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Voices from Philadelphia
Charles Grandison Finney
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Phila delphia > "THE OBERLIN EVANGELIST" 1855 Lectures Index by Charles G. Finney

Voices From the
Church of Philadelphia

The Oberlin Evangelist

Charles G. Finney

1855 Index
Public Domain Texts

Official Publication of Oberlin College
Oberlin, Ohio

Sermons and Lectures
by Charles G. Finney,
president of Oberlin College
  Wisdom is justified.

Contents of the 1855 Lectures

"On Prayer" ---New Window

Lecture I

I. Why men should pray at all;

II. Why men should pray always and not faint;

III. Why they do not pray always;--with remarks.

"On Persevering Prayer for Others" ---New Window

Lecture II

I. Prayer offered for others, and the encouragement we have for such prayer;

II. Why should we pray for others?

III. Perseverance in prayer.

IV. But why do not men pray more for others?

"On Being Almost Persuaded to be a Christian" ---New Window

Lecture III

I. Notice the fact that men are made Christians by persuasion.

II. Show what are not reasons why they are not altogether persuaded.

III. What are the reasons why they are only almost and not altogether persuaded.

"On Neglecting Salvation" ---New Window

Lecture IV

I. The greatness of this salvation must correspond to the greatness of that evil from which it saves us.

II. It must correspond, also, to the greatness of that positive good which it confers.

III. Neglect of salvation.

IV. Reasons for this neglect of salvation.

"On Prayer for The Holy Spirit" ---New Window

Lecture V

I. The gift of the Holy Ghost comprehends all we need spiritually.

II. It is supremely easy to obtain this gift from God.

III. Injurious and dishonorable to God are the practical views.

IV. How to account for the impression that the Holy Spirit can rarely be obtained in satisfying fullness.

V. How can we reconcile this experience with Christ's veracity.

"Conscience and The Bible in Harmony" ---New Window

Lecture VI

I. Conscience is a moral function of the reason, or intellect.

II. The Bible and the human conscience are at one and entirely agree in all their moral decisions and teachings.

"God Has No Pleasure In The Sinner's Death" ---New Window

Lecture VII

I. What this death is not;

II. What it is;

III. Why God has no pleasure in it;

IV. Why He does not prevent it;

V. The only way in which He can prevent it.

"On Being Searched of God" ---New Window

Lecture VIII

I. To show when this prayer, always appropriate, is especially and peculiarly so.

II. Why do men need divine searching?

III. I must next speak of the manner in which God answers prayer to be searched.

"On Injustice To Character" ---New Window

Lecture IX

I. What is not intended in this prohibition?

II. What is intended?

III. Wherein does character consist?

IV. How is character revealed?

V. What is the rule of judgment?

VI. What are the sources of injustice to character?

VII. Consider our danger of falling into this sin.

VIII. The great wickedness of this sin.

IX. The results of injustice to character.

"God's Goodness Toward Men Basely Requited" ---New Window

Lecture X

I. In what God's goodness and love to men are manifested;

II. How these manifestations ought to be received;

III. How they are received in fact.

"Losing First Love" ---New Window

Lecture XI

I. Notice briefly what the first love of a Christian is;

II. How it manifests itself;

III. How it may be known that Christians have left their first love;

IV. Describe the state into which they fall;

V. The only remedy for this state of things.

"Men, Ignorant of God's Righteousness, Would Fain Establish Their Own" ---New Window

Lecture XII

I. When one may be said to be ignorant of God's righteousness.

II. When men may be said to go about to establish their own righteousness.

III. What this righteousness of God is--this of which sinners are so ignorant.

"Adorning the Doctrine of God Our Savior" ---New Window

Lecture XIII

I. What is this doctrine of God our Savior?

II. What is it to adorn this doctrine?

III. What are the particular reasons for our thus adorning the gospel?

IV. What are the conditions of so adorning this gospel?

  Wisdom is justified.

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  Wisdom is justified.


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