be their duty to set their faces like flint,
and to defy everybody. They are like isolated icebergs, no one cares to go near them.
They float about on the sea of forgetfulness, until at last they are melted and gone;
and though, good souls, we shall be happy enough to meet them in heaven, we are precious
glad to get rid of them from the earth. They were always so unamiable in disposition,
that we would rather live an eternity with them in heaven than five minutes on earth.
Be ye not thus, my brethren. Imitate Christ in you loving spirits; speak kindly,
act kindly, and do kindly, that men may say of you, "He has been with Jesus."
Another great feature in the life of Christ was his deep and sincere humility;
in which let us imitate him. While we will not cringe or bow3(far from it; we are
the freemen whom the truth makes free; we walk through this world equal to all, inferior
to none)3yet we would endeavor to be like Christ, continually humble. Oh, thou proud
Christian (for though it be a paradox, there must be some, I think; I would not be
so uncharitable as to say that there are not some such persons), if thou art a Christian,
I bid thee look at thy Master, talking to the children, bending from the majesty
of his divinity to speak to mankind on earth, tabernacling with the peasants of Galilee,
and then—aye, depth of condescension unparalleled—washing his disciples' feet, and
wiping them with the towel after supper. This is your Master, whom ye profess to
worship; this is your Lord, whom ye adore. And ye, some of you who count yourselves
Christians, cannot speak to a person who is not dressed in the same kind of clothing
as yourselves, who have not exactly as much money per year as you have. In England,
it is true that a sovereign will not speak to a shilling, and a shilling will not
notice a sixpence, and a sixpence will sneer at a penny. But it should not be so
with Christians. We ought to forget caste, degree, and rank, when we come into Christ's
church. Recollect, Christian, who your Master was—a man of the poor. He lived with
them; he ate with them. And will ye walk with lofty heads and stiff necks, looking
with insufferable contempt upon you meaner fellow-worms? What are ye? The meanest
of all, because your trickeries and adornments make you proud. Pitiful, despicable
souls ye are! How small ye look in God's sight! Christ was humble; he stooped to
do anything which might serve others. He had no pride; he was an humble man, a friend
of publicans and sinners, living and walking with them. So, Christian, be thou like
thy Master—one who can stoop; yea, be thou one who thinks it no stooping, but rather
esteems others better than himself, counts it his honor to sit with the poorest of
Christ's people, and says, "If my name may be but written in the obscurest part
of the book of life, it is enough for me, so unworthy am I of his notice!" Be
like Christ in his humility.
So might I continue, dear brethren, speaking of the various characteristics of Christ
Jesus; but as you can think of them as well as I can, I shall not do so. It is easy
for you to sit down and paint Jesus Christ, for you have him drawn out here in his
word. I find that time would fail me if I were to give you an entire likeness of
Jesus; but let me say, imitate him in his holiness. Was zealous for his master?
So be you. Ever go about doing good. Let not time be wasted. It is too precious.
Was he self-denying, never looking to his own interest? So be you. Was he devout?
So be you fervent in your prayers. Had he deference to his Father's will? So submit
yourselves to him. Was he patient? So learn to endure. And best of all, as the highest
portraiture of Jesus, try to forgive your enemies as he did; and let those sublime
words of you Master, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do,"
always ring in your ears. When you are prompted to revenge; when hot anger starts,
bridle the steed at once, and let it not dash forward with you headlong. Remember,
anger is temporary insanity. Forgive as you hope to be forgiven. Heap coals of fire
on the head of your foe by your kindness to him. Good for evil, recollect, is god-like.
Be god-like, then; and in all ways, and by all means, so live that your enemies may
say, "He has been with Jesus."
SHOULD CHRISTIANS BE THUS? For there is an idea in the world that persons ought to
be very religious on a Sunday, but it does not matter what they are on a Monday.
How many pious preachers are there on a Sabbath-day, who are very impious preachers
during the rest of the week! How many are there who come up to the house of God with
a solemn countenance, who join the song and profess to pray, yet have neither part
nor lot in the matter, but are "in the gall of bitterness and in the bonds of
iniquity!" This is true of some of you who are present here. When should a Christian,
then, be like Jesus Christ? Is there a time when he may strip off his regimentals—when
the warrior may unbuckle his armor, and become like other men? Oh! no; at all times
and in every place let the Christian be what he professes to be. I remember talking
some time ago with a person who said, "I do not like visitors who come to my
house and introduce religion; I think we ought to have religion on the Sabbath-day,
when we go to the house of God, but not in the drawing-room." I suggested to
the individual that there would be a great deal of work for the upholsterers, if
there should be no religion except in the house of God. "How is that?"
was the question. "Why," I replied, "we should need to have beds fitted
up in all our places of worship, for surely we need religion to die with, and consequently,
every one would want to die there." Aye, we all need the consolations of God
at last; but how can we expect to enjoy them unless we obey the precepts of religion
during life? My brethren, let me say, be ye like Christ at all times. Imitate him
in public. Most of us live in some sort of publicity; many of us are called
to work before our fellow-men every day. We are watched; our words are caught; our
lives are examined—taken to pieces. The eagle-eyed, argus-eyed world observes everything
we do, and sharp critics are upon us. Let us live the life of Christ in public. Let
us take care that we exhibit our Master, and not ourselves—so that we can say, "It
is no longer I that live, but Christ that liveth in me." Take heed that you
carry this into the church too, you who are church-members. Be like Christ
in the church. How many there are of you like Diotrephes, seeking pre-eminence? How
many are trying to have some dignity and power over their fellow Christians, instead
of remembering that it is the fundamental rule of all our churches, that there all
men are equal—alike brethren, alike to be received as such. Carry out the spirit
of Christ, then, in your churches, wherever ye are; let your fellow members say of
you, "He has been with Jesus."
But, most of all, take care to have religion in your houses. A religious house
is the best proof of true piety. It is not my chapel, it is my house—it is not my
minister, it is my home-companion—who can best judge me; it is the servant, the child,
the wife, the friend, that can discern most of my real character. A good man will
improve his household. Rowland Hill once said, he would not believe a man to be a
true Christian if his wife, his children, the servants, and even the dog and cat,
were not the better for it. That is being religious. If your household is not the
better for your Christianity—if men cannot say, "This is a better house than
others," then be not deceived—ye have nothing of the grace of God. Let not your
servant, on leaving your employ, say, "Well, this is a queer sort of a religious
family; there was no prayer in the morning, I began the day with my drudgery; there
was no prayer at night, I was kept at home all the Sabbath-day. Once a fortnight,
perhaps, I was allowed to go out in the afternoon, when there was nowhere to go where
I could hear a gospel sermon. My master and mistress went to a place where of course
they heard the blessed gospel of God—that was all for them; as for me, I might have
the dregs and leavings of some overworked curate in the afternoon." Surely,
Christian men will not act in that way. No! Carry out your godliness in your family.
Let everyone say that you have practical religion. Let it be known and read in the
house, as well as in the world. Take care of your character there; for what we are
there, we really are. Our life abroad is often but a borrowed part, the actor's part
of a great scene, but at home the wizard is removed, and men are what they seem.
Take care of you home duties.
Yet again, my brethren, before I leave this point, imitate Jesus in secret.
When no eye seeth you except the eye of God, when darkness covers you, when you are
shut up from the observation of mortals, even then be ye like Jesus Christ. Remember
his ardent piety, his secret devotion—how, after laboriously preaching the whole
day, he stole away in the midnight shades to cry for help from his God. Recollect
how his entire life was constantly sustained by fresh inspirations of the Holy Spirit,
derived by prayer. Take care of your secret life; let it be such that you will not
be ashamed to read at the last great day. Your inner life is written in the book
of God, and it shall one day be open before you. If the entire life of some of you
were known, it would be no life at all; it would be a death. Yea, even of some true
Christians we may say it is scarce a life. It is a dragging on of an existence—one
hasty prayer a day—one breathing, just enough to save their souls alive, but no more.
O, my brethren, strive to be more like Jesus Christ. These are times when we want
more secret prayer. I have had much fear all this week. I know not whether it is
true; but when I feel such a thing I like to tell it to those of you who belong to
my own church and congregation. I have trembled lest, by being away from our own
place, you have ceased to pray as earnestly as you once did. I remember your earnest
groans and petitions—how you would assemble together in the house of prayer in multitudes,
and cry out to God to help his servant. We cannot meet in such style at present;
but do you still pray in private? Have you forgotten me? Have you ceased to cry out
to God? Oh! my friends, with all the entreaties that a man can use, let me appeal
to you. Recollect who I am, and what I am—a child, having little education, little
learning, ability or talent; and here am I called upon week after week, to preach
to this crowd of people. Will ye not, my beloved, still plead for me? Has not God
been pleased to hear your prayers ten thousand times? And will ye now cease, when
a mighty revival is taking place in many churches? Will ye now stop your petitions?
Oh! no; go to your houses, fall upon your knees, cry aloud to God to enable you still
to hold up your hands like Moses on the hill, that Joshua below may fight and overcome
the Amalekites. Now is the time for victory; shall we lose it? This is the high tide
that will float us over the bar; now let us put out the oars; let us pull by earnest
prayer, crying for God the Spirit to fill the sails! Ye who love God, of every place
and every denomination, wrestle for your ministers; pray for them; for why should
not God even now put out his Spirit? What is the reason why we are to be denied Pentecostal
seasons? Why not this hour, as one mighty band, fall down before him and entreat
him, for his Son's sake, to revive his drooping church? Then would all men discern
that we are verily the disciples of Christ.
III. But now,
thirdly, WHY SHOULD CHRISTIANS IMITATE CHRIST? The answer comes very naturally and
easily, Christians should be like Christ, first, for their own sakes. For
their honesty's sake, and for their credit's sake, let them not be found liars before
God and men. For their own healthful state, if they wish to be kept from sin and
preserved from going astray, let them imitate Jesus. For their own happiness' sake,
if they would drink wine on the lees well refined; if they would enjoy holy and happy
communion with Jesus; if they would be lifted up above the cares and troubles of
this world, let them imitate Jesus Christ. Oh! my brethren, there is nothing that
can so advantage you, nothing can so prosper you, so assist you, so make you walk
towards heaven rapidly, so keep you head upwards towards the sky, and your eyes radiant
with glory, like the imitation of Jesus Christ. It is when, by the power of the Holy
Spirit, you are enabled to walk with Jesus in his very footsteps, and tread in his
ways, you are most happy and you are most known to be the sons of God. For your own
sake, my brethren, I say, be like Christ.
Next, for religion's sake, strive to imitate Jesus. Ah! poor religion, thou
hast been sorely shot at by cruel foes, but thou hast not been wounded one-half so
much by them as by thy friends. None have hurt thee, O, Christianity, so much as
those who profess to be thy followers. Who have made these wounds in this fair hand
of godliness? I say, the professor has done this, who has not lived up to his profession;
the man who with pretences enters the fold, being naught but a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Such men, sirs, injure the gospel more than others; more than the laughing infidel,
more than the sneering critic, doth the man hurt our cause who professes to love
it, but in his actions doth belie his love. Christian, lovest thou that cause? Is
the name of the dear Redeemer precious to thee? Wouldst thou see the kingdoms of
the world become the kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ? Dost thou wish to see the
proud man humbled and the mighty abased? Dost thou long for the souls of perishing
sinners, and art thou desirous to win them, and save their souls from the everlasting
burning? Wouldst thou prevent their fall into the regions of the damned? Is it thy
desire that Christ should see the travail of his soul, and be abundantly satisfied?
Doth thy heart yearn over thy fellow-immortals? Dost thou long to see them forgiven?
Then be consistent with thy religion. Walk before God in the land of the living.
Behave as an elect man should do. Recollect what manner of people we ought to be
in all holy conversation and godliness. This is the best way to convert the world;
yea, such conduct would do more than even the efforts of missionary societies, excellent
as they are. Let but men see that our conduct is superior to others, then they will
believe there is something in our religion; but , if they see us quite the contrary
to what we avow, what will they say? "These religious people are no better than
others! Why should we go amongst them?" And they say quite rightly. It is but
common-sense judgment. Ah! my friends, if ye love religion for her own sake, be consistent,
and walk in the love of God. Follow Christ Jesus.
Then, to put it in the strongest form I can, let me say, for Christ's sake,
endeavor to be like him. Oh! could I fetch the dying Jesus here, and let him speak
to you! My own tongue is tied this morning, but I would make his blood, his scars,
and his wounds speak. Poor dumb mouths, I bid each of them plead in his behalf. How
would Jesus, standing here, show you his hands this morning! "My friends,"
he would say, "hehold me! these hands were pierced for you; and look ye here
at this my side. It was opened as the fountain of your salvation. See my feet; there
entered the cruel nails. Each of these bones were dislocated for your sake. These
eyes gushed with torrents of tears. This head was crowned with thorns. These cheeks
were smitten; this hair was plucked; my body became the centre and focus of agony.
I hung quivering in the burning sun; and all for you, my people. And will ye not
love me now? I bid you be like me. Is there any fault in me? Oh! no. Ye believe that
I am fairer than ten thousand fairs, and lovelier than ten thousand loves. Have I
injured you? Have I not rather done all for your salvation? And do I not sit at my
Father's throne, and e'en now intercede on your behalf? If ye love me,"-Christian,
hear that word; let the sweet syllables ring forever in your ears, like the prolonged
sounding of silver-toned bells;—"if ye love me, if ye love me, keep my commandments."
Oh, Christian, let that "if" be put to thee this morning. "If ye love
me." Glorious Redeemer! is it an "if" at all? Thou precious, bleeding
Lamb, can there be an "if?" What, when I see thy blood gushing from thee;
is it an "if?" Yes, I weep to say it is an "if." Oft my thoughts
make it "if," and oft my words make it "if." But yet methinks
my soul feels it is not "if," either.
"Not to mine eyes is light so dear,
Nor friendship half so sweet."
"Yes, I love thee, I know that I love thee. Lord, thou
knowest all things, thou knowest that I love thee," can the Christian say. "Well,
then," says Jesus, looking down with a glance of affectionate approbation, "since
thou lovest me, keep my commandments." O beloved, what mightier reason can I
give than this? It is the argument of love and affection . Be like Christ, since
gratitude demands obedience; so shall the world know that ye have been with Jesus.
IV. Ah! then ye
wept; and I perceive ye felt the force of pity, and some of you are inquiring, "HOW
CAN I IMITATE HIM?" It is my business, then, before you depart, to tell you
how you can become transformed into the image of Christ.
In the first place, then, my beloved friends, in answer to your inquiry, let me say,
you must know Christ as your Redeemer before you can follow him as your Exemplar.
Much is said about the example of Jesus, and we scarcely find a man now who does
not believe that our Lord was an excellent and holy man, much to be admired. But
excellent as was his example, it would be impossible to imitate it, had he not also
been our sacrifice. Do ye this morning know that his blood was shed for you? Can
ye join with me in this verse,—
"O the sweet wonders of that cross,
Where God the Saviour lov'd and died;
Her noblest life my spirit draws
From his dear wounds and bleeding side."
If so, you are in a fair way to imitate Christ. But do not
seek to copy him until you are bathed in the fountain filled with blood drawn from
his veins. It is not possible for you to do so; your passions will be too strong
and corrupt, and you will be building without a foundation, a structure, which will
be about as stable as a dream. You cannot mould your life to his pattern until you
have had his spirit, till you have been clothed in his righteousness. "Well,"
say some, "we have proceeded so far, what next shall we do? We know we have
an interest in him, but we are still sensible of manifold deficiencies." Next,
then, let me entreat you to study Christ's character. This poor Bible is become an
almost obsolete book, even with some Christians. There are so many magazines, periodicals,
and such like ephemeral productions, that we are in danger of neglecting to search
the Scriptures. Christian, wouldst thou know thy master? Look at him. There is a
wondrous power about the character of Christ, for the more you regard it the more
you will be conformed to it. I view myself in the glass, I go away, and forget what
I was. I behold Christ, and I become like Christ. Look at him, then; study him in
the evangelists, studiously examine his character. "But," say you, "we
have done that, and we have proceeded but little farther." Then, in the next
place, correct your poor copy every day. At night, try and recount all the actions
of the twenty-four hours, scrupulously putting them under review. When I have proof-sheets
sent to me of any of my writings, I have to make the corrections in the margin. I
might read them over fifty times, and the printers would still put in the errors
if I did not mark them. So must you do; if you find anything faulty at night, make
a mark in the margin, that you may know where the fault is, and to-morrow may amend
it. Do this day after day, continually noting your faults one by one, so that you
may better avoid them. It was a maxim of the old philosophers, that, three times
in the day, we should go over our actions. So let us do; let us not be forgetful;
let us rather examine ourselves each night, and see wherin we have done amiss, that
we may reform our lives.
Lastly, as the best advice I can give, seek more of the Spirit of God; for this is
the way to become Christ-like. Vain are all your attempts to be like him till you
have sought his spirit. Take the cold iron, and attempt to weld it if you can into
a certain shape. How fruitless the effort! Lay it on the anvil, seize the blacksmith's
hammer with all you might, let blow after blow fall upon it, and you shall have done
nothing. Twist it, turn it, use all your implements, but you shall not be able to
fashion it as you would. But put it in the fire, let it be softened and made malleable,
then lay it on the anvil, and each stroke shall have a mighty effect, so that you
may fashion it into any form you may desire. So take your heart, not cold as it is,
not stony as it is by nature, but put it into the furnace; there let it be molten,
and after that it can be turned like wax to the seal, and fashioned into the image
of Jesus Christ.
Oh, my brethren, what can I say now to enforce my text, but that, if ye are like
Christ on earth, ye shall be like him in heaven? If by the power of the Spirit ye
become followers of Jesus, ye shall enter glory. For at heaven's gate there sits
an angel, who admits no one who has not the same features as our adorable Lord. There
comes a man with a crown upon his head, "Yes," he says, "thou hast
a crown, it is true, but crowns are not the medium of access here." Another
approaches, dressed in robes of state and the gown of learning. "Yes,"
says the angel, "it may be good, but gowns and learning are not the marks that
shall admit you here." Another advances, fair, beautiful, and comely. "Yes,"
saith the angel, "that might please on earth, but beauty is not wanted here."
