The Da Vinci Code Effect ---New Window 5-26-06
| Sin Can Be Prevented ---New Window 5-15-05
How Evolution Undermines the Need for a Savior ---New Window 5-8-05
| Why I Use the King James Version ---New Window 1-12-05
What is a Famine? ---New Window 1-3-05
| What Saith the Scripture? A Way of Life ---New Window 12-28-04
The Crucifixion of Christ: Jews or Gentiles-- Who Stinketh the Most? ---New Window 4-21-04
| When Everything Seems to Fail ---New Window 2-12-04
An Historical Perspective of Precious Bible Promises ---New Window 12-9-03
| Revenge of the Worms ---New Window 12-9-03
Love Makes the World Go Round ---New Window 8-22-03
| Only God Is Good ---New Window 8-3-2003
We Must See Jesus ---New Window 7-17-2003
| The Failure of Prophecy ---New Window 5-1-2003
I Shall Come Forth As Gold ---New Window 12-17-2002
| The Magi and the Star of Bethlehem ---New Window 12-2-2002
Social Security, the Stock Market, and Unemployment ---New Window 10-5-2002
| DNA: Who Owns the Book of Life? ---New Window 9-5-2002
Man-Made Earthquakes and the Rapture ---New Window 7-20-2002
| The Eyes of Faith ---New Window 7-14-2002
Things Don't Just Happen ---New Window 7-9-2002
| A Place Called Safe ---New Window 7-4-2002
Why God Must Prove Us ---New Window 6-25-2002
| Sex Scandal in the Catholic Church ---New Window 5-26-2002
Stand Right and Stand Fast ---New Window 4-15-2002
| The Beast That Was, and Is Not, and Yet Is ---New Window 3-27-2002
Our Light Afflictions Work For Us, Not Against Us ---New Window 3-24-2002
| The Beasts of the Apocalypse ---New Window 3-11-2002
Seek God First ---New Window 1-3-2002
| Pray for the Burnhams' Release ---New Window 12-25-2001
The Story Behind "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day" ---New Window 12-20-2001
| Christian, Be Ready! ---New Window 11-18-2001
Secret of Abiding in Christ ---New Window 10-30-2001
| God Cannot Wait ---New Window 10-15-2001
Is It Possible to Guarantee Our Obedience? ---New Window 10-10-2001
| Significance of the Attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon ---New Window 9-16-2001
If Jesus Never Came ---New Window 9-7-2001
| When You Are Ready to Panic ---New Window 8-28-2001
What is God Teaching You? ---New Window 8-17-2001
| Communing With God ---New Window 8-13-2001
The Danger of Modern Prophets ---New Window 7-24-2001
| St. Patrick: The Trinity and the Shamrock ---New Window 7-22-2001
What Happened in Gethsemane? ---New Window 7-2-2001
| Lead Us Not Into Temptation ---New Window 6-29-2001
What's Wrong With the Golden Rule? ---New Window 6-17-2001
| Armageddon and the Great Crack in the Earth ---New Window 6-10-2001
The Manner of the Second Coming of the LORD Jesus Christ ---New Window 6-5-2001
| Why Study Prophecy? ---New Window 5-18-2001
Living By Faith ---New Window 4-30-2001
| Repentance After the Mark of the Beast? ---New Window 4-16-2001
Help for Those Who Need Patience ---New Window 3-29-2001
| Discovering God ---New Window 2-25-2001
If I Were God ---New Window 2-18-2001
| Christian, We Are In Better Hands Than We Deserve ---New Window 1-15-2001
Unlocking the Secret of Life ---New Window 1-2-2001
| The Excellence of Love ---New Window 12-24-2000
The Treasure of True Christian Friendship ---New Window 12-11-2000
| A Crisis in America? ---New Window 11-26-2000
All Things New ---New Window 11-13-2000
| God Is In the Details ---New Window 11-7-2000
Charles G. Finney on the Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit ---New Window 10-30-2000
| Do Not Litter ---New Window 10-30-2000
What is the Difference Between the Gospel and the Great Commission? ---New Window 10-25-2000
| Love and Vengeance ---New Window 10-20-2000
When Will the Violence Cease? ---New Window 10-15-2000
| The Cold War and Spiritual Warfare ---New Window 9-10-2000
A Little Leaven ---New Window 9-5-2000
| Baby Boomers: Why Shall We Then Live? ---New Window 8-6-2000
But Where Are the Nine? ---New Window 7-27-2000
| Survival of the Fittest ---New Window 7-20-2000
China's Future is Written in Scripture ---New Window 5-31-2000
| The Necessity of Suffering ---New Window 5-1-2000
The Most Negative Verse in the Bible ---New Window 4-23-2000
| Who Has the Right to Judge? ---New Window 4-4-2000
United Religions (2000): A Tower Unto Heaven ---New Window 3-12-2000
| Our Rare Earth ---New Window 2-21-2000
Christian Separation ---New Window 1-29-2000
| Sir Robert Anderson and the Seventy Weeks of Daniel ---New Window 1-14-2000
God's Strange Work ---New Window 1-5-2000
| What Is Mercy? ---New Window 12-28-99
The Mainspring of Moral Action ---New Window 12-21-99
| Alone, But Not Lonely ---New Window 12-12-99
Christ's Human Sinlessness Proves the Justice of God's Demand for Man's Sinlessness ---New Window 12-6-99
| Hugh Latimer: Example of Christian Courage ---New Window 11-29-99
Thanks Be Unto God ---New Window 11-19-99
| The Vicious Cycle of Prosperity ---New Window 11-9-99
The Betrayal of Martin Luther ---New Window 10-30-99
| Gideon and the Pre-Tribulational Rapture ---New Window 10-25-99
The Power of Preservation ---New Window 10-21-99
| Why Does the Wind Blow? ---New Window 10-17-99
The New Millennium ---New Window 9-13-99
| Charles G. Finney on Christian Perfection ---New Window 8-25-99
There Shall Be Earthquakes ---New Window 8-19-99
| Have You Heard a Still Small Voice? ---New Window 8-14-99
Why is It So Difficult for a Rich Man to Enter the Kingdom of God? ---New Window 7-30-99
| John F. Kennedy, Jr.: America's Departed Prince ---New Window 7-21-99
An Impossible Standard? ---New Window 7-20-99
| If My WORDS Abide In You ---New Window 7-16-99
Laodicea-- What Happened? ---New Window 7-5-99
| Behold, I Come Quickly ---New Window 6-24-99
Antinomianism- The Popular Heresy ---New Window 6-20-99
| Don't Worry About the Rapture ---New Window 5-22-99
The Honor of the Eleventh Hour Labourers ---New Window 5-22-99
| Why Will There Be a Tribulation? ---New Window 5-13-99
The Pre-Tribulational Rapture "Confidence" Game ---New Window 5-10-99
| In the Presence of Mine Enemies: The Release of American POWs ---New Window 5-1-99
Lessons of Columbine: Hatred and Martyrdom, Blame and Forgiveness ---New Window 4-28-99
| Why Did God Allow It? ---New Window 4-21-99