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Phila delphia > "THE OBERLIN EVANGELIST" 1839 Lectures Index by Charles G. Finney

Voices From the
Church of Philadelphia

The Oberlin Evangelist

Charles G. Finney

1839 Index
Public Domain Texts

Official Publication of Oberlin College
Oberlin, Ohio

Sermons and Lectures
by Charles G. Finney,
president of Oberlin College
  Wisdom is justified.

Contents of the 1839 Lectures

Professor Finney's Letter
of January 1, 1839

New Window


precedes the following lecture "Eternal Life."

"Eternal Life" ---New Window

Lecture I

I. Show what we are to understand by eternal life.

II. That Jesus Christ is the eternal life of the soul.

III. That God has given eternal life to all mankind, entirely irrespective of their knowledge or consent.

IV. That this gift may be rejected by unbelief, or received by faith.

V. Whosoever believes on the Son of God, or receives this gift, has the witness in himself, or knows that he has eternal life by his own consciousness.

"Faith" ---New Window

Lecture II

I. Notice several erroneous answers, commonly given to the question proposed in the text, viz: What shall we do that we may work the works of God?

II. Show that Christ gave the only proper answer, under the circumstances in which the question was asked.

III. Show that, under other circumstances, another answer might, with propriety, be given.

Professor Finney's Letter
of January 30, 1839

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precedes the following lecture "Devotion."

"Devotion" ---New Window

Lecture III

I. What is not true devotion to God.

II. What is true devotion.

III. That devotion, and nothing short of devotion is true religion.

IV. Notice several mistakes commonly made upon this subject.

Professor Finney's Letter
of February 13, 1839

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precedes the following lecture "True and False Religion."

"True and False Religion" ---New Window

Lecture IV

I. What it is to make a man a slave.

II. What it is to be a slave.

III. What true liberty is.

IV. That the religion of many persons is mere slavery.

V. That true religion is genuine liberty.

"The Law of God- No. 1" ---New Window

Lecture V

I. That obedience to these two commandments, comprises the whole of true Religion.

II. What constitutes true obedience.

III. Notice several mistakes into which men have fallen on this subject.

"The Law of God- No. 2" ---New Window

Lecture VI

I. The real spirit and meaning of this commandment.

II. Its tendency, and the natural results of perfect and universal obedience.

III. The tendency and natural results of universal disobedience.

IV. That it is the universal and unalterable rule of right.

V. Wherein it differs from human laws.

VI. That every violation of this rule is fraud and injustice.

VII. That the public, and to a great extent, the private conscience is formed on the principles of commercial justice.

VIII. That the transaction of business upon principles of commercial justice merely, is a violation of the law--rebellion against God--and in a professor of religion, is real apostasy.

IX. That restitution must be made, whenever restitution is practicable, in all cases where this law is violated, or there is no forgiveness.

"Glorifying God" ---New Window

Lecture VII

I. What is to be understood, by the glory of God.

II. How we may glorify Him.

III. To what extent, we are to apply this rule, in practice.

IV. The importance of glorifying God.

V. That whatever is short of this, is enmity against God.

Professor Finney's Letter
of April 10, 1839

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precedes the following lecture "True and False Peace".

"True and False Peace" ---New Window

Lecture VIII

I. What we are to understand by law, in this passage.

II. What it is to love the law of God.

III. That the natural result of this love is great, and constant peace of mind.

IV. That nothing shall offend them, that love the law of God.

V. Notice a delusion upon this subject ,that is very common among professed Christians.

"Dominion Over Sin" ---New Window

Originally untitled. Title supplied by WStS.

Lecture IX

I. What sin is.

II. When it may be said, that sin has dominion in the soul.

III. What it is to be under the law.

IV. What it is to be under grace.

V. That under the law, sin will have dominion over an unsanctified mind, of course.

VI. That sin cannot have dominion over those who are under grace.

"Carefulness A Sin" ---New Window

Lecture X

I. What carefulness, as used in this text, is.

II. That this state of mind is sin.

III. How to avoid it.

"The Promises - No.'s 1 & 2" ---New Window

Lectures XI &XII

I. I shall preface what I have to say upon this subject with several preliminary remarks, with regard to the promises of the Scripture.

II. Show the design of the promises.

III. Show that they are adequate to that for which they are designed.

IV. Show why they are not fulfilled in us.

"Being in Debt" ---New Window

Lecture XIII

I. The meaning of the text.

II. That to be in debt is sin.

III. The duty of those who are in debt.

"The Holy Spirit of Promise" ---New Window

Lecture XIV

I. That the blessing of Abraham has come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ.

II. It teaches what this blessing is.

III. That it is to be received by faith.

"The Covenants" ---New Window

Lecture XV

I. What is implied in a covenant.

II. The different kinds of covenants.

III. Some of the principal covenants of God with men.

IV. Which of them are set aside, and in what sense they are set aside.

V. That the New Covenant is the accomplishment of what was proposed by the preceding covenants.

"The Rest of Faith- No. 1" ---New Window

Lecture XVI

I. Inquire of whom the Apostle is speaking in this text, and into what it is said they could not enter.

II. Why they could not enter in.

III. Show that temporal Canaan was typical of the rest of faith.

IV. What is implied in this rest.

V. How we may seem to come short of it.

VI. How we may take possession of it.

"What is here but an ocean of consolation to a mind that has faith? Now what wait ye for. Anchor right down upon these promises. They can give you instant rest. Nothing but faith is wanting to put you in possession of it. And nothing else than faith can do you any good. There is no need of going around, or waiting to come at this rest by degrees. It is to be entered upon at once. The land may be possessed now in the twinkling of an eye."

"The Rest of Faith- No. 2" ---New Window

Lecture XVII

I. That faith instantly introduces the soul into a state of rest.

II. That unbelief renders the rest of the soul impossible.

"Affections and Emotions of God" ---New Window

Lecture XVIII

I. That God is a moral agent.

II. That He really exercises all the affections and emotions ascribed to Him in the Bible.

III. That it is a real and great grief to Him to abandon sinners to death.

IV. That they really compel Him to do so.

"Legal and Gospel Experience" ---New Window

Lecture XIX

I. Inquire what we are to understand by the horrible pit of miry clay.

II. Show what is implied in waiting patiently for the Lord.

III. Show what is implied in being brought up out of the horrible pit of miry clay.

IV. What is implied in having his goings established.

V. Notice the consequences of this experience.

"How to Prevent Our Employments
from Injuring Our Souls
" ---New Window

Lecture XX

I. That idleness is inconsistent with religion.

II. That all persons are bound to pursue some lawful employment.

III. That they are to be diligent in their calling whatever it is.

IV. How to prevent employments, either secular or spiritual, from becoming a snare to the soul.

"Grieving the Holy Spirit- No. 1" ---New Window

Lecture XXI

I. Show that the Holy Spirit can be, and often is grieved by men.

II. How and when He is grieved.

III. The consequences of grieving the Holy Spirit.

"Grieving the Holy Spirit- No. 2" ---New Window

Lecture XXII

Continued from Lecture XXI

  Wisdom is justified.

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  Wisdom is justified.


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