There cometh up another, who is heralded by fame, and prefaced by the blast of the
clamor of mankind; but the angel saith, "It is well with man, but thou hast
no right to enter here." Then there appears another; poor he may have been;
illiterate he may have been; but the angel, as he looks at him, smiles and says,
"It is Christ again; a second edition of Jesus Christ is there. Come in, come
in. Eternal glory thou shalt win. Thou art like Christ; in heaven thou shalt sit,
because thou art like him." Oh! to be like Christ is to enter heaven; but to
be unlike Christ is to descend to hell. Likes shall be gathered together at last,
tares with tares, wheat with wheat. If ye have sinned with Adam and have died, ye
shall lie with the spiritually dead forever, unless ye rise in Christ to newness
of life; then shall we live with him throughout eternity. Wheat with wheat, tares
with tares. "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: whatsoever a man soweth, that
shall he also reap." Go away with this one thought, then my brethren, that you
can test yourselves by Christ. If you are like Christ, you are of Christ, and shall
be with Christ. If you are unlike him, you have no portion in the great inheritance.
May my poor discourse help to fan the floor and reveal the chaff; yea, may it lead
many of you to seek to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light, to
the praise of his grace. To him be all honor given! Amen.
A Sermon
(No. 2263)
Intended for Reading on Lord's-Day, July 3rd,
Delivered by
At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington
On Lord's-day Evening, October 5th, 1890.
"Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."—Luke 23:34.
HAT tenderness we have here; what self-forgetfulness;
what almighty love! Jesus did not say to those who crucified him, "Begone!"
One such word, and they must have all fled. When they came to take him in the garden,
they went backward, and fell to the ground, when he spoke but a short sentence; and
now that he is on the cross, a single syllable would have made the whole company
fall to the ground, or flee away in fright.
Jesus says not a word in his own defence. When he prayed to his Father, he might
justly have said, "Father, note what they do to thy beloved Son. Judge them
for the wrong they do to him who loves them, and who has done all he can for them."
But there is no prayer against them in the words that Jesus utters. It was written
of old, by the prophet Isaiah, "He made intercession for the transgressors;"
and here it is fulfilled. He pleads for his murderers, "Father, forgive them."
He does not utter a single word of upbraiding. He does not say, "Why do ye this?
Why pierce the hands that fed you? Why nail the feet that followed after you in mercy?
Why mock the Man who loved to bless you?" No, not a word even of gentle upbraiding,
much less anything like a curse. "Father, forgive them." You notice, Jesus
does not say, "I forgive them," but you may read that between the lines.
He says that all the more because he does not say it in words. But he had laid aside
his majesty, and is fastened to the cross; and therefore he takes the humble position
of a suppliant, rather than the more lofty place of one who had power to forgive.
How often, when men say, "I forgive you," is there a kind of selfishness
about it! At any rate, self is asserted in the very act of forgiving. Jesus take
the place of a pleader, a pleader for those who were committing murder upon himself.
Blessed be his name!
This word of the cross we shall use to-night, and we shall see if we cannot gather
something from it for our instruction; for, though we were not there, and we did
not actually put Jesus to death, yet we really caused his death, and we, too, crucified
the Lord of glory; and his prayer for us was, "Father, forgive them; for they
know not what they do."
I am not going to handle this text so much by way of exposition, as by way of experience.
I believe there are many here, to whom these words will be very appropriate. This
will be our line of thought. First, we were in measure ignorant; secondly,
we confess that this ignorance is no excuse; thirdly, we bless our Lord
for pleading for us; and fourthly, we now rejoice in the pardon we have obtained.
May the Holy Spirit graciously help us in our meditation!
I. Looking back upon our past experience, let me say, first, that WE WERE IN MEASURE
IGNORANT. We who have been forgiven, we who have been washed in the blood of the
Lamb, we once sinned, in a great measure, through ignorance. Jesus says, "They
know not what they do." Now, I shall appeal to you, brothers and sisters, when
you lived under the dominion of Satan, and served yourselves and sin, was there not
a measure of ignorance in it? You can truly say, as we said in the hymn we sang just
"Alas! I knew not what I did."
It is true, first, that we were ignorant of the awful
meaning of sin. We began to sin as children; we knew that it was wrong, but we
did not know all that sin meant. We went on to sin as young men; peradventure we
plunged into much wickedness. We knew it was wrong; but we did not see the end from
the beginning. It did not appear to us as rebellion against God. We did not think
that we were presumptuously defying God, setting at naught his wisdom, defying his
power, deriding his love, spurning his holiness; yet we were doing that. There is
an abysmal depth in sin. You cannot see the bottom of it. When we rolled sin under
our tongue as a sweet morsel, we did not know all the terrible ingredients compounded
in that deadly bittersweet. We were in a measure ignorant of the tremendous crime
we committed when we dared to live in rebellion against God. So far, I think, you
go with me.
We did not know, at that time, God's great love to us. I did not know that
he had chosen me from before the foundation of the world; I never dreamed of that.
I did not know that Christ stood for me as my Substitute, to redeem me from among
men. I did not know the love of Christ, did not understand it then. You did not know
that you were sinning against eternal love, against infinite compassion, against
a distinguishing love such as God had fixed on you from eternity. So far, we knew
not what we did.
I think, too, that we did not know all that we were doing in our rejection of
Christ, and putting him to grief. He came to us in our youth; and impressed by
a sermon we began to tremble, and to seek his face; but we were decoyed back to the
world, and we refused Christ. Our mother's tears, our father's prayers, our teacher's
admonitions, often moved us; but we were very stubborn, and we rejected Christ. We
did not know that, in that rejection, we were virtually putting him away and crucifying
him. We were denying his Godhead, or else we should have worshipped him. We were
denying his love, or else we should have yielded to him. We were practically, in
every act of sin, taking the hammer and the nails, and fastening Christ to the cross,
but we did not know it. Perhaps, if we had known it, we should not have crucified
the Lord of glory. We did know we were doing wrong; but we did not know all the wrong
that we were doing.
Nor did we know fully the meaning of our delays. We hesitated; we were on
the verge on conversion; we went back, and turned again to our old follies. We were
hardened, Christless, prayerless still; and each of us said, "Oh, I am only
waiting a little while till I have fulfilled my present engagements, till I am a
little older, till I have seen a little more of the world!" The fact is, we
were refusing Christ, and choosing the pleasures of sin instead of him; and every
hour of delay was an hour of crucifying Christ, grieving his Spirit, and choosing
this harlot world in the place of the lovely and ever blessed Christ. We did not
know that.
I think we may add one thing more. We did not know the meaning to our self-righteousness.
We used to think, some of us, that we had a righteousness of our own. We had been
to church regularly, or we had been to the meeting-house whenever it was open. We
were christened; we were confirmed; or, peradventure, we rejoiced that we never had
either of those things done to us. Thus, we put our confidence in ceremonies, or
the absence of ceremonies. We said our prayers; we read a chapter in the bible night
and morning; we did—oh, I do not know what we did not do! But there we rested; we
were righteous in our own esteem. We had not any particular sin to confess, nor any
reason to lie in the dust before the throne of God's majesty. We were about as good
as we could be; and we did not know that we were even then perpetrating the highest
insult upon Christ; for, if we were not sinners, why did Christ die; and, if we had
a righteousness of our own which was good enough, why did Christ come here to work
out a righteousness for us? We made out Christ to be a superfluity, by considering
that we were good enough without resting in his atoning sacrifice. Ah, we did not
think we were doing that! We thought we were pleasing God by our religiousness, by
our outward performances, by our ecclesiastical correctness; but all the while we
were setting up anti-Christ in the place of Christ. We were making out that Christ
was not wanted; we were robbing him of his office and glory! Alas! Christ would say
of us, with regard to all these things, "They know not what they do." I
want you to look quietly at the time past wherein you served sin, and just see whether
there was not a darkness upon your mind, a blindness in your spirit, so that you
did not know what you did.
II. Well now,
secondly, WE CONFESS THAT THIS IGNORANCE IS NO EXCUSE. Our Lord might urge it as
a plea; but we never could. We did not know what we did, and se we were not guilty
to the fullest possible extent; but we were guilty enough, therefore let us own it.
For first, remember, the law never allows this as a plea. In our own English
law, a man is supposed to know what the law is. If he breaks it, it is no excuse
to plead that he did not know it. It may be regarded by a judge as some extenuation;
but the law allows nothing of the kind. God gives us the law, and we are bound to
keep it. If I erred through not knowing the law, still it was a sin. Under the Mosaic
law, there were sins of ignorance, and for these there were special offerings. The
ignorance did not blot out the sin. That is clear in my text; for, if ignorance rendered
an action no longer sinful, they why should Christ say, "Father, forgive them"?
But he does; he asks for mercy for what is sin, even though the ignorance in some
measure be supposed to mitigate the criminality of it.
But, dear friends, we might have known. If we did not know, it was because
we would not know. There was the preaching of the Word; but we did not care to hear
it. There was this blessed Book; but we did not care to read it. If you and I had
sat down, and looked at our conduct by the light of the Holy Scripture, we might
have known much more of the evil of sin, and much more of the love of Christ, and
much more of the ingratitude which is possible in refusing Christ, and not coming
to him.
In addition to that, we did not think. "Oh, but," you say, "young
people never do think!" But young people should think. If there is anybody who
need not think, it is the old man, whose day is nearly over. If he does think, he
has but a very short time in which to improve; but the young have all their lives
before them. If I were a carpenter, and had to make a box, I should not think about
it after I had made the box; I should think, before I began to cut my timber, what
sort of box it was to be. In every action, a man thinks before he begins, or else
he is a fool. A young man ought to think more than anybody else, for now he is, as
it were, making his box. He is beginning his life-plan; he should be the most thoughtful
of all men. Many of us, who are now Christ's people, would have known much more about
our Lord if we had given him more careful consideration in our earlier days. A man
will consider about taking a wife, he will consider about making a business, he will
consider about buying a horse or a cow; but he will not consider about the claims
of Christ, and the claims of the Most High God; and this renders his ignorance wilful,
and inexcusable.
Beside that, dear friends, although we have confessed to ignorance, in many sins
we did not know a great deal. Come, let me quicken your memories. There were
times when you knew that such an action was wrong, when you started back from it.
You looked at the gain it would bring you, and you sold your soul for that price,
and deliberately did what you were well aware was wrong. Are there not some here,
saved by Christ, who must confess that , at times, they did violence to their conscience?
They did despite to the Spirit of God, quenched the light of heaven, drove the Spirit
away from them, distinctly knowing what they were doing. Let us bow before God in
the silence of our hearts, and own to all of this. We hear the Master say, "Father,
forgive them; for they know not what they do." Let us add our own tears as we
say, "And forgive us, also, because in some things we did know; in all things
we might have known; but we were ignorant for want of thought, which thought was
a solemn duty which we ought to have rendered to God."
One more thing I will say on this head. When a man is ignorant, and does not know
what he ought to do, what should he do? Well, he should do nothing till he does know.
But here is the mischief of it, that when we did not know, yet we chose to do
the wrong thing. If we did not know, why did we not choose the right thing? But,
being in the dark, we never turned to the right; but always blundered to the left
from sin to sin. Does not this show us how depraved our hearts are?: Though we are
seeking to be right, when we were let alone, we go wrong of ourselves. Leave a child
alone; leave a man alone; leave a tribe alone without teaching and instruction; what
comes of it? Why, the same as when you leave a field alone. It never, by any chance,
produces wheat or barley. Leave it alone, and there are rank weeds, and thorns, and
briars, showing that the natural set of the soil is towards producing that which
is worthless. O friends, confess the inmate evil of your hearts as well as the evil
of your lives, in that, when you did not know, yet, having a perverse instinct, you
chose the evil, and refuse the good; and, when you did not know enough of Christ,
and did not think enough of him to know whether you ought to have him or not, you
would not have come unto him that you might have life. You needed light; but you
shut your eyes to the sun. You were thirsty; but you would not drink of the living
spring; and so your ignorance, though it was there, was a criminal ignorance, which
you must confess before the Lord. Oh, come ye to the cross, ye who have been there
before, and have lost your burden there! Come and confess your guilt over again;
and clasp that cross afresh, and look to him who bled upon it, and praise his dear
name that he once prayed for you, "Father forgive them; for they know not what
they do."
Now, I am going a step further. We were in a measure ignorant; but we confess that
that measurable ignorance was no excuse.
III. Now, thirdly,
So you notice when it was that Jesus pleaded? It was, while they were crucifying
him. They had not just driven in the nails, they had lifted up the cross, and
dished it down into its socket, and dislocated all his bones, so that he could say,
"I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint." Ah, dear
friends, it was then that instead of a cry or groan, this dear Son of God said, "Father,
forgive them; for they know not what they do." They did not ask for forgiveness
for themselves, Jesus ask for forgiveness for them. Their hands were imbrued in his
blood; and it was then, even then, that he prayed for them. Let us think of the great
love wherewith he loved us, even while we were yet sinners, when we rioted in sin,
when we drank it down as the ox drinketh down water. Even then he prayed for us.
"While we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly."
Bless his name to-night. He prayed for you when you did not pray for yourself. He
prayed for you when you were crucifying him.
Then think of his plea, he pleads his Sonship. He says, "Father,
forgive them." He was the Son of God, and he put his divine Sonship into the
scale on our behalf. He seems to say, "Father, as I am thy Son, grant me this
request, and pardon these rebels. Father, forgive them." The filial rights of
Christ were very great. He was the Son of the Highest. "Light of light, very
God of very God", the second Person in the Divine Trinity; and he puts that
Sonship here before God and says, "Father, Father, forgive them." Oh, the
power of that word from the Son's lip when he is wounded, when he is in agony, when
he is dying! He says, "Father, Father, grant my one request; O Father, forgive
them; for they know not what they do;" and the great Father bows his awful head,
in token that the petition is granted.
Then notice, that Jesus here, silently, but really pleads his sufferings.
The attitude of Christ when he prayed this prayer is very noteworthy. His hands were
stretched upon the transverse beam; his feet were fastened to the upright tree; and
there he pleaded. Silently his hands and feet were pleading, and his agonized body
from the very sinew and muscle pleaded with God. His sacrifice was presented complete;
and so it is his cross that takes up the plea, "Father, forgive them."
O blessed Christ! It is thus that we have been forgiven, for his Sonship and his
cross have pleaded with God, and have prevailed on our behalf.
I love this prayer, also, because of the indistinctness of it. It is "Father,
forgive them." He does not say, "Father, forgive the soldiers who have
nailed me here." He includes them. Neither does he say, "Father, forgive
sinners in ages to come who will sin against me." But he means them. Jesus does
not mention them by any accusing name: "Father, forgive my enemies. Father,
forgive my murderers." No, there is no word of accusation upon those dear lips.
"Father, forgive them." Now into that pronoun "them" I feel that
I can crawl Can you get in there? Oh, by a humble faith, appropriate the cross of
Christ by trusting in it; and get into that big little word "them"! It
seems like a chariot of mercy that has come down to earth into which a man may step,
and it shall bear him up to heaven. "Father, forgive them."
Notice, also, what it was that Jesus asked for; to omit that, would be to leave out
the very essence of his prayer. He asked for full absolution for his enemies:
"Father, forgive them. Do not punish them; forgive them. Do not remember their
sin; forgive it, blot it out; throw it into the depths of the sea. Remember it not,
my Father. Mention it not against them any more for ever. Father, forgive them."
Oh, blessed prayer, for the forgiveness of God is broad and deep! When man forgives,
he leaves the remembrance of the wrong behind; but when God pardons, he says, "I
will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more." It is this
that Christ asked for you and me long before we had any repentance, or any faith;
and in answer to that prayer, we were brought to feel our sin, we were brought to
confess it, and to believe in him; and now, glory be to his name, we can bless him
for having pleaded for us, and obtained the forgiveness of all our sins.
IV. I come now
to my last remark. Which is this, WE NOW REJOICE IN THE PARDON WE HAVE OBTAINED.
Have you obtained pardon? Is this your song?
"Now, oh joy! My sins are pardon'd,
Now I can, and do believe."
I have a letter, in my pocket, from a man of education and
standing, who has been an agnostic; he says that he was a sarcastic agnostic, and
he writes praising God, and invoking every blessing upon my head for bringing him
to the Saviour's feet. He says, "I was without happiness for this life, and
without hope for the next." I believe that that is a truthful description of
many an unbeliever. What hope is there for the world to come apart from the cross
of Christ? The best hope such a man has is that he may die the death of a dog, and
there may be an end of him. What is the hope of the Romanist, when he comes to die?
I feel so sorry for many of the devout and earnest friends, for I do not know what
their hope is. They do not hope to go to heaven yet, at any rate; some purgatorial
pains must be endured first. Ah, this is a poor, poor faith to die on, to have such
a hope as that to trouble your last thoughts. I do not know of any religion but that
of Christ Jesus which tells us of sin pardoned, absolutely pardoned. Now, listen.
Our teaching is not that, when you come to die, you may, perhaps, find out that it
is all right, but, "Beloved, now we are the sons of God." "He that
believeth on the Son hath everlasting life." He has it now, and he knows it,
and he rejoices in it. So I come back to the last head of my discourse, we rejoice
in the pardon Christ has obtained for us. We are pardoned. I hope that the larger
portion of this audience can say, "By the grace of God, we know that the larger
portion of this audience can say, "By the grace of God, we know that we are
washed in the blood of the Lamb."
Pardon has come to us through Christ's plea. Our hope lies in the plea of Christ,
and specially in his death. If Jesus paid my debt, and he did it if I am a believer
in him, then I am out of debt. If Jesus bore the penalty of my sin, and he did it
if I am a believer, then there is no penalty for me to pay, for we can say to him,—
"Complete atonement thou hast made,
And to the utmost farthing paid
Whate'er thy people owed:
Nor can his wrath on me take place,
If shelter'd in thy righteousness,
And sprinkled with thy blood.
"If thou hast my discharge procured,
And freely in my room endured
The whole of wrath divine:
Payment God cannot twice demand,
First of my bleeding Surety's hand,
And then again at mine."
If Christ has borne my punishment, I shall never bear it.
Oh, what joy there is in this blessed assurance! Your hope that you are pardoned
lies in this, that Jesus died. Those dear wounds of his are bled for you.
We praise him for our pardon because we do know now what we did. Oh, brethren,
I know not how much we ought to love Christ, because we sinned against him so grievously!
Now we know that sin is "exceeding sinful." Now we know that sin crucified
Christ. Now we know that we stabbed our heavenly Lover to his heart. We slew, with
ignominious death, our best and dearest Friend and Benefactor. We know that now;
and we could almost weep tears of blood to think that we ever treated him as we did.
