"Thanks for The Gospel Victory" ---New Window
Lecture I
I. That unconverted men are morally and spiritually dead.
II. Moral death of sinners is a fact of experience.
III. There must be efficacious remedy for sin.
IV. This remedy is never in ourselves.
V. What the Bible thus declares, is true also in philosophy and in fact.
VI. Thanksgiving for victory over sin.
VII. Until the church is sanctified, the world cannot be converted.
"Gospel Ministers Ambassadors for Christ" ---New Window
Lecture II
I. Sinners are not reconciled to God.
II. But what is implied in being reconciled?
"The Destruction of the Wicked" ---New Window
Lecture III
I. Notice some of the ways in which God reproves the wicked;
II. Show what is meant by hardening the neck;
III. Point out some of the ways in which men do harden the neck;
IV. What is meant by being suddenly destroyed;
V. What, by being destroyed without remedy;
VI. Why this destruction is remediless.
"The Wicked Stumbling in Their Darkness" ---New Window
Lecture IV
I. It is well, in the first place, to notice several facts of human consciousness.
II. To state in detail some of the things over which sinners stumble.
III. A few words should be said here as to the course that true wisdom dictates.
"On The Atonement" ---New Window
Lecture V
I. A very brief allusion to the circumstances under which sin came into the world.
II. The philosophical explanation of the reasons and governmental bearings of the
atonement, must not be confounded with the fact of an atonement.
III. A distinction must here be made between public and retributive justice.
IV. In this atonement God has expressed His high regard for His law and for obedience
to it.
V. What can be done to teach these lessons, and to impress them with great and everlasting
emphasis on the universe?
"The Sinner's Natural Power and Moral Weakness" ---New Window
Lecture VI
I. All men are naturally free, and none the less so for being sinners.
II. Men have this attribute of moral liberty, it is equally true that they are morally
"Moral Insanity" ---New Window
Lecture VII
I. But what is intended by affirming that "madness is in their heart while
they live?"
II. It is important to point out some of the manifestations of this state of mind.
III. This moral insanity is a state of unmingled wickedness.
"On Believing with The Heart" ---New Window
Lecture VIII
I. To notice some of the conditions of intellectual faith.
II. What are not, and what are, conditions of heart faith.
"On Offering Praise to God" ---New Window
Lecture IX
I. What is implied in offering acceptable praise to God?
II. What is it, we next enquire, to glorify God?