But, it is all forgiven, all gone. Oh, let us bless that dear Son of God, who has
put away even such sins as ours! We feel them more now than ever before. We know
they are forgiven, and our grief is because of the pain that the purchase of our
forgiveness cost our Saviour. We never knew what our sins really were till we saw
him in a bloody sweat. We never knew the crimson hue of our sins till we read our
pardon written in crimson lines with his precious blood. Now, we see our sin, and
yet we do not see it; for God has pardoned it, blotted it out, cast it behind his
back for ever.
Henceforth ignorance, such as we have described, shall be hateful to us.
Ignorance of Christ and eternal things shall be hateful to us. If, through ignorance,
we have sinned, we will have done with that ignorance. We will be students of his
Word. We will study that masterpiece of all the sciences, the knowledge of Christ
crucified. We will ask the Holy Ghost to drive far from us the ignorance that gendereth
sin. God grant that we may not fall into sins of ignorance any more; but may we be
able to say, "I know whom I have believed; and henceforth I will seek more knowledge,
till I comprehend, with all saints, what are the heights, and depths, and lengths,
and breadths of the love of Christ, and know the love of God, which passeth knowledge"!
I put in a practical word here. If you rejoice that you are pardoned, show your
gratitude by your imitation of Christ. There was never before such a plea as
this, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." Plead like
that for others. Has anybody been injuring you? Are there persons who slander you?
Pray to-night, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."
Let us always render good for evil, blessing for cursing; and when we are called
to suffer through the wrong-doing of others, let us believe that they would not act
as they do if it were not because of their ignorance. Let us pray for them; and make
their very ignorance the plea for their forgiveness: "Father, forgive them;
for they know not what they do."
I want you to think of the millions of London just now. See those miles of streets,
pouring out their children this evening; but look at those public-houses with the
crowds streaming in and out. God down our streets by moonlight. See what I almost
blush to tell. Follow men and women, too, to their homes, and be this your prayer:
"Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." That silver bell—keep
it always ringing. What did I say? That silver bell? Nay, it is the golden
bell upon the priests garments. Wear it on your garments, ye priests of God, and
let it always ring out its golden note, "Father, forgive them; for they know
not what they do." If I can set all God's saints imitating Christ with such
a prayer as this, I shall not have spoken in vain.
Brethren, I see reason for hope in the very ignorance that surrounds us. I
see hope for this poor city of ours, hope for this poor country, hope for Africa,
China, and India. "They know not what they do." Here is a strong argument
in their favour, for they are more ignorant than we were. They know less of the evil
of sin, and less of the hope of eternal life, than we do. Send up this petition,
ye people of God! Heap your prayers together with cumulative power, send up this
fiery shaft of prayer, straight to the heart of God, while Jesus from his throne
shall add his prevalent intercession, "Father, forgive them; for they know not
what they do."
If there be any unconverted people here, and I know that there are some, we will
mention them in our private devotion, as well as in the public assembly; and we will
pray for them in words like these, "Father, forgive them; for they know not
what they do." May God bless you all, for Jesus Christ's sake! Amen.
Luke 23:33-46. John 19:25-30
We have often read the story of our Saviour's sufferings; but we cannot read it too
often. Let us, therefore, once again repair to "the place which is called Calvary."
As we just now sang,—
"Come, let us stand beneath the cross;
So may the blood from out his side
Fall gently on us drop by drop;
Jesus, our Lord is crucified."
We will read, first, Luke's account of our Lord's crucifixion
and death.
Luke 23:33. And when they were come to the place,
which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one of the
right hand, and the other on the left.
They gave Jesus the place of dishonour. Reckoning him to be the worst criminal of
the three, they put him between the other two. They heaped upon him the utmost scorn
which they could give to a malefactor; and in so doing they unconsciously honoured
him. Jesus always deserves the chief place wherever he is. In all things he must
have the pre-eminence. He is King of sufferers as well as King of saints.
34. Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they
know not what they do.
How startled they must have been to hear such words from one who was about to be
put to death for a supposed crime! The men that drove the nails, the men that lifted
up the tree, must have been started back with amazement when they heard Jesus talk
to God as his Father, and pray for them: "Father, forgive them; for they know
not what they do." Did ever Roman legionary hear such words before? I should
say not. They were so distinctly and diametrically opposed to the whole spirit of
Rome. There is was blow for blow; only in the case of Jesus they gave blows where
none had been received. The crushing cruelty of the Roman must have been startled
indeed at such words as these, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what
they do."
34, 35. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.
And the people stood beholding.
The gambling soldiers little dreamed that they were fulfilling Scriptures while they
were raffling for the raiment of the illustrious Sufferer on the cross; yet so it
was. In the twenty-second Psalm, which so fully sets forth our Saviour's sufferings,
and which he probably repeated while he hung on the tree, David wrote, "They
parted my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture." "And the
people stood beholding," gazing, looking on the cruel spectacle. You and I would
not have done that; there is a public sentiment which has trained us to hate the
sight of cruelty, especially of deadly cruelty to one of our own race; but these
people thought that they did no harm when they "stood beholding." They
also were thus fulfilling the Scriptures; for the seventeenth verse of the twenty-second
Psalm says, "They look and stare upon me."
35. And the rulers also with them derided him,
Laughed at him, made him the object of course jests.
35, 36. Saying, He saved others; let him save himself, if he be Christ, the chosen
of God. And the soldiers also mocked him, coming to him, and offering him vinegar.
In mockery, not giving it to him, as they did later in mercy; but in mockery, pretending
to present him with weak wine, such as they drank.
37. And saying, If thou be the king of the Jews,
save thyself.
I fancy the scorn that they threw into their taunt: "If thou be the king of
the Jews;" that was a bit of their own. "Save thyself;" that they
borrowed from the rulers. Sometimes a scoffer or a mocker cannot exhibit all the
bitterness that is in his heart except by using borrowed terms, as these soldiers
38. And a superscription also was written over him
in the letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.
John tells us that Pilate wrote this title, and that the chief priests tried in vain
to get him to alter it. It was written in the three current languages of the time,
so that the Greek, the Roman, and the Jew might alike understand who he was who was
thus put to death. Pilate did not know as much about Christ as we do, or he might
39. And one of the malefactors which were hanged
railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.
He, too, borrows this speech from the rulers who derided Christ, only putting the
words "and us" as a bit of originality. "If thou be the Christ, save
thyself and us."
40, 41. But the other answering rebuked him saying,
Dost thou not fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? And we indeed justly;
for we receive the reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss.
A fine testimony to Christ: "This man hath done nothing amiss;" nothing
unbecoming, nothing out of order, nothing criminal, certainly; but nothing even "amiss."
This testimony was well spoken by this dying thief.
42-46. And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me
when thou comest into thy kingdom. And Jesus said unto him, Verily, I say unto thee,
to day shalt thou be with me in paradise. And it was about the sixth hour, and there
was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. And the sun was darkened,
and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. And when Jesus had cried with a
loud voice, he said, Father, in the thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said
thus, he gave up his ghost.
He yielded his life. He did not die, as we have to do, because our appointed time
has come, but willingly the great Sacrifice parted with his life: "He gave up
the ghost." He was a willing sacrifice for guilty men.
Now let us see what John says concerning these hours of agony, these hours of triumph.
John 19:25. Now there stood by the cross of Jesus
his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary, the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene.
Last at the cross, first at the sepulchre. No woman's lip betrayed her Lord; no woman's
hand ever smote him; their eyes wept for him; they gazed upon him with pitying awe
and love. God bless the Marys! When we see so many of them about the cross, we feel
that we honour the very name of Mary.
26, When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the
disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith into his mother, Woman, behold thy
Sad, sad spectacle! Now was fulfilled the word of Simeon, "Yes, a sword shall
pierce through thine own soul also, that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed."
Did the Saviour mean, as he gave a glance to John, "Woman, thou art losing one
Son; but yonder stands another, who will be a son to thee in my absence"? "Woman,
behold thy son!"
27. Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother!
"Take her as thy mother, stand thou in my place, care for her as I have cared
for her." Those who love Christ best shall have the honour of taking care of
his church and of his poor. Never say of any poor relative or friend, the widow or
the fatherless, "They are a great burden to me." Oh, no! Say, "They
are a great honour to me; my Lord has entrusted them to my care." John thought
so; let us think so. Jesus selected the disciple he loved best to take his mother
under his care. He selects those whom he loves best to-day, and puts his poor people
under their wing. Take them gladly, and treat them well.
27, And from that hour that disciple took her unto
his own home
You expected him to do it, did you not? He loved his Lord so well.
28, After this, Jesus knowing that all things were
now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst.
There was a prophecy to that effect in the Psalms, and he must needs fulfil that.
Think of a dying man prayerfully going through the whole of the Scriptures and carefully
fulfilling all that is there written concerning him: "That the scripture might
be fulfilled, Jesus saith, I thirst."
29, 30. Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar:
and they filled a sponge with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and put it to his
mouth. When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar,
For he did receive it. It was a weak kind of wine, commonly drunk by the soldiery.
This is not that mixed potion which he refused, wine mingled with myrrh, which was
intended to stupefy the dying in their pains: "When he had tasted thereof, he
would not drink;" for he would not be stupefied. He came to suffer to the bitter
end the penalty of sin; and he would not have his sorrow mitigated; but when this
slight refreshment was offered to him, he received it. Having just expressed his
human weakness by saying, "I thirst," he now manifests his all-sufficient
strength by crying, with a loud voice as Matthew, Mark, and Luke all testify.
30. He said, It is finished:
What "it" was
it that was finished? I will not attempt to expound it. It is the biggest "it" that ever was/ Turn it
over and you will see that it will grow, and grow, and grow, and grow, till it fills
the whole earth: "It is finished." 20. And he bowed his head, and gave
up the ghost.
He did not give up the ghost, and then bow his head, because he was dead; but he
bowed his head as though in the act of worship, or as leaning it down upon his Father's
bosom, and then gave up the ghost.
Thus have we had two gospel pictures of our dying Lord. May we remember them, and
learn the lessons they are intended to teach!
A Sermon
(No. 3513)
Published on Thursday, May 25th, 1916.
Delivered by
At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington.
ON Lord's-day Evening, November 25th, 1866.
"Who gave himself for us."
–Titus 2:14.
E have once more, you see, the old subject.
We still have to tell the story of the love of God towards man in the person of his
only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. When you come to your table you find a variety there.
Sometimes there is one dish upon it, and sometimes another; but you are never at
all surprised to find the bread there every time, and, perhaps, we might add that
there would be a deficiency if there were not salt there every time too. So there
are certain truths which cannot be repeated too often, and especially is this true
of this master-truth, that "God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself,
not imputing their trespasses unto them." Why, this is the bread of life; "God
so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on
him should not perish, but have everlasting life." This is the salt upon the
table, and must never be forgotten, This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all
acceptation, "that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, even the
Now we shall take the text, and use it thus: first of all we shall ask it some
questions; then we shall surround it with a setting of facts; and when
we have done that, we will endeavour to press out of it its very soul as we draw
certain inferences from it. First then:–
There are only five words in the text, and we will be content to let it go with four
questions. "Who gave himself for us" The first question we ask the text
is, Who is this that is spoken of? and the text gives the answer. It is "the
great God and our Saviour, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us." We had offended
God; the dignity of divine justice demanded that offenses against so good and just
a law as that which God had promulgated should not be allowed to go unpunished. But
the attribute of justice is not the only one in the heart of God. God is love, and
is, therefore, full Of mercy. Yet, nevertheless, he never permits one quality of
his Godhead to triumph over another. He could not be too merciful, and so become
unjust; he would not permit mercy to put justice to an eclipse. The difficulty was
solved thus: God himself stooped from his loftiness and veiled his glory in a garb
of our inferior clay. The Word–that same Word without whom was not anything made
that was made–became flesh, and dwelt amongst us; and his apostles, his friends,
and his enemies, beheld him–the seed of the woman, but yet the Son of God, very God
of very God, in all the majesty of deity, and yet man of the substance of his mother
in all the weakness of our humanity, sin being the only thing which separated us
from him, he being without sin, and we being full of it. It is, then, God,
who "gave himself for us"; it is, then, man, who gave himself for
us. It is Jesus Christ, co-equal and co-eternal with the Father, who thought it not
robbery to be equal with God; who made himself of no reputation, and took upon himself
the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of sinful flesh, and, being found
in fashion as a man, humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death
of the cross. It is Christ Jesus, the man, the God, "who gave himself for us."
Now I hope we shall not make any mistakes here, for mistakes here will be fatal.
We may be thought uncharitable for saying it, but we should be dishonest if we did
not say it, that it is essential to be right here.
"Ye cannot be right in the rest
Unless ye think rightly of him."
You dishonour Christ if you do not believe in his deity.
He will have nothing to do with you unless you accept him as being God as well as
man. You must receive him as being, without any diminution, completely and wholly
divine, and you must accept him as being your brother, as being a man just as you
are. This, this is the person, and, relying upon him, we shall find salvation; but,
rejecting his deity, he will say to us, "You know me not, and I never knew you!"
The text has answered the question "Who?" and now, putting it in the witness-box
again, we ask it another question–"What? What did he do?" The answer
is, "He gave himself for us." It was a gift. Christ's offering of
himself for us was voluntary; he did it of his own will. He did not die because we
merited that, he should love us to the death; on the contrary, we merited that he
should hate us; we deserved that he should cast us from his presence obnoxious things,
for we were full of sin. We were the wicked keepers of the vineyard, who devoured
for our own profit the fruit which belonged to the King's Son, and he is that King's
Son, whom we slew, with wicked hands ousting him out of the vineyard. But he died
for us who were his enemies. Remember the words of Scripture, "Scarcely for
a righteous man will one die; peradventure, for a good, a generous man, one might
even dare to die; but God commendeth his love towards us, in that while we were yet
sinners, Christ died for the ungodly." He gave himself. We cannot purchase
the love of God. This highest expression of divine love, the gift of his own Son,
was, in the nature of things, unpurchaseable. What could we have offered that God
should come into this world, and be found in fashion as a man, and should die? Why,
the works of all the angels in heaven put together could not have deserved one pang
from Christ. If for ever the angels had continued their ceaseless songs, and if all
men had remained faithful, and could have heaped up their pile of merit to add to
that of the angels, and if all the creatures that ever were, or ever shall be, could
each bring in their golden hemp of merit–yet could they ever deserve you cross? Could
they deserve that the Son of God should hang bleeding and dying there? Impossible!
It must by a gift, for it was utterly unpurchaseable; though all worlds were coined
and minted, yet could they not have purchased a tear from the Redeemer; they were
not worth it. It must be grace; it cannot be merit; he gave himself.
And the gift is so thoroughly a gift that no prep of any kind was brought to bear
upon the Saviour. There was no necessity that he should die, except the necessity
of his loving us. Ah! friends, we might have been blotted out of existence, and I
do not know that there would have been any lack in God's universe if the whole race
of man had disappeared. That universe is too wide and great to miss such chirping
grasshoppers as we are. When one star is blotted out it may make a little difference
to our midnight sky, but to an eye that sees immensity it can make no change. Know
ye not that this little solar system, which we think so vast, and those distant fixed
stars, and yon mighty masses of nebulae, if such they be, and yonder streaming comet,
with its stupendous walk of grandeur–all these are only like a little corner in the
field of God's great works? He taketh them all up as nothing, and considereth them
mighty as they be, and beyond all human conception great–to be but the small dust
of the balance which does not turn the scale; and if they were all gone to-morrow
there would be no more loss than as if a few grains of dust were thrown to the summer's
wind. But God himself must stoop, rather than we should die. Oh! what magnificence
of love! And the more so because there was no need for it. In the course of nature
God would have been as holy and as heavenly without us as he is with us, and the
pomp of yonder skies would have been as illustrious had we been dashed into the flames
of hell as it will be now. God hath gained nought, except the manifestation of a
love beyond an angel's dream; a grace, the heights, and depths, and lengths, and
breadths of which surpass all knowledge of all creatures. God only knows the love
of God which is manifested in Jesus Christ. He gave himself. We will leave this point
now, when it is fully understood that Christ's dying to save sinners, and giving
himself for the ungodly, was a pure act of gratuitous mercy. There was nothing to
compel God to give his Son, and nothing to lead the Son to die, except the simple
might of his love to men. He would not see us die. He had a Father's love to us.
He seemed to stand over our fallen race, as David stood over Absalom, and we were
as bad as Absalom; and there he fled, and said, "My son, my son! Would God I
had died for thee, my son, my son!" But he did more than this, for he did die
for us. and all for love of Us who were his enemies!
"So strange, so boundless was the love,
Which pitied dying man;
The Father sent his equal Son
To give them life again."
'Twas all of love and of grace!
The third question is, "What did he give?"
"Who gave himself for us," and here lies the glory of the text, that he
gave not merely the crowns and royalties of heaven, though it was much to leave these,
to come and don the humble garb of a carpenter's son; not the songs of seraphs, not
the shouts of cherubim: 'twas something to leave them to come and dwell amongst the
groans and tears of this poor fallen world; not the grandeur of his Father's court,
though it was much to leave that to come and live with wild beasts, and men more
wild than they, to fast his forty days and then to die in ignomy and shame upon the
tree. No; there is little said about all this. He gave all this, it is true, but
he gave himself. Mark, brethren, what a richness there is here! It is not
that he gave his righteousness, though that has become our dress. It is not even
that he gave his blood, though that is the fount in which we wash. It is that he
gave himself–his Godhead and manhood both combined. All that that word "Christ"
means he came to us and for us. He gave himself. Oh! that we could dive and plunge
into–this unfathomed sea–himself! Omnipotence, Omniscience, Infinity–himself. He
gave himself–purity, love, kindness, meekness, gentleness–that wonderful compound
of all perfections, to make up one perfection-himself. You do not come to Christ's
house and say, "He gives me this house, his church, to dwell in." You do
not come to his table and merely say, "He gives me this table to feast at,"
but you go farther, and you take him by faith into your arms, and you say, "Who
loved me, and gave himself for me." Oh! that you could get hold of that
sweet word–himself! It is the love of a husband to his wife, who not only gives her
all that she can wish, daily food and raiment, and all the comforts that can nourish
and cherish her, and make her life glad, but who gives himself to her. So does Jesus.
The body and soul of Jesus, the deity of Jesus, and all that that means, he has been
pleased to give to and for his people. "Who gave himself for us."
There is another question which we shall ask the text, and that is, "For
whom did Christ give himself?" Well, the text says, "For us."
There be those who say that Christ has thus given himself for every man now living,
or that ever did or shall live. We are not able to subscribe to the statement, though
there is a truth in it, that in a certain sense he is "the Saviour of all men,"
but then it is added, "Specially of them that believe." At any rate, dear
hearer, let me tell thee one thing that is certain. Whether atonement may be said
to be particular or general, there are none who partake in its real efficacy but
certain characters, and those characters are known by certain infallible signs. You
must not say that he gave himself for you unless these signs are manifest in you,
and the first sign is that of simple faith in the Lord Jesus. If thou believest in
him, that shall be a proof to thee that he gave himself for thee. See, if he gave
himself for all men alike, then he did equally for Judas and for Peter. Care you
for such love as that? He died equally for those who were then in hell as for those
who were then in heaven. Care you for such a doctrine as that? For my part, I desire
to have a personal, peculiar, and special interest in the precious blood of Jesus;
such an interest in it as shall lead me to his right hand, and enable me to say,
"He hath washed me from my sins, in his blood." Now I think we have no
right to conclude that we shall have any benefit from the death of Christ unless
we trust him, and if we do trust him, that trust will produce the following things:–"Who
gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity"–we shall hate
sin; we shall fight against it; we shall be delivered from it– "and purify unto
himself ,a peculiar people, zealous of good works." I have no right. therefore,
to conclude that I shall be a partaker of the precious blood of Jesus unless I become
in my life "zealous of good works," My good works cannot save me, cannot
even help to save me; but they are evidences of my being saved, and if I am not zealous
for good works, I lack the evidence of salvation, and I have no right whatever to
conclude that I shall receive one jot of benefit from Christ's sufferings upon the
tree. Oh! my dear hearer, I would to God that thou couldest trust the Man, the God,
who died on Calvary! I would that thou couldest trust him so that thou couldest say,
"He will save me; he has saved me." The gratitude which you would feel
towards him would inspire you with an invincible hatred against sin. You would begin
to fight against every evil way; you would conform yourselves, by his grace, to his
law and his Word, and you would become a new creature in him! May God grant that
you may yet be able to say, "Who gave himself for me"! I have asked the
text enough questions, and there I leave them. For a few minutes only I am now going
to use the text another way, namely:–
There was a day before all days when there was no day but the Ancient of Days; a
time when there was no time, but when Eternity was all. Then God, in the eterna1
purpose, decreed to save his people. If we may speak so of things too mysterious
for us to know them, and which we can only set forth after the manner of men, God
had determined that his people should be saved, but he foresaw that they would sin.
It was necessary, therefore. that the penalty due to their sins should be borne by
someone. They could not be saved except a substitute were found who would bear the
penalty of sin in their place and stead. Where was such a substitute to be found?
No angel offered. There was no angel, for God dwelt alone, and even if there had
then been angels, they could never have dared to offer to sustain the fearful weight
of human guilt. But in that solemn council-chamber, when it was deliberated who should
enter into bonds of suretyship to pay all the debts of the people of God, Christ
came and gave himself a bondsman and a surety for all that was due–from them, or
would be due from them, to the judgment-seat of God. In that day, then, he "gave
himself for us."
But Time began, and this round world had made, in the mind of God, a few revolutions.
Men said the world was getting old, but to God it was but an infant. But the fulness
of time was come, and suddenly, amidst the darkness of the night, there was heard
sweeter singing than ere had come from mortal lips, "Glory to God in the highest;
on earth peace; good will to men!" What lit up the sky with unwonted splendour
and what had filled the air with chorales at the dead of night? See the Babe
upon its mother's breast, there in Bethlehem's manger! "He gave himself for
us." That same one who had given himself a surety has come down to earth to
be a man, and to give himself for us. See him! For thirty years he toils on, amidst
the drudgery of the carpenters shop! What is he doing? The law needed to be fulfilled,
and he "gave himself for us," and fulfilled the law. But now the time comes
when he is thirty-two or thirty-three years of age, and the law demands that the
penalty shall be paid. Do you see him going to meet Judas in the garden, with confident,
but solemn step? He "gave himself for us." He could with a word have driven
those soldiers into hell, but they bind him–he "gave himself for us." They
take him before Pilate, and Herod and Caiaphas, and they mock at him, and jeer him,
and pluck his cheeks, and flagellate his shoulders! How is it that he will smart
at this rate? How is it that he bears so passively all the insults and indignities
which they heap upon him? He gave himself for us. Our sins demanded smart; he bared
his back and took the smart; he have himself for us. But do you see that dreadful
procession going through the streets of Jerusalem, along the rough pavement of the
Via Dolorosa? Do you see the weeping women as they mourn because of him? How is it
that he is willing to be led a captive up to the hill of Calvary? Alas! they throw
him on the around! They drive accursed iron through his hands and feet. They hoist
him into the air! They dash the cross into its appointed place, and there he hangs,
a naked spectacle of scorn and shame, derided of men, and mourned by angels. How
is it that the Lord of glory, who made all worlds, and hung out the stars like lamps,
should now be bleeding and dying there? He gave himself for us. Can you see the streaming
fountains of the four wounds in his hands and feet' Can you trace his agony as it
carves lines upon his brow and all down his emaciated frame? No you cannot see the
griefs of his soul. No spirit can behold them. They were too terrible for you to
know them. It seemed as though all hell were emptied into the bosom of the Son of
God, and as though all the miseries of all the ages were made to meet upon him, till
he bore:–
"All that incarnate God, could bear,
With strength enough, but none to spare."
Now why is all this but that he gave himself for us till
his head hung down in death, and his arms, in chill, cold death, hung down by his
side, and they buried the lifeless Victor in the tomb of Joseph of Arimethea? He
gave himself for us!
What more now remaineth? He lives again; on the third day he cometh from the tomb,
and even then he still gave himself for us! Oh! yes, beloved, he has gone up on high
but he still gives himself for us, for up there he is constantly engaged in pleading
the sinner's cause. Up yonder, amidst the glories of heaven, he has not forgotten
us poor sinners who are here below, but he spreads his hands, and pleads before his
Father's throne and wins for us unnumbered blessings, for he gave himself for us.
And I have been thinking whether I might not use the text in another way. Christ's
servants wanted a subject upon which to preach, and so he "gave himself for
us," to be the constant topic of our ministry. Christ's servants wanted
a sweet companion to be with them in their troubles, and he gave himself for us.
Christ's people want comfort; they want spiritual food and drink, and so he gave
himself for us–his flesh to be our meat, and his blood to be our spiritual drink.
And we expect soon to go home to the land of the hereafter, to the realms of the
blessed, and what is to be our heaven? Why, our heaven will be Christ himself, for
he gave himself for Us. Oh! he is all that we want, all that we wish for! We cannot
desire anything greater and better than to be with Christ, and to have Christ, to
feed upon Christ, to lie in Christ's bosom, to know the kisses of his mouth, to look
at the gleamings of his loving eyes, to hear his loving words, to feel him press
us to his heart, and tell us that he has loved us from before the foundation of the
world, and given himself for us.
I think we have put the text now into a setting of certain facts; do not forget them,
but let them be your joy! And now the last thing we have to do is to:–
The first inference I draw is this–that be who gave himself for his people will
cat deny them anything. This is a sweet encouragement to you who practice the
art of prayer. You know how Paul puts it, "He that spared not his own Son, but
delivered him up for us all, how shall he not, with him, also freely give us all
things?" Christ is all. If Christ gives himself to you, he will give you your
bread and your water, and he will give you a house to dwell in. If he gives you himself,
he will not let you starve on the road to heaven. Jesus Christ does not Give us himself
and then deny us common things. Oh! child of God, go boldly to the throne of grace!
Thou hast got the major; thou shalt certainly have the minor; thou hast the greater,
thou canst not be denied the less.
Now I draw another inference, namely, that if Christ has already given himself in
so painful a way as I have described, since there is no need that he should suffer
any more, we must believe that he is willing to give himself now unto the hearts
of poor sinners. Beloved, for Christ to come to Bethlehem is a greater stoop
than for him to come into your heart. Had Christ to die upon Calvary? That is all
done, and he need not die again. Do you think that he who is willing to die is unwilling
to apply the results of his passion? If a man leaps into the water to bring out a
drowning child, after he has brought the child alive on shore, if he happens to have
a piece of bread in his pocket, and the child needs it, do you think that he who
rescued the child's life will deny that child so small a thing as a piece of bread?
And come, dost thou think that Christ died on Calvary, and yet will not come into
thy heart if thou seekest him? Dost thou believe that he who died for sinners will
ever reject the prayer of a sinner? If thou believest that thou thinkest hardly of
him, for his heart is very tender. He feels even a cry. You know how it is with your
children; if they cry through pain, why, you would give anything for someone to come
and heal them; and if you cry because your sin is painful, the great Physician will
come and heal you. Ah! Jesus Christ is much more easily moved by our cries and tears
than we are by the vies of our fellow-creatures. Come, poor sinner, come and put
thy trust in my Master! Thou canst not think him hard-hearted. If he were, why did
he die? Dost thou think him unkind? Then why did he bleed? Thou art inclined to think
so hardly of him! Thou art making great cuts at his heart when thou thinkest him
to be untender and ungenerous. "As I live, saith the Lord, I have no pleasure
in the death of him that dieth, but rather that he would turn unto me and live."
This is the voice of the God whom you look upon as so sternly just! Did Jesus Christ,
the tender one, speak in even more plaintive tones, "Come unto me, all ye that
labour and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest"? You working men, you
labouring men, Christ bids you come to him "all ye that labour." And you
who are unhappy, you who know you have done wrong, and cannot sleep at nights because
of it; you who are troubled about sin, and would fain go and hide your heads, and
"Anywhere, anywhere out of the world,"
–your Father says to you one and all, "Run not from
me, but come to me, my child!" Jesus, who died, says, "Flee not from me,
but come to me, for I will accept you; I will receive you; I cast out none that come
unto me. "Sinner, Jesus never did reject a coming soul yet, and he never will.
Oh! try him! Try him! Now come, with thy sins about thee just as thou art, to the
bleeding, dying Saviour, and he will say to thee, "I have blotted out thy sins;
go and sin no more; I have forgiven thee." May God grant thee grace to put thy
trust in him "who gave himself for us"!
There are many other inferences which I might draw if I had time, but if this last
one we have drawn be so applied to your hearts as to be carried out, it will be enough.
Now do not you go and try to do good worlds in order to merit heaven. Do not go and
try to pray yourselves into heaven by the efficacy of praying. Remember, he "gave
himself for us." The old proverb is that "there is nothing freer than a
gift," and surely this gift of God, this eternal life, must be free, and we
must have it freely, or not at all. I sometimes see put up at some of our doctors
that they receive "gratis patients." That is the sort of patients my Master
receives. He receives none but those who come gratis. He never did receive anything
yet, and he never will, except your love and your thanks after he has saved you.
But you must come to him empty-handed; came just as you are, and he will receive
you now, and you shall live to sing to the praise and the glory of his grace who
has accepted you in the Beloved, and "who gave himself for us" God help
you to do it. Amen.
A Sermon
(No. 2260)
Intended for Reading on Lord's-Day, June 12th,
Delivered by
At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington
On Lord's-day Evening, March 9th, 1890.
"He healeth the broken in heart, and
bindeth up their wounds."
—Psalm 147:3.
ften as we have read this Psalm, we can
never fail to be struck with the connection in which this verse stands, especially
its connection with the verse that follows. Read the two together: "He healeth
the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. He telleth the number of the stars;
he calleth them all by their names." What condescension and grandeur! What pity
and omnipotence! He who leads out yonder ponderous orbs in almost immeasurable orbits,
nevertheless, is the Surgeon of men's souls, and stoops over broken hearts, and with
his own tender fingers closes up the gaping wound, and binds it with the liniment
of love. Think of it; and if I should not speak as well as I could desire upon the
wonderful theme of his condescension, yet help me by your own thoughts to do reverence
to the Maker of the stars, who is, at the same time, the Physician for broken hearts
and wounded spirits.
I am equally interested in the connection of my text with the verse that goes before
it: "The Lord doth build up Jerusalem: he gathereth together the outcasts of
Israel." The church of God is never so well built up as when it is built up
with men of broken hearts. I have prayed to God in secret many a time, of late, that
he would be pleased to gather out from among us a people who have a deep experience,
who should know the guilt of sin, who should be broken and ground to powder under
a sense of their own inability and unworthiness; for I am persuaded that, without
a deep experience of sin, there is seldom much belief in the doctrine of grace, and
not much enthusiasm in praising the Saviour's name. The church needs to be built
up with men who have been pulled down. Unless we know in our hearts our need of a
Saviour, we shall never be worth much in preaching him. That preacher who has never
been converted, what can he say about it? And he who has never been in the dungeon,
who has never been in the abyss, who has never felt as if he were cast out from the
sight of God, how can he comfort many who are outcasts, and who are bound with the
fetters of despair? May the Lord break many hearts, and then bind them up, that with
them he may build up the church, and inhabit it!
But now, leaving the connection, I come to the text itself, and I desire to speak
of it so that everyone here who is troubled may derive comfort from it, God the Holy
Ghost speaking through it. Consider, first, the patients and their sickness:
"He healed the broken in heart." Then, consider, the Physician and his
medicine, and for a while turn your eyes to him who does this healing work. Then,
I shall want you to consider, the testimonial to the great Physician which
we have in this verse: "He healed the broken in heart, and bindeth up their
wounds." Lastly, and most practically, we will consider, what we ought to
do towards him who healeth the broken in heart.
I. First, then,
consider THE PATIENTS AND THEIR SICKNESS. They are broken in heart. I have heard
of many who have died of a broken heart; but there are some who live with a broken
heart, and who live all the better for having had their hearts broken; they live
another and higher life than they lived before that blessed stroke broke their hearts
in pieces.
There are many sorts of broken hearts, and Christ is good at healing them all. I
am not going to lower and narrow the application of my text. The patients of the
great Physician are those whose hearts are broken through sorrow. Hearts are
broken through disappointment. Hearts are broken through bereavement. Hearts are
broken in ten thousand ways, for this is a heart-breaking world; and Christ is good
at healing all manner of heart-breaks. I would encourage every person here, even
though his heart-break may not be of a spiritual kind, to make an application to
him who healed the broken in heart. The text does not say, "the spiritually
broken in heart", therefore I will not insert an adverb where there is none
in the passage. Come hither, ye that are burdened, all ye that labour and are heavy
laden; come hither, all ye that sorrow, be your sorrow what it may; come hither,
all ye whose hearts are broken, be the heart-break what it may, for he healeth the
broken in heart.
Still, there is a special brokenness of heart to which Christ gives the very earliest
and tenderest attention. He heals those whose hearts are broken for sin. Christ
heals the heart that is broken because of its sin; so that it grieves, laments, regrets,
and bemoans itself, saying, "Woe is me that I have done this exceeding great
evil, and brought ruin upon myself! Woe is me that I have dishonoured God, that I
have cast myself away from his presence, that I have made myself liable to his everlasting
wrath, and that even now his wrath abideth upon me!" If there is a man here
whose heart is broken about his past life, he is the man to whom my text refers.
Are you heart-broken because you have wasted forty, fifty, sixty years? Are you heart-broken
at the remembrance that you have cursed the God who has blessed you, that you have
denied the existence of him without whom you never would have been in existence yourself,
that you have lived to train your family without godliness, without any respect to
the Most High God at all? Has the Lord brought this home to you? Has he made you
feel what a hideous thing it is to be blind to Christ, to refuse his love, to reject
his blood, to live an enemy to your best Friend? Have you felt this? O my friend,
I cannot reach across the gallery to give you my hand; but will you think that I
am doing it, for I wish to do it? If there is a heart here broken on account of sin,
I thank God for it, and praise the Lord that there is such a text as this: "He
healeth the broken in heart"
Christ also heals hearts that are broken from sin. When you and sin have quarrelled,
never let the quarrel be made up again. You and sin were friends at one time; but
now you hate sin, and you would be wholly rid of it if you could. You wish never
to sin. You are anxious to be clear of the most darling sin that you ever indulged
in, and you desire to be made as pure as God is pure. Your heart is broken away from
its old moorings. That which you once loved you now hate. That which you once hated
you now at least desire to love. It is well. I am glad that you are here, for to
you is the text sent, "He healeth the broken in heart."
If there is a broken-hearted person anywhere about, many people despise him. "Oh,"
they say, "he is melancholy, he is mad, he is out of his mind through religion!"
Yes, men despise the broken in heart, but such, O God, thou wilt not despise! The
Lord looks after such, and heals them.
Those who do not despise them, at any rate avoid them. I know some few friends who
have long been of a broken heart; and when I feel rather dull, I must confess that
I do not always go their way, for they are apt to make me feel more depressed. Yet
would I not get out of their way if I felt that I could help them. Still, it is the
nature of men to seek the cheerful and the happy, and to avoid the broken-hearted.
God does not do so; he heals the broken in heart. He goes where they are, and he
reveals himself to them as the Comforter and the Healer.
In a great many cases people despair of the broken-hearted ones. "It is no use,"
says one, "I have tried to comfort her, but I cannot do it." "I have
wasted a great many words," says another, "on such and such a friend, and
I cannot help him. I despair of his ever getting out of the dark." Not so is
it with God; he healeth the broken in heart. He despairs of none. He shows the greatness
of his power, and the wonders of his wisdom, by fetching men and women out of the
lowest dungeon, wherein despair has shut them.
As for the broken-hearted ones themselves, they do not think that they ever can be
converted. Some of them are sure that they never can; they wish that they were dead,
though I do not see what they would gain by that. Others of them wish that they had
never been born, though that is a useless wish now. Some are ready to rush after
any new thing to try to find a little comfort; while others, getting worse and worse,
are sitting down in sullen despair. I wish that I knew who these were; I should like
to come round, and just say to them, "Come, brother; there must be no doubting
and no despair to-night, for my text is gloriously complete, and is meant for you.
"He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds." Notice that
fifth verse, "Great is our Lord, and of great power; his understanding is infinite."
Consequently, he can heal the broken in heart. God is glorious at a dead lift. When
a soul cannot stir, or help itself, God delights to come in with his omnipotence,
and lift the great load, and set the burdened one free.
It takes great wisdom to comfort a broken heart. If any of you have ever tried it,
I am sure you have not found it an easy task. I have given much of my life to this
work; and I always come away from a desponding one with a consciousness of my own
inability to comfort the heart-broken and cast-down. Only God can do it. Blessed
be his name that he has arranged that one Person of the Sacred Trinity should undertake
this office of Comforter; for no man could ever perform its duties. We might as well
hope to be the Saviour as to be the Comforter of the heart-broken. Efficiently and
completely to save or to comfort must be a work divine. That is why the Holy Divine
Spirit, healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds with infinite power
and unfailing skill.
II. Now, secondly,
we are going to consider THE PHYSICIAN AND HIS MEDICINE: "He healeth the broken
in heart, and bindeth up their wounds." Who is this that healeth the broken
in heart?
I answer that Jesus was anointed of God for this work. He said, "The
Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to
the poor; he hath sent me to heal the broken-hearted." Was the Holy Spirit given
to Christ in vain? That cannot be. He was given for a purpose which must be answered,
and that purpose is the healing of the broken-hearted. By the very anointing of Christ
by the Holy Spirit, you may be sure that our Physician will heal the broken in heart.
Further, Jesus was sent of God on purpose to do his work; "He hath sent
me to heal the broken-hearted." If Christ does not heal the broken-hearted,
he will not fulfill the mission for which he came from heaven. If the broken-hearted
are not cheered by his glorious life and the blessings that flow out of his death,
then he will have come to earth for nothing. This is the very errand on which the
Lord of glory left the bosom of the Father to be veiled in human clay, that he might
heal the broken in heart; and he will do it.
Our Lord was also educated for this work. He was not only anointed and sent;
but he was trained for it. "How?" say you. Why, he had a broken heart himself;
and there is no education for the office of comforter like being place where you
yourself have need of comfort, so that you may be able to comfort others with the
comfort wherewith you yourself have been comforted of God. Is your heart broken?
Christ's heart was broken. He said, "Reproach hath broken my heart; and I am
full of heaviness." He went as low as you have ever been, and deeper than you
can ever go. "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" was his bitter
cry. If that be your agonized utterance, he can interpret it by his own suffering.
He can measure your grief by his grief. Broken hearts, there is no healing for you
except through him who had a broken heart himself. Ye disconsolate, come to him!
He can make your heart happy and joyous, by the very fact of his own sorrow, and
the brokenness of his own heart. "In all our afflictions he was afflicted."
He was tempted in all points like as we are", "a man of sorrows and acquainted
with grief." For a broken heart, there is no physician like him.
Once more, I can strongly recommend my Lord Jesus Christ as the Healer of broken
hearts, because he is so experienced in the work. Some people are afraid that
the doctor will try experiments upon them; but our Physician will only do for us
what he has done many times before. It is no matter of experiment with him; it is
a matter of experience. If you knock to-night at my great Doctor's door, you will,
perhaps say to him, "Here is the strangest patient, my Lord, that ever came
to thee." He will smile as he looks at you, and he will think, "I have
saved hundreds like you." Here comes one who says, "That first man's case
was nothing compared with mine; I am about the worst sinner who ever lived."
And the Lord Jesus Christ will say, "Yes, I saved the worst man that ever lived
long ago, and I keep on saving such as he. I delight to do it." But here comes
one who has a curious odd way of broken-heartedness. He is an out-of-the-way fretter.
Yes, but my Lord is able to "have compassion on the ignorant, and on them that
are out of the way." He can lay hold of this out-of-the-way one; for he has
always been saving out-of-the-way sinners. My Lord has been healing broken hearts
well nigh nineteen hundred years. Can you find a brass-plate anywhere in London telling
of a physician of that age? He has been at the work longer than that; for it is not
far off six thousand years since he went into this business, and he has been healing
the broken in heart ever since that time.
I will tell you one thing about him that I have on good authority, that is, he never
lost a case yet. There never was one who came to him with a broken heart, but he
healed him. He never said to one, "You are too bad for me to heal;" but
he did say, "Him that cometh to me, I will in now wise cast out." My dear
hearer, he will not cast you out. You say, "You do not know me, Mr. Spurgeon."
No, I do not; and you have come here to-night, and you hardly know why you are here;
only you are very low and very sad. The Lord Jesus Christ loves such as you are,
you poor, desponding, doubting, desolate, disconsolate one. Daughters of sorrow,
sons of grief, look ye here! Jesus Christ has gone on healing broken hearts for thousands
of years, and he is well up in the business. He understands it by experience, as
well as by education. He is "mighty to save." Consider him; consider him;
and the Lord grant you grace to come and trust him even now!
Thus I have talked to you about the Physician for broken hearts; shall I tell you
what his chief medicine is? It is his own flesh and blood. There is no cure like
it. When a sinner is bleeding with sin, Jesus pours his own blood into the wound;
and when that wound is slow in healing, he binds his own sacrifice about it. Healing
for broken hearts comes by the atonement, atonement by substitution, Christ suffering
in our stead. He suffered for every one who believeth in him, and he that believeth
in him is not condemned, and never can be condemned, for the condemnation due to
him was laid upon Christ. He is clear before the bar of justice as well as before
the throne of mercy. I remember when the Lord put that precious ointment upon my
wounded spirit. Nothing ever healed me until I understood that he died in my place
and stead, died that I might not die; and now, to-day, my heart would bleed itself
to death were it not that I believe that he "his own self bare our sins in his
own body on the tree." "With his stripes we are healed," and with
no medicine but this atoning sacrifice. A wonderful heal-all is this, when the Holy
Ghost applies it with his own divine power, and lets life and love come streaming
into the heart that was ready to bleed to death.
III. My time flies
too quickly; so, thirdly, I want you to consider THE TESTIMONIAL TO THE GREAT PHYSICIAN
which is emblazoned in my text. It is God the Holy Ghost who, by the mouth of his
servant David, bears testimony to this congregation to-night that the Lord Jesus
heals the broken in heart, and binds up their wounds. If I said it, you need no more
believe it than I need believe it if you said it. One man's word is as good as another's
if we be truthful men; but this statement is found in an inspired Psalm. I believe
it; I dare not doubt it, for I have proven its truth.
I understand my text to mean this: he does it effectually. As I said last
Thursday night, if there is a person cast down or desponding within twenty miles,
he is pretty sure to find me out. I laugh sometimes, and say, "Birds of a feather
flock together;" but they come to talk to me about their despondency, and sometimes
they leave me half desponding in the attempt to get them out of their sadness. I
have had some very sad cases just lately, and I am afraid that, when they went out
of my room, they could not say of me, "He healeth the broken in heart."
I am sure that they could say, "He tried his best. He brought out all the choicest
arguments he could think of to comfort me." And they have felt very grateful.
They have come back sometimes to thank God that they have been a little bit encouraged;
but some of them are frequent visitors; and I have been trying to cheer them up by
the month together. But, when my Master undertakes the work, "He healeth
the broken in heart," he not only tries to do it, he does it. He touches the
secret sources of the sorrow, and takes the spring of the grief away. We try our
bests; but we cannot do it. You know it is very hard to deal with the heart. The
human heart needs more than human skill to cure it. When a person dies, and the doctors
do not know the complaint of which he died, they say, "It was heart disease."
They did not understand his malady; that is what that means. There is only one Physician
who can heal the heart; but, glory be to his blessed name, "He healeth the broken
in heart," he does it effectually.
As I read my text, I understand it to mean, he does it constantly. "He
healeth the broken in heart." Not merely, "He did heal them years ago";
but he is doing it now. "He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth
up their wounds." What, at this minute? Ten minutes to eight? Yes, he is
doing this work now. "He healeth the broken in heart," and when the service
is over, and the congregation is gone, what will Jesus be doing then? Oh, he will
still be healing the broken in heart! Suppose this year 1890 should run out, and
the Lord does not come to judgment, what will he be doing then? He will still be
healing the broken in heart. He has not used up his ointments. He has not exhausted
his patience. He has not in the least degree diminished his power. He still healeth.
"Oh dear!" said one, "If I had come to Christ a year ago, it would
have been well with me." If you come to Christ to-night, it will be well with
you, for "he healeth the broken in heart." I do not know who was the inventor
of that idea of "sinning away the day of grace." If you are willing to
have Christ, you may have him. If you are as old as Methuselah—and I do not suppose
that you are older than he was—if you want Christ, you may have him. As long as you
are out of hell, Christ is able to save you. He is going on with his old work. Because
you are just past fifty, you say the die is cast; because you are past eighty, you
say, "I am too old to be saved now." Nonsense! He healeth, he healeth,
he is still doing it, "he healeth the broken in heart."
I go further than that, and say that he does it invariably. I have shown you
that he does it effectually and constantly; but he does it invariably. There never
was a broken heart brought to him that he did not heal. Do not some broken-hearted
patients go out at the back door, as my Master's failures? No, not one. There never
was one yet that he could not heal. Doctors are obliged, sometimes, in our hospitals
to give up some persons, and say that they will never recover. Certain symptoms have
proved that they are incurable. But, despairing one, in the divine hospital, of which
Christ is the Physician, there never was a patient of his who was turned out as incurable.
He is able to save to the uttermost. Do you know how far that is—"to the uttermost"?
There is no going beyond "the uttermost", because the uttermost goes beyond
everything else, to make it the uttermost. "He is able to save them to the uttermost
that come unto God by him." Where are you, friend "Uttermost"? Are
you here to-night? "Ah!" you say, "I wonder that I am not in hell."
Well, so do I; but you are not, and you never will be, if you cast yourself on Christ.
Rest in the full atonement that he has made; for he healeth always, without any failure,
"he healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds."
As I read these words, it seems to me that he glories in doing it. He said
to the Psalmist, by the Holy Spirit, "Write a Psalm in which you shall begin
with Hallelujah, and finish with Hallelujah, and set in the middle of the Psalm this
as one of the things for which I delight to be praised, that I heal the broken in
heart." None of the gods of the heathen were ever praised for this. Did you
ever read a song to Jupiter, or to Mercury, or to Venus, or to any of them, in which
they were praised for binding up the broken in heart? Jehovah, the God of Israel,
the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God and Father of our Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ, is the only God who makes it his boast that he binds up the broken
in heart. Come, you big, black sinner; come, you desperado; come, you that have gone
beyond all measurement in sin; you can glorify God more than anybody else by believing
that he can save even you! He can save you, and put you among the children. He delights
to save those that seemed farthest from him.
IV. This is my
last point: consider WHAT WE OUGHT TO DO.
If there is such a Physician as this, and we have broken hearts, it goes without
saying that, first of all, we ought to resort to him. When people are told
that they have an incurable disease, a malady that will soon bring them to their
grave, they are much distressed; but if, somewhere or other, they hear that the disease
may be cured after all, they say, "Where? Where?" Well, perhaps it is thousands
of miles away; but they are willing to go if they can. Or the medicine may be very
unpleasant or very expensive; but if they find that they can be cured, they say,
"I will have it." If anyone came to their door, and said, "Here it
is, it will heal you; and you can have it for nothing, and as much as you ever want
of it;" there would be no difficulty in getting rid of any quantity of the medicine,
so long as we found people sick. Now, if you have a broken heart to-night, you will
be glad to have Christ. I had a broken heart once, and I went to him and he healed
it in a moment, and made me sing for joy! Young men and women, I was about fifteen
or sixteen when he healed me. I wish that you would go to him now, while you are
yet young. The age of his patients does not matter. Are you younger than fifteen?
Boys and girls may have broken hearts; and old men and old women may have broken
hearts; but they may come to Jesus and be healed. Let them come to him to-night,
and seek to be healed.
When you are about to go to Christ, possibly you ask, "How shall I go to him?"
Go by prayer. One said to me, the other day, "I wish that you would write me
a prayer, sir." I said, "No, I cannot do that, go and tell the Lord what
you want." He replied, "Sometimes I feel such a great want that I do not
know what it is I do want, and I try to pray, but I cannot. I wish that somebody
would tell me what to say." "Why!" I said, "the Lord has told
you what to say. This is what he has said: 'Take with you words, and turn to the
Lord: say unto him, Take away all iniquity, and receive us graciously.' " Go
to Christ in prayer with such words as those, or any others that you can get. If
you cannot get any words, tears are just as good, and rather better; and groans and
sighs and secret desires will be acceptable with God.
But add faith to them. Trust the Physician. You know that no ointment will
heal you if you do not put it on the wound. Oftentimes when there is a wound, you
want something with which to strap the ointment on. Faith straps on the heavenly
heal-all. Go to the Lord with your broken heart, and believe that he can heal you.
Believe that he alone can heal you; trust him to do it. Fall at his feet, and say,
"If I perish, I will perish here. I believe that the Son of God can save me,
and I will be saved by him; but I will never look anywhere else for salvation. 'Lord,
I believe; help thou mine unbelief!'" If you have come as far as that, you are
very near the light; the great Physician will heal your broken heart before very
long. Trust him to do it now.
When you have trusted in him, and your heart is healed, and you are happy, tell
others about him. I do not like my Lord to have any tongue-tied children. I do
not mean that I would want you all to preach. When a whole church takes to preaching,
it is as if the whole body were a mouth, and that would be a vacuum. I want you to
tell others, in some way or other, what the Lord has done for you; and be earnest
in endeavouring to bring others to the great Physician. You all recollect, therefore
I need not tell you again, the story that we had about the doctor at one of our hospitals,
a year or two ago. He healed a dog's broken leg, and the grateful animal brought
other dogs to have their broken legs healed. That was a good dog; some of you are
not half as good as that dog. You believe that Christ is blessing you, yet you never
try to bring others to him to be saved. That must not be the case any longer. We
must excel that dog in our love for our species; and it must be our intense desire
that, if Christ has healed us, he should heal our wife, our child, our friend, our
neighbour; and we should never rest till others are brought to him.
Then, when others are brought to Christ, or even if they will not be brought to him,
be sure to praise him. If your broken heart has been healed, and you are saved,
and your sins forgiven, praise him. We do not sing half enough. I do not mean in
our congregations; but when we are at home. We pray every day. Do we sing every day?
I think that we should. Matthew Henry used to say, about family prayer, "They
that pray do well; they that read and pray do better; they that read and pray and
sing do best of all." I think that Matthew Henry was right. "Well, I have
no voice," says one. Have you not? Then you never grumble at your wife; your
never find fault with your food; you are not one of those who make the household
unhappy by your evil speeches. "Oh, I do not mean that!" No, I thought
you did not mean that. Well, praise the Lord with the same voice that you have used
for complaining. "But I could not lend a tune," says one. Nobody said you
were to do so. You can at least sing as I do. My singing is of a very peculiar character.
I find that I cannot confine myself to one tune; in the course of a verse I use half-a-dozen
tunes; but the Lord, to whom I sing, never finds any fault with me. He never blames
me, because I do not keep this tune or that. I cannot help it. My voice runs away
with me, and my heart too; but I keep on humming something or other by way of praising
God's name. I would like you to do the same. I used to know an old Methodist; and
the first thing in the morning, when he got up, he began singing a bit of a Methodist
hymn; and if I met the old man during the day, he was always singing. I have seen
him in his little workshop, with his lapstone on his knee, and he was always singing,
and beating with his hammer. When I said to him once, "Why do you always sing,
dear brother?" he replied, "Because I always have something to sing about."
That is a good reason for singing. If our broken hearts have been healed, we have
something to sing about in time and throughout eternity. Let us begin to do so to
the praise of the glory of his grace, who "healeth the broken in heart, and
bindeth up their wounds." God bless all the broken hearts that are in this congregation
to-night, for Jesus' sake! Amen.
Psalm 147
This is one of the Hallelujah Psalms; it begins and ends with "Praise ye the
LORD." May our hearts be in tune, that we may praise the Lord while we read
these words of praise!
Verse 1.Praise ye the LORD:
It is not enough for the Psalmist to do it himself. He wants help in it, so he says,
"Praise ye the LORD." Wake up, my brethren; bestir yourselves, my
sisters; come, all of you, and unite in this holy exercise! "Praise ye the LORD."
1. For it is good to sing praises unto our God; for
it is pleasant; and praise is comely.
When a thing is good, pleasant, and comely, you have certainly three excellent reasons
for attending to it. It is not everything that is good; but here you have a happy
combination of goodness, pleasantness, and comliness. It will do you good to praise
God. God counts it good, and you will find it a pleasant exercise. That which is
the occupation of heaven must be happy employment. "It is good to sing praises
unto our God," "it is pleasant," and certainly nothing is more "comely"
and beautiful, and more in accordance with the right order of things, than for creatures
to praise their Creator, and the children of God to praise their Father in heaven.
2. The LORD doth build up Jerusalem:
Praise his name for that. You love his church; be glad that he builds it up. Praise
him who quarries every stone, and puts it upon the one foundation that is laid, even
2. He gathereth together the outcasts of Israel.
Praise him for that. If you were once an outcast, and he has gathered you, give him
your special personal song of thanksgiving.
3. He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up
their wounds.
Praise him for that, ye who have had broken hearts! If he has healed you, surely
you should give him great praise.
4. He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth
them all by their names.
He who heals broken hearts counts the stars, and calls them by their names, as men
call their servants, and send them on their way. Praise his name. Can you look up
at the starry sky at night without praising him who made the stars, and leads out
their host?
5. Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding
is infinite.
Praise him, then; praise his greatness, his almightiness, his infinite wisdom. Can
you do otherwise? Oh, may God reveal himself so much to your heart that you shall
be constrained to pay him willing adoration!
6. The LORD lifteth up the meek:
What a lifting up it is for them, out of the very dust where they have been trodden
down by the proud and the powerful! The Lord lifts them up. Praise him for that.
6. He casteth the wicked down to the ground.
Thus he puts an end to their tyranny, and delivers those who were ground beneath
their cruel power. Praise ye his name for this also. Excuse me that I continue to
say to you, "Praise ye the Lord," for, often as I say it, you will not
praise him too much; and we need to have our hearts stirred up to this duty of praising
God, which is so much neglected. After all, it is the praise of God that is the ultimatum
of our religion. Prayer does but sow; praise is the harvest. Praying is the end of
preaching, and praising is the end of praying. May we bring to God much of the very
essence of true religion, and that will be the inward praise of the heart!
7. Sing unto the LORD with thanksgiving; sing praise
upon the harp unto our God:
"Unto our God." How that possessive pronoun puts a world of endearment
into the majestic word "God"! "This God is our God." Come, my
hearer, can you call God your God? Is he indeed yours? If so, "Sing unto the
LORD with thanksgiving; sing praise upon the harp unto our God."
8. Who covereth the heaven with clouds, who prepareth
rain for the earth, who maketh grass to grow upon the mountains.
They did not talk about the "law of nature" in those days. They ascribed
everything to God; let us do the same. It is a poor science that pushes God farther
away from us, instead of bringing him nearer to us. HE covers the heaven with clouds,
HE prepares the rain for earth, HE makes the grass to grow upon the mountains.
9. He giveth to the beast his food, and to the young
ravens which cry.
Our God cares for the birds and the beasts. He is as great in little things as in
great things. Praise ye his name. The gods of the heathen could not have these things
said of them; but our God takes pleasure in providing for the beasts of field and
the birds of the air. The commissariat of the universe is in his hand: "Thou
openest thine hand, and satisfieth the desire of every living thing."
10, 11. He delighteth not in the strength of the
horse: he taketh not pleasure in the legs of a man. The LORD taketh pleasure in them
that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy.—
Kings of the olden times rejoiced in the thews and sinews of their soldiers and their
horses; but God has no delight in mere physical strength. He takes pleasure in spiritual
things, even in the weakness which makes us fear him, even that weakness which has
not grown into the strength of faith, and yet hopes in his mercy. "The Lord
taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy."
12. Praise the LORD, O Jerusalem; praise thy God,
O Zion.
Let whole cities join together to praise God. Shall we live to see the day when all
London shall praise him? Shall we, ever, as we go down these streets, with their
multitudes of inhabitants, see the people standing in the doorways, and asking, "What
must we do to be saved?" Shall we ever see every house with anxious enquirers
in it, saying, "Tell us, tell us, how can we be reconciled to God?" Pray
that it may be so. In Cromwell's day, if your went down Cheapside at a certain hour
of the morning, you would find every blind drawn down; for the inmates were all at
family prayer. There is no street like that in London now. In those glorious Puritan
times, there was domestic worship everywhere, and the people seemed brought to Christ's
feet. Alas, it was but an appearance in many cases; and they soon turned back to
their own devices! Imitating the Psalmist, let us say, "Praise the Lord, O London;
praise thy God, O England!"
13. For he hath strengthened the bars of thy gates;
he hath blessed thy children within thee.
As a nation, we have been greatly prospered, defended, and supplied; and the church
of God has been made to stand fast against her enemies, and her children have been
14, 15. He maketh peace in thy borders, and filleth
thee with the finest of the wheat. He sendeth forth his commandment upon earth: his
word runneth very swiftly.
Oriental monarchs were very earnest to have good post arrangements. They sent their
decrees upon swift dromedaries. They can never be compared with the swiftness of
the purpose of God's decree. "His word runneth very swiftly." Oh, that
the day would come when, over all the earth, God's writ should run, and God's written
Word should come to be reverenced, believed, and obeyed!
16. He giveth snow like wool:
Men say, "it" snows; but what "it" is it that snows?
The Psalmist rightly says of the Lord, "HE giveth snow." They say that
according to the condition of the atmosphere, snow is produced; but the believer
says, "He giveth snow like wool." It is not only like wool for whiteness;
but it is like it for the warmth which it gives.
16. He scattereth the hoar frost like ashes.
The simile is not to be easily explained; but it will often have suggested itself
to you who, in the early morning, have seen the hoar frost scattered abroad.
17. He casteth forth his ice like morsels: who can
stand before his cold?
None can stand before his heat; but when he withdraws the fire, and takes away the
heat, the cold is equally destructive. It burns up as fast as fire would. "Who
can stand before his cold?" If God be gone, if the Spirit of God be taken away
from his church, or from any of you, who can stand before his cold? The deprivation
is as terrible as if it were a positive infliction. "Who can stand before his
18. He sendeth out his word, and melteth them; he
causeth his wind to blow, and the waters flow.
The frozen waters were hard as iron; the south wind toucheth them, and they flow
again. What can God not do? The great God of nature is our God. Let us praise him.
Oh, may our hearts be in a right key to-night to make music before him!
19. He sheweth his word unto Jacob, his statutes
unto Israel.
This is something greater than all his wonders in nature. The God of nature is the
God of revelation. He hath not hidden his truth away from men. He hath come out of
the eternal secrecies, and he hath showed his word, especially his Incarnate Word,
unto his people. Let his name be praised.
20. He hath not dealt so with any nation:
Or, with any other nation. He revealed his statutes and his judgments to Israel;
and since their day, the spiritual Israel has been privileged in like manner: "He
hath not dealt so with any nation."
20. And as for his judgments, they have not known
Even to-day there are large tracts of country where God is not known. If we know
him, let us praise him.
20. Praise ye the LORD.
Hallelujah! The Psalm ends upon its key-note: "Praise
ye the LORD." So may all our lives end! Amen.
A Sermon
(No. 2695)
Intended for Reading on Lord's-Day, October
7th, 1900,
Delivered by
At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington.
On a Lord's-day Evening in the autumn of 1858.
"They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power."—Psalm 145:11.
OU HAVE only to look at the preceding verse,
and you will discover, in a single moment, who are the people here spoken of who
shall speak of the glory of God's kingdom, and talk of his power. They are the saints:
"All thy works shall praise thee, O Lord; and thy saints shall bless thee. They
shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power." A saint will
often be discovered by his conversation. He is a saint long before he knows it; he
is a saint as being set apart unto salvation by God the Father in the covenant decree
of election from all eternity; and he is a saint as being sanctified in Christ Jesus,
and called. But he is more especially a saint as being sanctified by the quickening
influence of the Holy Ghost, which renders him truly sanctified by making him holy,
and bringing him into conformity with the image of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Yet it is not at all times easy to discern a saint except by Scriptural marks and
evidences. There is nothing particular about the countenance or dress of a saint
to distinguish him from his fellows. The saints have faces like other men; sometimes,
they are sadly marred and furrowed by cares and troubles which worldlings do not
know. They wear the same kind of garments as other men wear; they may be rich or
they may be poor; but, still, there are some marks whereby we can discern them, and
one of the special ways of discovering a saint is by his conversation. As I often
tell you, you may know the quality of the water in a well by that which is brought
up in the bucket; so may we tell a Christian by his conversation.
It is, however, much to be regretted that true children of the Lord often talk too
little of him. What is the conversation of half the professors of the present day?
Honesty compels us to say that, in many cases, it is a mass of froth and falsehood,
and, in many more cases it is altogether objectionable; if it is not light and frivolous,
it is utterly apart from the gospel, and does not minister grace unto the bearers.
I consider that one of the great lacks of the Church, nowadays, is not so much Christian
preaching as Christian talking,—not so much Christian prayer in the prayer-meeting,
as Christian conversation in the parlour. How little do we hear concerning Christ!
You might go in and out of the houses of half the professors of religion, and you
would never hear of their Master at all. You might talk with them from the first
of January to the last of December; and if they happened to mention their Master's
name, it would be, perhaps, merely as a compliment to him, or possibly by accident.
Beloved, such things ought not to be. You and I, I am sure, are guilty in this matter;
we all have need to reproach ourselves that we do not sufficiently remember the words
of Malachi, "Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and
the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him
for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name."
Possibly some will ask, "Well, sir, how can we talk about religion? Upon what
topic shall we converse? How are we to introduce it? It would not be polite, for
instance, in the company with which we associate, to begin to say anything about
the doctrines of grace, or about religious matters at all." Then, beloved, do
not be polite; that is all I have to say in reply to such a remark as that. If it
would be accounted contrary to etiquette to begin talking of the Saviour, cast etiquette
to the winds, and speak about Christ somehow or other. The Christian is the aristocrat
of the world; it is his place to make rules for society to obey,—not to stoop down,
and conform to the regulations of society when they are contrary to the commands
of his Master. He is the great Maker of laws; the King of kings, and Lord of lords;
and he makes his people also to be kings. Kings make rules for ordinary men to obey;
so must Christians do. They are not to submit to others; they must make others, by
the worth of their principles, and the dignity of their character, submit to them.
It is speaking too lightly of a Christian's dignity when we say that he dare not
do the right, because it would not be fashionable. We care nothing for that, for
"the fashion of this world passeth away," "but he that doeth the will
of God abideth for ever."
Another says, "What could I speak of? There are so few topics that would be
suitable. I must not speak upon doctrinal subjects, for it would offend one of the
party. They might hold different views; one might be a Wesleyan, one might be a Baptist,
one might be an Independent, one a Calvinist, one an Arminian;—how could I talk so
as to please all? If I spoke of election, most of them would attack me at once; if
I began to speak of redemption, we should soon differ on that subject, and I would
not like to engender controversy." Beloved, engender controversy rather than
have wrong conversation; better dispute over truth than agree about lies. Better,
I say, is it to dispute concerning good doctrine, far more profitable is it to talk
of the Word of God, even in a controversial manner, than to turn utterly away from
it, and neglect it.
But, let me tell you, there is one point on which all Christians agree, and that
is concerning the person, the work, and the blessed offices of our Saviour. Go where
you will, professors, if they are genuine Christians, will always agree with you
if you begin to talk about your Saviour; so you need not be afraid that you will
provoke controversy; but supposing the mention of your Saviour's name does provoke
dispute, then let it be provoked. And if your Master's truth offends the gentlemen
to whom you speak of it let them be offended. His name we must confess; of his glory
we will continually talk, for it is written in our text, "They shall speak of
the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power."
Now, then, first, here is a subject for conversation: "they shall speak
of the glory of thy kingdom and talk of thy power." Secondly, we will try to
find out some causes why Christians must speak concerning this blessed
subject and then, thirdly, I will very briefly refer to the effect of our talking
more of Christ's kingdom and power.
I. First, here
is A SUBJECT FOR CONVERSATION: "They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom,
and talk of thy power." Here are two subjects; for God, when he puts grace into
the heart, does not lack a subject upon which we shall converse.
First, we are to converse concerning the glory of Christ's kingdom.
The glory of Christ's kingdom should ever be a subject of discourse to a Christian;
he should always be speaking, not merely of Christ's priesthood or his prophesying,
but also of his kingdom, which has lasted from all eternity; and especially of that
glorious kingdom of grace in which we now live, and of that brighter kingdom of millennial
glory, which soon shall come upon this world, to conquer all other kingdoms, and
break them in pieces.
The psalmist furnishes us with some divisions of this subject, all of which illustrate
the glory of Christ's kingdom. In the 12th verse he says, "To make known to
the sons of men his mighty acts." The glory of a kingdom depends very much on
the achievements of that kingdom; so, in speaking of the glory of Christ's kingdom,
we are to make known his mighty acts. We think that the glory of Old England—at
least, our historians would say so,—rests upon the great battles she has fought,
and the victories she has won. We turn over the records of the past, and we see her,
in one place, vanquishing thousands of Frenchmen at Agincourt; at another period,
we see the fleets of the Spanish Armada scattered by the breath of God. We turn to
different battles, and we trace victory after victory, dotted along the page of history,
and we say that this is the glory of our kingdom. Now, Christian, when you speak
of the glory of your Master's kingdom, you must tell something of his great victories;—how
he routed Pharaoh, and cut the Egyptian Rahab, and wounded the dragon of the Nile;
how he slew all the firstborn in one night; how, at his command, the Red Sea was
divided; how the children of Israel crossed over in safety, and the chivalry of Egypt
was drowned in the flood. Talk ye also of how God overcame Amalek, and smote Moab;
how he utterly cut off those nations that warred against Israel, and caused them
to pass away for ever. Tell how Babylon and Nineveh were made to rue the day when
God smote them with his iron hand. Tell ye to the world how God hath crushed great
nations and overcome proud monarchs; how Sennacherib's hosts were left dead within
their camp, and how those that have risen up in rebellion against God have found
his arm too mighty for their strength and prowess. Tell of the terrible acts of our
Saviour's kingdom; record his victories in this world; nor cease there. Tell how
our Saviour routed the devil in the wilderness when he came to tempt him. Tell how
"All his foes to ruin hurled,
Sin, Satan, earth, death, hell, the world.
Tell how he hath bruised the head of Satan. Tell how death
has lost his prey. Tell how hell's deepest dungeons have been visited, and the power
of the prince of darkness utterly cut off. Tell ye how antichrist himself shall sink
like a millstone in the flood. Tell how false systems of superstition shall flee
away, like birds of night when the sun rises too brightly for their dim sight to
bear. Tell ye all this, tell it in Askalon and in Gath; tell it the wide world over,
that the Lord of hosts is the God of battles; he is the conqueror of men and of devils;
he is Master in his own dominions. Tell ye the glory of his kingdom, and rehearse
"his mighty acts." Christian, exhaust that theme if thou canst.
Then, in speaking of the glory of Christ's kingdom, the next thing we talk of is
its glorious majesty. The psalmist further says, in the 12th verse, that the
saints shall not only "make known God's mighty acts, but also the glorious majesty
of his kingdom." Part of the glory of England consists, not in her achievements,
but in the state and majesty which surround her. In ancient times especially, monarchs
were noted for the great pomp with which they were surrounded. Thousands of houses
must be razed to the ground to find a site for one dwelling for a king. His palace
must be gorgeous with riches; its halls must be paved with marble, and its walls
set with jewels; fountains must sparkle there; there must be beds of eider on which
monarchs may recline; music, such as other ears do not hear, wines from the uttermost
regions of the earth, and all manner of delights, are reserved for kings; precious
stones and gems adorn their crowns; and everything that is rich and rare must be
brought to deck the monarch, and increase the majesty of his kingdom.
Well, Christian, when speaking of Christ's kingdom, you are to talk of its majesty.
Tell of your Saviour's glorious majesty; speak of the many crowns that he wears upon
his head. Tell of the crown of grace which he wears continually; tell of the crown
of victory which perpetually proclaims the triumphs he has won over the foe; tell
of the crown of love wherewith his Father crowned him in the day of his espousals
to his Church,—the crown which he has won by ten thousand hearts which he has broken,
and untold myriads of spirits which he has bound up. Tell to all mankind that the
glory of your Saviour's majesty far exceeds the glories of the ancient kings of Assyria
and India. Tell that, before his throne above, there stand, in glorious state, not
princes, but angels; not servants in gorgeous liveries, but cherubs, with wings of
fire, waiting to obey his mighty behests. Tell that his palace is floored with gold,
and that he has no need of lamps, or even of the sun, to enlighten it, for he himself
is the light thereof. Tell ye to the whole world what is the glorious majesty of
his kingdom.
But once more, Christians, in speaking of the glory of Christ's kingdom, you must
talk of its duration, for much of the honour of the kingdom depends upon the
time it has lasted. In verse 13, the psalmist says, "Thy kingdom is an everlasting
kingdom, and thy dominion endureth throughout all generations." If one should
say to you, concerning an earthly monarch, "Our king sits upon a throne which
his ancestors have occupied for many generations;" tell him that a thousand
years are to your King but as one day. If another tells you that his king has crowns
which were worn by kings a thousand years ago, smile in his face, and tell him that
a thousand years are as nothing in Christ's sight. When they speak of the antiquity
of churches, tell them that you belong to a very ancient Church. If they talk to
you of the venerable character of the religion which they profess, tell them that
you believe in a very venerable religion, for yours is a religion which was from
everlasting. Christ's kingdom was set up long before this world was brought forth;
when as yet neither sun, nor moon, nor stars, had been created, Christ's kingdom
was firmly established. I wish Christians would more often talk about the glory of
their Master's kingdom with regard to the time it has lasted. If you would begin
to talk of the past history of God's Church, you would never have to exclaim, "I
have said all that can be said about it, and I have nothing more to say." You
would need eternity to keep on going back, back, back, until you came to God alone;
and then you might say,—
"In his mighty breast I see,
Eternal thoughts of love to me."
Then you may speak concerning the future duration of your
Master's kingdom. I suppose, if you were to talk much about the second coming of
Christ, you would be laughed at, you would be thought diseased in your brain; for
there are so few nowadays who receive that great truth, that, if we speak of it with
much enthusiasm, people turn away, and say, "Ah! we do not know much about that
subject, but Mr. So-and-so has turned his brain through thinking so much about it."
Men are, therefore, half-afraid to speak of such a subject; but, beloved, we are
not afraid to talk of it, for Christ's kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and we
may talk of the glory of the future as well as of the past. Some say that Christ's
Church is in danger. There are many churches that are in danger; and the sooner they
tumble down, the better; but the Church of Christ has a future that shall never end;
it has a future that shall never become dim; it has a future which shall eternally
progress in glory. Her glory now is the glory of the morning twilight; it soon shall
be the glory of the blazing noon. Her riches now are but the riches of the newly-opened
mine; soon she shall have riches much more abundant and far more valuable than any
she has at present. She is now young; by-and-by, she will come, not to her dotage,
but to her maturity. She is like a fruit that is ripening, a star that is rising,
a sun that is shining more and more unto the perfect day; and soon she will blaze
forth in all her glory, "fair as the moon, clear as the sun and terrible as
an army with banners." O Christian, here is a topic worthy of thy conversation!
Talk of the glory of thy Master's kingdom. Often speak of it while others amuse themselves
with stories of sieges and battles; while they are speaking of this or that or the
other event in history, tell them the history of the monarchy of the King of kings;
speak to them concerning the fifth great monarchy in which Jesus Christ shall reign
for ever and ever.
But I must not forget briefly to hint at the other subject of the saints' conversation:
"and shall talk of thy power." It is not simply of Christ's kingdom
of which we are to speak, but also of his power. Here, again, the psalmist gives
us something which will help us to a division of our subject. In the 14th and 15th
verses, mention is made of three kinds of power of which we ought to speak: "The
Lord upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all those that be bowed down. The eyes
of all wait upon thee; and thou givest them their meat in due season."
First, the Christian
should speak of Christ's upholding power. What a strange expression this is,
"The Lord upholdeth all that fall"! Yet remember John Bunyan's quaint old
"He that is down needs fear no fall;
He that is low, no pride;
He that is humble, ever shall
Have God to be his guide."
So David says, "The Lord upholdeth all that fall." What a singular expression! How can he hold up those that fall? Yet those that fall, in this sense, are the only persons that stand. It is a remarkable paradox; but it is true. The man who stands on his feet, and says, "I am mighty,—I am strong enough to stand alone;"—down he will go; but he who falls into Christ's arms, he who says,—
"But, oh! for this no power have I,
My strength is at thy feet to lie;"—
that man shall not fall. We may well talk, then, of Christ's
upholding power. Tell it to Christians; tell how he kept you when your feet were
going swift to hell; how, when fierce temptations did beset you, your Master drove
them all away; how, when the enemy was watching, he compassed you with his mighty
strength; how, when the arrows fell thickly around you, his mighty arm did hold the
shield before you, and so preserved you from them all. Tell how he saved you from
death, and delivered your feet from falling by making you, first of all, fall down
prostrate before him.
Next, talk of his
exalting power: "He raiseth up all those that be bowed down." Oh, how
sweet it is, beloved, sometimes to talk of God's exalting power after we have been
hewed down! I love to come into this pulpit, and talk to you as I would in my own
room. I make no pretensions to preaching at all, but simply tell you what I happen
to feel just now. Oh, how sweet it is to feel the praisings of God's grace when you
have been bowed down! Cannot some of us tell that, when we have been bowed down beneath
a load of affliction, so that we could not even move, the everlasting arms have been
around us, and have lifted us up? When Satan has put his foot on our back, and we
have said, "We shall never be raised up any more," the Lord has come to
our rescue. If we were only to talk on that subject in our conversation with one
another, no Christian need have spiritless conversation in his parlour. But, nowadays,
you are so afraid to speak of your own experience, and the mercy of God to you, that
you will talk any stuff and nonsense rather than that. But, I beseech you, if you
would do good in the world, rehearse God's deeds of raising up those that be bowed
Moreover, talk of
God's providing power: "The eyes of all wait upon thee; and thou givest
them their meat in due season." We ought often to speak of how God provides
for his creatures in providence. Why should we not tell how God has taken us out
of poverty, and made us rich; or, if he has not done that for us, how he has supplied
our wants day by day in an almost miraculous manner! Some persons object to such
a book as Huntington's " Bank of Faith," and I have heard some respectable
people call it "The Bank of Nonsense." Ah! if they had ever been brought
into Huntington's condition, they would see that it was indeed a bank of faith, and
not a bank of nonsense; the nonsense was in those who read it, in their unbelieving
hearts, not in the book itself. And he who has been brought into many straits and
trials, and has been divinely delivered out of them, would find that he could write
a "Bank of Faith" as good as Huntington's if he liked to do so; for he
has had as many deliverances, and he could rehearse the mighty acts of God, who has
opened his hands, and supplied the wants of his needy child. Many of you have been
out of a situation, and you have cried to God to furnish you with one, and you have
had it. Have you not sometimes been brought so low, through painful affliction, that
you could not rest? And could you not afterwards say, "I was brought low, and
he helped me"? Yes; "I was brought low, and he helped me out of my distress"?
Yes; I see some of you nodding your heads, as much as to say, "We are the men
who have passed through that experience; we have been brought into great straits,
but the Lord has delivered us out of them all." Then do not be ashamed to tell
the story. Let the world hear that God provides for his people. Go, speak of your
Father. Do as the child does, who, when he has a little cake given to him, will take
it out, and say, "Father gave me this." Do so with all your mercies; go
and tell all the world that you have a good Father, a gracious Father, a heavenly
Provider; and though he gives you a hand-basket portion, and you only live from hand
to mouth, yet tell how graciously he gives it, and that you would not change your
blest estate for all the world calls good or great.
II. I must be
One cause is, that
it is the kingdom of their own King. We do not expect French people to talk
much about the victories of the English; and I suppose there is no Russian who would
pay very many compliments to the prowess of our arms; but they will all talk about
their own monarchs. Well, that is the reason why a Christian should speak of the
glory of his Master's kingdom, and tell of his power, because it is the kingdom of
his own King. Jesus Christ may be or may not be another man's King; but, certainly
he is mine; he is the Monarch to whom I yield absolute submission. I am no longer
an alien and a stranger, but I am one of his subjects; and I will talk concerning
him, because he is my King.
Secondly, the Christian
must talk of the King's victories, because all those victories were won for him;
he recollects that his Master never fought a battle for himself,—never slew an enemy
for himself. He slew them all for his people. And if for me,—a poor abject worm,—my
Saviour did this, shall I not talk of the glory of his kingdom, when he won all that
glory for me? Will I not speak of his power, when all that power was exercised for
me? It was all for me. When he died, he died for me; when he suffered, he suffered
for me; and when he led captivity captive, he did it for me. Therefore, I must and
will speak of his dear name. I cannot help testifying to the glory of his grace in
whatever company I may be.
Again, the Christian
must talk of it, because he himself has had a good share in fighting some
of the battles. You know how old soldiers will "shoulder their crutch, and
tell how fields were won." The soldier, home from the Crimea, when he reads
the accounts of the war, says, "Ah! I know that trench; I worked in it myself.
I know the Redan; I was one of the men who attacked it." He is interested because
he had a share in the battle. "Quorum pars magna fui," said the
old soldier, in the days of Virgil; so we, if we have had a part in the battle, like
to talk concerning it. And, beloved, it is this which makes our battles dear to us;
we help to fight them. Though there was one battle which our great Captain fought
alone, and "of the people there was none with him," yet, in other victories,
he has permitted his people to help to crush the dragon's head. Recollect that you
have been a soldier in the army of the Lord; and that, in the last day, when he gives
away the medals in heaven, you will have one; when he gives away the crowns, you
will have one. We can talk about the battles, for we were in them; we can speak of
the victories, for we helped to win them. It is to our own praise as well as to our
Master's when we talk of his wondrous acts.
But the best reason
why the Christian should talk of his Master is this, if he has Christ in his heart,
the truth must come out; he cannot help it. The best reason in all the world
is the woman's reason, who said she should do it because she would do it. So it often
happens that the Christian cannot give us much reason why he must talk about his
Saviour, except that he cannot help it, and he will not try to help it. It is in
him, and it must come out. If God has put a fire inside a man's heart, do you think
it can be kept down? If we have grace in our souls, will it never come out in conversation!
God does not put his candles in lanterns through which they cannot be seen, but he
sets them on candlesticks; he does not build his cities in valleys, but he puts them
on hills, so that they cannot be hid. So he will not allow his grace to be concealed.
A Christian man cannot help being discovered. None of you ever knew a secret believer,—a
secret Christian. "Oh!" you say, "I am sure I have known such a man."
But, look you, he could not have been a secret believer if you knew him, he could
not be wholly secret; the fact that you knew him proves that he could not have been
a secret Christian. If a man says that nobody knows a thing, and yet he knows it,
he contradicts himself. You cannot, then, know a secret believer, and you never will.
There may be, indeed, some who are secret for a time, but they always have to come
out, like Joseph of Arimathaea, when he went and begged the body of Jesus. Ah! there
are some of you sitting in your pews who fancy I shall never discover you; but I
shall see you in the vestry by-and-by. Some of you keep on coming Sunday after Sunday,
and you say, "Well, I must go by-and-by, and make a profession of faith."
Yes, you will not be able to sit there long; if you have the grace of God within
you, you will be obliged to come out, and put on the Lord Jesus Christ by being baptized
in his name. Why not do so without further delay? If you love your Lord's name, come
out at once, and own it.
III. Lastly, WHAT
The first effect would
be that the world would believe us more. The world says, "What a parcel
of hypocrites Christian people are!" And they are about right concerning a good
many of you. The world says, "Why, just look at them! They profess a deal of
religion; but if you hear them talk, they do not speak differently from other people.
They sing loudly enough, it is true, when they go to church or chapel; but when do
you hear them sing at home? They go to the prayer-meeting; but have they a prayer-meeting
at their own family altar? Believe them to be Christians? No! Their lives give the
lie to their doctrines, and we do not believe them." If we oftener talked of
Christ, I am sure the world would think us to be better Christians, and they would,
no doubt, say so.
Again, if our conversations
were more concerning Christ, we, as Christian men, should grow faster, and be
more happy. What is the reason of the bickerings and jealousies between Christians?
It is this, because they do not know one another. Mr. Jay used to tell a story about
a man going out, one foggy morning, and seeing something coming in the fog; he thought
it was a monster. But, by-and-by, as he came nearer, he exclaimed, "Oh, dear
me! that's my brother John!" So it often happens, when we see people at a distance,
and hold no spiritual conversation with them, we think they are monsters. But when
we begin to talk together, and get near to one another, we say, "Why, it is
brother John, after all!" There are more true brethren about us than we dream
of. Then, I say, let your conversation, in all companies, wherever you may be, be
so seasoned with salt that a man may know you to be a Christian. In this way, you
would remove bickerings better than by all the sermons that could be preached, and
be promoting a true Evangelical Alliance far more excellent and efficient than all
the alliances which man can form.
Again, if we oftener
talked of Christ like this, how useful we might be in the salvation of souls!
O beloved, how few souls have some of you won to Christ! It says, in the Canticles,
"There is not one barren among them;" but are not some of you barren,—without
spiritual children? It was pronounced as a curse upon one of old that he should die
childless. Oh! methinks that, though the Christian is always blessed, it is half
a curse to die spiritually childless. There are some of you who are childless to-night.
You never were the means of the conversion of a soul in all your lives. You hardly
remember having tried to win anyone for the Saviour. You are good religious people
so far as your outward conduct is concerned. You go to the house of God, but you
never concern yourselves about winning souls for Jesus. O my God, let me die when
I can no longer be the means of saving souls! If I can be kept out of heaven a thousand
years, if thou wilt give me souls as my wages, let me still speak for thee; but if
there be no more sinners to be converted,—no more to be brought in by my ministry,—then
let me depart, and be "with Christ, which is far better."
Oh, think of the crowns that are in heaven! "They that be wise shall shine as
the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the
stars for ever and ever." So many souls, so many gems! Have you ever thought
what it would be to wear in heaven a starless crown? All the saints will have crowns,
but those who win souls will have a star in their crown for every soul. Some of you,
my friends, will wear a crown without a star; would you like that? You will be happy,
you will be blessed, you will be satisfied, I know, when you will be there; but can
you bear the thought of dying childless,—of having none in heaven who shall be begotten
unto Christ by you,—never having travailed in birth for souls,—never having brought
any to Christ? How can you bear to think of it? Then, if you would win souls, beloved,
talk about Jesus. There is nothing like talking of him, to lead others to him. I
read of the conversion of a servant, the other day. She was asked how she came to
know the Lord, "Well," she said, "my master, at dinner, happened to
make some simple observation to his sister across the table." The remark certainly
was not addressed to the servant; and her master had no notion that she was
listening; yet his word was blessed to her. It is well to talk behind the door that
which you do not mind hearing afterwards in the street; it is good to speak that
in the closet which you are not ashamed to listen to from the housetop, for you will
have to listen to it from the housetop by-and-by, when God shall come and call you
to account for every idle word you have spoken.
Souls are often converted through godly conversation. Simple words frequently do
more good than long sermons. Disjointed, unconnected sentences are often of more
use than the most finely polished periods or rounded sentences. If you would be useful,
let the praises of Christ be ever on your tongue; let him live on your lips. Speak
of him always; when thou walkest by the way, when thou sittest in thy house, when
thou risest up, and even when thou liest down, it may be that thou hast someone to
whom it is possible that thou mayest yet whisper the gospel of the grace of God.
Many a sister has been brought to know the Saviour by a sister's pleadings that were
only heard in the silence of the night. God give you, beloved, to fulfil our text!
"They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power."
They shall do it, mark you; God will make you do it if you are his people.
Go and do it willingly. Begin, from this time forth, and keep on doing it for ever.
Say, concerning other conversation, "Begone far hence! avaunt! Thus shall be
my constant and only theme." Be like the harp of old Anacreon, which would never
sound any other note but that of love. The harpist wished to sing of Cadmus, and
of mighty men of wisdom, but his harp would resound of love alone. Be, then, like
Anacreon's harp,—sing of Christ alone! Christ alone! Christ alone! Jesus, Jesus only!
Make him the theme of your conversation, for "they shall speak of the glory
of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power." God give you grace so to do, for Christ's
sake! Amen.
A Sermon
(No. 132)
Delivered on Sabbath Morning, May
17, 1857, by the
at the Music Hall, Royal Surrey Gardens.
"Christ the power of God, and the wisdom
of God."
—1 Corinthians 1:24.
NBELIEF toward the gospel of Christ is the
most unreasonable thing in all the world, because the reason which the unbeliever
gives for his unbelief is fairly met by the character and constitution of the gospel
of Christ. Notice that before this verse we read—"The Jews required a sign,
the Greeks seek after wisdom." If you met the Jew who believed not on Christ
in the apostle's day, he said, "I can not believe, because I want a sign;"
and if you met the Greek, he said, "I can not believe, because I want a philosophic
system, one that is full of wisdom." "Now," says the apostle, "both
these objections are untenable and unreasonable. If you suppose that the Jew requires
a sign, that sign is given him: Christ is the power of God. The miracles that Christ
wrought upon earth were signs more than sufficiently abundant; and if the Jewish
people had but the will to believe, they would have found abundant signs and reasons
for believing in the personal acts of Christ and his apostles." And let the
Greeks say, "I can not believe, because I require a wise system: O Greek, Christ
is the wisdom of God. If thou wouldst but investigate the subject, thou wouldst find
in it profoundness of wisdom—a depth where the most gigantic intellect might be drowned.
It is no shallow gospel, but a deep, and a great deep too, a deep which passeth understanding.
Thine objection is ill-founded; for Christ is the wisdom of God, and his gospel is
the highest of all sciences. If thou wishest to find wisdom, thou must find it in
the word of revelation."
Now, this morning, we shall try to bring out these two thoughts of the gospel; and
it may be that God shall bless what we shall say to the removing of the objection
of either Jew or Greek; that the one requiring a sign may see it in the power
of God in Christ, and that he who requireth wisdom may behold it in the wisdom
of God in Christ. We shall understand our text in a threefold manner: Christ, that
is, Christ personally, is "the power of God and the wisdom of God;"
Christ, that is, Christ's gospel, is "the power of God and the wisdom
of God;" Christ, that is, Christ in the heart—true religion, is "the
power of God and the wisdom of God."
I. First, to begin,
then, with CHRIST PERSONALLY. Christ considered as God and man, the Son of God equal
with his Father, and yet the man, born of the Virgin Mary. Christ, in his complex
person, is "the power of God and the wisdom of God." He is the power
of God from all eternity. "By his word were the heavens made, and all the
host of them." "The Word was God, and the Word was with God." "All
things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was made."
The pillars of the earth were placed in their everlasting sockets by the omnipotent
right hand of Christ; the curtains of the heavens were drawn upon their rings of
starry light by him who was from everlasting the All-glorious Son of God. The orbs
that float aloft in ether, those ponderous planets, and those mighty stars, were
placed in their positions or sent rolling through space by the eternal strength of
him who is "the first and the last." "the Prince of the kings of the
earth." Christ is the power of God, for he is the Creator of all things, and
by him all things exist.
But when he came to earth, took upon himself the fashion of a man, tabernacled
in the inn, and slept in the manger, he still gave proof that he was the Son of God;
not so much so when, as an infant of a span long, the immortal was the mortal and
the infinite became a babe; not so much so in his youth, but afterward when he began
his public ministry, he gave abundant proofs of his power and Godhead. The winds
hushed by his finger uplifted, the waves calmed by his voice, so that they became
solid as marble beneath his tread; the tempest, cowering at his feet, as before a
conqueror whom it knew and obeyed; these things, these stormy elements, the wind,
the tempest, and the water, gave full proof of his abundant power. The lame man leaping,
the deaf man hearing, the dumb man singing, the dead rising, these, again, were proofs
that he was, the "power of God." When the voice of Jesus startled the shades
of Hades, and rent the bonds of death, with "Lazarus, come forth!" and
when the carcass rotten in the tomb woke up to life, there was proof of his divine
power and Godhead. A thousand other proofs he afforded; but we need not stay to mention
them to you who have Bibles in your houses, and who can read them every day. At last
he yielded up his life, and was buried in the tomb. Not long, however, did he sleep;
for he gave another proof of his divine power and Godhead, when starting from his
slumber, he affrighted the guards with the majesty of his grandeur, not being holden
by the bonds of death, they being like green withes before our conquering Samson,
who had meanwhile pulled up the gates of hell, and carried them on his shoulders
far away.
That he is the power of God now, Scripture very positively affirmeth;
for it is written, "he sitteth at the right hand of God." He hath the reins
of Providence gathered in his hands; the fleet coursers of Time are driven by him
who sits in the chariot of the world, and bids its wheels run round; and he shall
bid them stay when it shall please him. He is the great umpire of all disputes, the
great Sovereign Head of the church, the Lord of heaven, and death, and hell; and
by-and-by we shall know that he shall come,
"On fiery clouds and wings of wind,
Appointed Judge of all mankind;"
and then the quickened dead, the startled myriads, the divided
firmaments, the "Depart, ye cursed," and the "Come, ye blessed,"
shall proclaim him to be the power of God, who hath power over all flesh, to save
or to condemn, as it pleaseth him.
But he is equally "the wisdom of God." The great things that he
did before all worlds were proofs of his wisdom. He planned the way of salvation;
he devised the system of atonement and substitution; he laid the foundations of the
great plan of salvation. There was wisdom. But he built the heavens by wisdom, and
he laid the pillars of light, whereon the firmament is balanced, by his skill and
wisdom. Mark the world; and learn, as ye see all its multitudinous proofs of the
wisdom of God, and there you have the wisdom of Christ; for he was the creator of
it. And when he became a man, he gave proofs enough of wisdom. Even in childhood,
when he made the doctors sit abashed by the questions that he asked, he showed that
he was more than mortal. And when the Pharisee and Sadducce and Herodian were all
at last defeated, and their nets were broken, he proved again the superlative wisdom
of the Son of God. And when those who came to take him, stood enchained by his eloquence,
spell-bound by his marvelous oratory, there was again a proof that he was the wisdom
of God, who could so enchain the minds of men. And now that he intercedeth before
the throne of God, now that he is our Advocate before the throne, the pledge and
surety for the blessed, now that the reins of government are in his hands, and are
ever wisely directed, we have abundant proofs that the wisdom of God is in Christ,
as well as the power of God. Bow before him, ye that love him; bow before him, ye
that desire him! Crown him, crown him, crown him! He is worthy of it, unto him is
everlasting might; unto him is unswerving wisdom: bless his name; exalt him; clap
your wings, ye seraphs; cry aloud, ye cherubim; shout, shout, shout, to his praise,
ye ransomed host above. And ye, O men that know his grace, extol him in your songs
for ever; for he is Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God.
II. But now Christ,
that is, CHRIST'S GOSPEL, is the power and the wisdom of God.
Christ's gospel is a thing of divine power. Do you want proofs of it? Ye shall
not go far. How could Christ's gospel have been established in this world as it was,
if it had not in itself intrinsic might? By whom was it spread? By mitered prelates,
by learned doctors, by fierce warriors, by caliphs, by prophets? No; by fishermen,
untaught, unlettered; save as the Spirit gave them utterance, not knowing how to
preach or speak. How did they spread it? By the bayonet, by their swords, by the
keen metal of their blades? Did they drive their gospel into men at the point of
the lance, and with the cimeter? Say, did myriads rush to battle, as they did when
they followed the crescent of Mohammed, and did they convert men by force, by law,
by might? Ah I no. Nothing but their simple words, their unvarnished eloquence, their
rough declamation, their unhewn oratory; these it was, which, by the blessing of
God's Spirit, carried the gospel round the world within a century after the death
of its founder.
But what was this gospel which achieved so much? Was it a thing palatable to human
nature? Did it offer a paradise of present happiness? Did it offer delight to the
flesh and to the senses? Did it give charming prospects of wealth? Did it give licentious
ideas to men? No; it was a gospel of morality most strict, it was a gospel with delights
entirely spiritual—a gospel which abjured the flesh, which, unlike the coarse delusion
of Joe Smith, cut off every prospect from men of delighting themselves with the joys
of lust. It was a gospel holy, spotless, clean as the breath of heaven; it was pure
as the wing of angel; not like that which spread of old, in the days of Mohammed,
a gospel of lust, of vice, and wickedness, but pure, and consequently not palatable
to human nature. And yet it spread. Why? My friends, I think the only answer I can
give you is, because it has in it the power of God.
But do you want another proof? How has it been maintained since then? No easy path
has the gospel had. The good bark of the church has had to plow her way through seas
of blood, and those who have manned her have been bespattered with the bloody spray;
yea, they have had to man her and keep her in motion, by laying down their lives
unto the death. Mark the bitter persecution of the church of Christ from the time
of Nero to the days of Mary, and further on, through the days of Charles the Second,
and of those kings of unhappy memory, who had not as yet learned how to spell "toleration."
From the dragoons of Claverhouse, right straight away to the gladiatorial shows of
Rome, what a long series of persecutions has the gospel had! But, as the old divines
used to say, "The blood of the martyrs" has been "the seed of the
church." It has been, as the old herbalists had it, like the herb camomile,
the more it is trodden on, the more it grows; and the more the church has been ill-treated,
the more it has prospered. Behold the mountains where the Albigenses walk in their
white garments; see the stakes of smithfleld, not yet forgotten; behold ye the fields
among the towering hills, where brave hands kept themselves free from despotic tyranny.
Mark ye the Pilgrim Fathers, driven by a government of persecution across the briny
deep. See what vitality the gospel has. Plunge her under the wave, and she rises,
the purer for her washing; thrust her in the fire, and she comes out, the more bright
for her burning; cut her in sunder, and each piece shall make another church; behead
her, and like the hydra of old, she shall have a hundred heads for every one you
cut away. She can not die, she must live; for she has the power of God within her.
Do you want another proof? I give you a better one than the last. I do not wonder
that the church has outlived persecution so much as I wonder she has outlived the
unfaithfulness of her professed teachers. Never was church so abused as the church
of Christ has been, all through her history; from the days of Diotrephes, who sought
to have the pre-eminence, even to these later times, we can read of proud, arrogant
prelates, and supercilious, haughty lords over God's inheritance. Bonners, Dunstans,
and men of all sorts, have come into her ranks, and done all they could to kill her;
and with their lordly priestcraft they have tried to turn her aside. And what shall
we say to that huge apostacy of Rome? A thousand miracles that ever the church outlived
that! When her pretended head became apostate, and all her bishops disciples of hell,
and she had gone far away, wonder of wonders, that she should come out, in the days
of the glorious Reformation, and should still live. And, even now, when I mark the
supineness of many of my brethren in the ministry-when I mark their utter and entire
inefficiency of doing aught for God—when I see their waste of time, preaching now
and then on the Sunday, instead of going to the highways and hedges and preaching
the gospel everywhere to the poor—when I see the want of unction in the church itself,
the want of prayerfulness—when I see wars and fightings, factions and disunions—when
I see hot blood and pride, even in the meetings of the saints; I say it is a thousand
thousand miracles that the church of God should be alive at all, after the unfaithfulness
of her members, her ministers, and her bishops. She has the power of God within her,
or else she would have been destroyed; for she has got enough within her own loins
to work her destruction.
"But," says one, "you have not yet proved it is the power of God to
my understanding." Sir, I will give you another proof There are not a few of
you, who are now present, who would be ready, I know, if it were necessary, to rise
in your seats and bear me witness that I speak the truth. There are some who, not
many months ago, were drunkards; some who were loose livers; men who were unfaithful
to every vow which should keep man to truth, and right, and chastity, and honesty,
and integrity. Yes, I repeat, I have some here who look back to a life of detestable
sin. You tell me, some of you, that for thirty years even (there is one such present
now) you never listened to a gospel ministry, nor ever entered the house of God at
all; you despised the Sabbath, you spent it in all kinds of evil pleasures, you plunged
headlong into sin and vice, and your only wonder is, that God has not out you off
long ago, as cumberers of the ground; and now you are here, as different as light
from darkness. I know your characters, and have watched you with a father's love;
for, child though I am, I am the spiritual father of some here whose years outcount
mine by four times the number; and I have seen you honest who were thieves, and you
sober who were drunkards. I have seen the wife's glad eye sparkling with happiness;
and many a woman has grasped me by the hand, shed her tears upon me, and said, "I
bless God; I am a happy woman now; my husband is reclaimed, my house is blessed;
our children are brought up in the fear of the Lord." Not one or two, but scores
of such are here. And, my friends, if these be not proofs that the gospel is the
power of God, I say there is no proof of any thing to be had in the world, and every
thing must be conjecture. Yes, and there worships with you this day (and if there
be a secularist here, my friend will pardon me for alluding to him for a moment),
there is in the house of God this day one who was a leader in your ranks, one who
despised God, and ran very far away from right. And here he is! It is his honor this
day to own himself a Christian; and I hope, when this sermon is ended, to grasp him
by the hand, for he has done a valiant deed; he has bravely burned his papers in
the sight of all the people, and has turned to God with full purpose of heart. I
could give you proofs enough, if proofs were wanted, that the gospel has been to
men the power of God and the wisdom of God. More proofs I could give, yea, thousands,
one upon the other.
But we must notice the other points. Christ's gospel is the wisdom of God.
Look at the gospel itself and you will see it to be wisdom. The man who scoffs and
sneers at the gospel does so for no other reason but because he does not understand
it. We have two of the richest books of theology extant that were written by professed
infidels—by men that were so, I mean, before they wrote the books. You may have heard
the story of Lord Lyttleton and West. I believe they determined to refute Christianity;
one of them took up the subject of Paul's conversion, and the other, the subject
of the resurrection; they sat down, both of them, to write books to ridicule those
two events, and the effect was, that in studying the subject, they, both of them,
became Christians, and wrote books which are now bulwarks to the church they hoped
to have overthrown. Every man who looks the gospel fairly in the face, and gives
it the study it ought to have, will discover that it is no false gospel, but a gospel
that is replete with wisdom, and full of the knowledge of Christ. If any man will
cavil at the Bible, be must cavil. There are some men who can find no wisdom anywhere,
except in their own heads. Such men, however, are no judges of wisdom. We should
not set a mouse to explain the phenomena of astronomy, nor should we set a man who
is so foolish as to do nothing but cavil to understand the wisdom of the gospel.
It needs that a man should at least be honest, and have some share of sense, or we
can not dispute with him at all. Christ's gospel, to any man who believes it, is
the wisdom of God.
Allow me just to hint that to be a believer in the gospel is no dishonor to a man's
intellect. While the gospel can be understood by the poorest and the most illiterate,
while there are shallows in it where a lamb may wade, there are depths where leviathan
may swim. The intellect of Locke found ample space in the gospel; the mind of Newton
submitted to receive the truth of inspiration as a little child, and found a something
in its majestic being higher than itself, unto which it could not attain. The rudest
and most untaught have been enabled, by the study of the holy Scripture of God's
truth to enter the kingdom; and the most erudite have said of the gospel, it surpasses
thought. I was thinking the other day what a vast amount of literature must be lost
if the gospel be not true. No book was ever so suggestive as the Bible. Large tomes
we have in our libraries which it takes all our strength to lift, all upon holy Scripture;
myriads upon myriads of smaller volumes, tens of thousands of every shape and size,
all written upon the Bible; and I have thought that the very suggestiveness of Scripture,
the supernatural suggestiveness of holy Writ, may be in itself a proof of its divine
wisdom, since no man has ever been able to write a book which could have so many
commentators and so many writers upon its text as the Bible has received, by so much
as one millionth part.
A MAN THE GOSPEL IN THE SOUL, is the power of God and the wisdom of God. We will
picture the Christian from his beginning to his end. We will give a short map of
his history. He begins there, in that prison-house, with huge iron bars, which he
can not file; in that dark, damp cell, where pestilence and death are bred. There,
in poverty and nakedness, without a pitcher to put to his thirsty lips, without a
mouthful even of dry crust to satisfy his hunger, that is where be begins—in the
prison chamber of conviction, powerless, lost and ruined. Between the bars I thrust
my hand to him, and give to him in God's name the name of Christ to plead. Look at
him; he has been filing away at these bars many and many a day, without their yielding
an inch; but now he has got the name of Christ upon his lips; he puts his hands upon
the bars, and one of them is gone, and another, and another; and be makes a happy
escape, crying, "I am free, I am free, I am free! Christ has been the power
of God to me, in bringing me out of my trouble." No sooner is he free, however,
than a thousand doubts meet him. This one cries, "You are not elect;" another
cries, "You are not redeemed;" another says, "You are not called;"
another says, "You are not converted." "Avaunt," says he, "avaunt!
Christ died;" and he just pleads the name of Christ as the power of God, and
the doubts flee apace, and he walks straight on. He comes soon into the furnace of
trouble; he is thrust into the innermost prison, and his feet are made fast in the
stocks. God has put his hand upon him. He is in deep trouble; at midnight he begins
to sing of Christ; and lo! the walls begin to totter, and the foundation of the prison
to shake; and the man's chains are taken off, and he comes out free; for Christ hath
delivered him from trouble. Here is a hill to climb, on the road to heaven. Wearily
he pants up the side of that hill, and thinks he must die ere he can reach the summit.
The name of Jesus is whispered in his ear; he leaps to his feet, and pursues his
way, with fresh courage, until the summit is gained, when he cries, "Jesus Christ
is the strength of my song; he also hath become my salvation." See him again.
He is on a sudden beset by many enemies; how shall he resist them? With this true
sword, this true Jerusalem blade, Christ, and him crucified. With this he keeps the
devil at arm's length; with this he fights against temptation, and against lust,
against spiritual wickedness in high places, and with this he resists. Now, he has
come to his last struggle; the river Death rolls black and sullen before him; dark
shapes rise upward from the flood, and howl and fright him. How shall he cross the
stream? How shall he find a landing place on the other side? Dread thoughts perplex
him for a moment; he is alarmed; but he remembers, Jesus died; and catching up that
watchword he ventures to the flood. Before his feet the Jordan flies apace; like
Israel of old, he walks through, dry shod, singing as he goes to heaven, "Christ
is with me, Christ is with me, passing through the stream ! Victory, victory, victory,
to him that loveth me!"
To the Christian in his own experience Christ is ever the power of God. As for temptation
he can meet that with Christ; as for trouble he can endure that through Christ who
strengthens him, yea, he can say with Paul, "I can do all things through Christ
who strengthens me." Have you never seen a Christian in trouble, a true Christian?
I have read a story of a man who was converted to God by seeing the conduct of his
wife in the hour of trouble. They had a lovely child, their only offspring. The father's
heart doted on it perpetually, and the mother's soul was knit up in the heart of
the little one. It lay sick upon its bed, and the parents watched it night and day.
At last it died. The father had no God: he rent his hair, he rolled upon the floor
in misery, wallowed upon the earth, cursing his being, and defying God in the utter
casting down of his agony. There sat his wife, as fond of the child as ever he could
be; and though tears would come, she gently said "The Lord gave, and the Lord
hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." "What," said he,
starting to his feet, "you love that child? I thought that when that child died
you would break your heart. Here am I, a strong man. I am mad: here are you, a weak
woman, and yet you are strong and bold; tell me what it is possesses you?" Said
she, "Christ is my Lord, I trust in him; surely I can give this child to him
who gave himself for me." From that instant the man became a believer. "There
must," said he, "be some truth and some power in the gospel, which could
lead you to believe in such a manner, under such a trial." Christians! try to
exhibit that spirit wherever you are, and prove to the worldling that in your experience
at least "Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God."
And now the last point. In the Christian's experience, Christ is wisdom, as
well as power. If you want to be a thoroughly learned man the best place to begin,
is to begin at the Bible, to begin at Christ. It is said that even children learn
to read more quickly from the Bible than from any other book; and this I am sure
of, that we, who are but grown-up children, will learn better and learn faster by
beginning with Christ than we could by beginning with any thing else. I remember
saying once, and as I can not say it better I will repeat it, that before I knew
the gospel I gathered up a heterogeneous mass of all kinds of knowledge from here,
there, and everywhere; a bit of chemistry, a bit of botany, a bit of astronomy, and
a bit of this, that, and the other. I put them altogether, in one great confused
chaos. When I learned the gospel, I got a shelf in my head to put every thing away
upon just where it should be. It seemed to me as if, when I had discovered Christ
and him crucified, I had got the center of the system, so that I could see every
other science revolving around in order. From the earth, you know, the planets appear
to move in a very irregular manner—they are progressive, retro grade, stationary;
but if you could get upon the sun, you would see them marching round in their constant,
uniform, circular motion. So with knowledge. Begin with any other science you like,
and truth will seem to be awry. Begin with the science of Christ crucified, and you
will begin with the sun, you will see every other science moving round it in complete
harmony. The greatest mind in the world will be evolved by beginning at the right
end. The old saying is, "Go from nature up to nature's God;" but it is
hard work going up hill. The best thing is to go from nature's God down to nature;
and if you once get to nature's God, and believe him and love him, it is surprising
how easy it is to hear music in the waves, and songs in the wild whisperings of the
winds; to see God everywhere, in the stones, in the rocks, in the rippling brooks,
and hear him everywhere, in the lowing of cattle, in the rolling of thunder, and
in the fury of tempests. Get Christ first, put him in the right place, and you will
find him to be the wisdom of God in your own experience.
But wisdom is not knowledge; and we must not confound the two. Wisdom is the right
use of knowledge; and Christ's gospel helps us, by teaching us the right use of knowledge.
It directs us. Yon Christian has lost his way in a dark wood; but God's Word is a
compass to him, and a lantern, too: he finds his way by Christ. He comes to a turn
in the road. Which is right, and which is wrong? He can not tell. Christ is the great
sign-post, telling him which way to go. He sees every day new straits attend; he
knows not which way to steer. Christ is the great pilot who puts his hand on the
tiller, and makes him wise to steer through the shoals of temptation and the rocks
of sin. Get the gospel, and you are a wise man. "The fear of the Lord is the
beginning of wisdom, and right understanding have they who keep his commandments."
Ah! Christian, you have had many doubts, but you have had them all unriddled, when
you have come to the cross of Christ. You have had many difficulties; but they have
been all explained in the light of Calvary. You have seen mysteries, when you have
brought them to the face of Christ, made clear and manifest, which once you never
could have known. Allow me to remark here, that some people make use of Christ's
gospel to illuminate their heads, instead of making use of it to illuminate their
hearts. They are like the farmer Rowland Hill once described. The farmer is sitting,
by the fire with his children; the cat is purring on the hearth, and they are all
in great comfort. The plowman rushes in and cries, "Thieves! thieves! thieves!"
The farmer rises up in a moment, grasps the candle, holds it up to his head, rushes
after the thieves, and, says Rowland Hill, "he tumbles over a wheelbarrow, because
he holds the light to his head, instead of holding it to his feet." So there
are many who just hold religion up to illuminate their intellect, instead of holding
it down to illuminate their practice; and so they make a sad tumble of it, and cast
themselves into the mire, and do more hurt to their Christian profession in one hour
than they will ever be able to retrieve. Take care that you make the wisdom of God,
by God's Holy Spirit, a thing of true wisdom, directing your feet into his statutes,
and keeping you in his ways.
And now a practical appeal, and we have done. I have been putting my arrow on the
string; and if I have used any light similes, I have but done so just as the archer
tips his arrow with a feather, to make it fly the better. I know that a rough quaint
saying often sticks, when another thing is entirely for-gotten. Now let us draw the
bow, and send the arrow right at your hearts. Men, brethren, fathers, how many of
you have felt in yourselves that Christ is the power of God, and the wisdom of God?
Internal evidence is the best evidence in the world for the truth of the gospel.
No Paley or Butler can prove the truth of the gospel so well as Mary, the servant
girl yonder, that has got the gospel in her heart, and the power of it manifest in
her life. Say, has Christ ever broken your bonds and set you free? Has he delivered
you from your evil life, and from your sin? Has he given you "a good hope through
grace," and can you now say, "On him I lean; on my beloved I stay myself?"
If so, go away and rejoice: you are a saint; for the apostle has said, "He is
unto us who are saved, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God." But if
you can not say this, allow me affectionately to warn you. If you want not this power
of Christ, and this wisdom of Christ now, you will want them in a few short moments,
when God shall come to judge the quick and the dead, when you shall stand before
his bar, and when all the deeds that you have done shall be read before an assembled
world. You will want religion then. O that you had grace to tremble now; grace to
"kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish from the way, when his wrath
is kindled but a little." Hear ye how to be saved, and I have done. Do you feel
that you are a sinner? Are you conscious that you have rebelled against God? Are
you willing to acknowledge your transgressions, and do you hate and abhor them, while
at the same time you feel you can do nothing to atone for them? Then hear this. Christ
died for you; and if he died for you, you can not be lost. Christ died in vain for
no man for whom he died. If you are a penitent and a believer, he died for you, and
you are safe; go your way: rejoice "with joy unspeakable, and full of glory;"
for he who has taught you your need of a Saviour, will give you that Saviour's blood
to be applied to your conscience, and you shall ere long, with yonder blood-washed
host, praise God and the Lamb saying, "Hallelujah, for ever, Amen!" Only
do you feel that you are a sinner? If not, I have no gospel to preach to you; I can
but warn you. But if you feel your lost estate, and come to Christ, come, and welcome,
for he will never cast you away.
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